Friday, November 10, 2006

Yesterday was stressful

I was sitting at the computer in our family room yesterday around 3 when I looked out the window and saw our cat. That's strange...our cat is an indoor cat. So, I got up and opened the front cat. I assumed I was imagining things, so I scoured the house for Ozzie and couldn't find him. I did, however, find a window screen in the sun room that was out. A little background info: We have "lost" approximately 6 cats in the 15 years we've been married. Cats live with us for a period of time and then decide, for whatever reason, to hit the road. We even had a cat walk 10 miles back to our old neighborhood after we had moved to Chatham. So, when I saw Ozzie outside, I freaked. I called Thornton home and we both looked for him until I had to take the girls to dance. While I was at dance Thorn called to report that not only was Ozzie out, but Mia had gotten out too! Stupid dog. Thankfully Patrick can now outrun Mia, so she was caught quicker than usual. Thornton and Patrick had to go to the Hitting Center last night, so we couldn't resume our search until about 7:30 when it was dark out. We finally saw Ozzie and chased him to under our pool/deck. Over the next 2 hours, Thornton and I would spot him, but be unable to lure him back inside. Finally, we were able to get him near the front door, Patrick opened the door and in he ran! Ozzie ran straight to the bedroom, hopped on the bed and started grooming himself like nothing had happened. Did he care that Thornton had spent an hour crouched under the deck with a flashlight or that I had been face down in the leaves searching?? No...he was too busy grooming himself. But, I love that cat!

Alison started dance yesterday. All the way there she asked me if I could watch her. So, when one of the dads stayed for "watch week", I decided to stay too. Big mistake. Apparently Alison doesn't know what she wants, because she just stood at the barre and did nothing while I was there. I left after a few minutes and then I guess she did just fine. She must've really liked it, because she asked me after class if she could come tomorrow. I had to explain to her that once a week was plenty for a 7 year old.

Check out my business profile on . I'm the "Indie of the Week" How cool is that??

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