Saturday, November 25, 2006


We had a very nice Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go up to my parent's house near Chicago, but Rachel was sick earlier in the week and they were afraid of getting exposed to anything. So, thankfully, my in-law's wanted us! I'm sure it was a pain to add 5 to the dinner table when you'd already bought all the food, but they never flinched. Even if one of those 5 eats non-stop (that'd be Patrick...)

My parents, of course, had to dole out a healthy dose of guilt when I called later in the day. I was so confused why they were seemingly mad at me when they told us not to come. I got into it a little w/ my dad, before I realized that I don't need to try to win an argument w/ him. He never backs down and never apologizes, so there's just no point. I'm thankful that I have an understanding husband that I can vent to, however!

This coming up week is going to be very busy. Rachel is in The Nutcracker w/ our ballet company and starting today, she has practices every day except Monday, when she has 2 classes. It's all so fun, though! I volunteer on the Sewing Committee (which is hysterical, because I don't know how to use a sewing machine...but there's lots of hand sewing).

Off to pick up Ali at a friend's house, take her to Thornton at church, pick up Rachel, run to the store, then to Nutcracker practice. After that, we decorate the church for Christmas!

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