Thursday, November 16, 2006

You've got to be kidding me

I know that soap operas are stupid. I know the story lines are far fetched. I somehow can look past the stupidity while watching Days of Our Lives. But, they went too far. Here's the story line: Marlena (played by Deidre Hall, quite possibly the worst actress on TV) and John are flying to Canada in a small single engine plane through a heavy snow storm (the reason...well, that's far fetched too, but I don't want it to get too confusing). They start to have engine trouble (while they were making out...). Marlena decides that the only way they can land safely is if they lighten the load by her jumping out and parachuting to the ground. John says no, but Marlena tricks him into thinking she won't do it...but then she jumps out. Ok...stupid enough, right? Well, get this...she lands safely, with just a sprained ankle, and is found in the snow by a man carrying an axe. She is carried safely back to his house. She awakes to find him standing over her w/ an axe. She threatens him w/ a fireplace poker (sure...that'll work against an AXE!). He then takes off his hood and she realizes that he is....none other than....Smokey Robinson! OMgosh...I was screaming out loud at the cat about how stupid I was for watching this show.

But, yep...I'll turn it on again tomorrow.

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