Saturday, February 23, 2008's been forever!

It's really been a long time since I've blogged. No reason, 'cept for life. But, life is good! The whole family, save for Alison, are completely, whole-heartedly ready for winter to be over. Alison, is, as I type, out sledding w/ her friend. be young! Granted, I'd be out with her, too, if I wasn't so tired of being cold.

We have a new addition to our family. She's an adorable 12 week old shih tzu named Millie. We weren't planning on getting another dog after we got rid of Mia, our Husky, but we were blessed w/ the offer of a free puppy and it just seemed right. And, it is! She's a sweetie and has stolen all of our hearts. Potty training is going well, but I've forgotten what it's like to be so invested in someone else's bodily functions! Heck, Alison was potty trained 6 years it's been a while! I'll post a picture when I have more time.
I'll type more later...I promise...but I've got to run now.

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