Friday, December 29, 2006

I've been a slacker!

I know...I haven't posted in over a month. Life got busy! It'd be impossible to sum up everything, so I'm not going to bother. But, all in all, it's been a great month. Well, there was the car accident on Dec. 2, but other than that, life's awesome. I've really been feeling like I'm in a good place lately. I'm comfortable in my own skin (despite having too much fat under that skin...LOL!) and that's a great feeling to have.

Christmas was wonderful. I decided that no matter what I wouldn't feel rushed, stressed or burned out this season. It got a little harried around Dec. 18-20 when I had to get the last of my orders out to customers for Christmas delivery, but other than that, I just felt blessed, not stressed.

The kids are home for another week, and that's good. I'm really enjoying their company during the day. Sure, there's been some fighting, but mostly it's just been nice. Check back w/ me next week though!

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