Monday, February 26, 2007

What I love

This is what I love about being a mom:

I worked full-time away from the home until about a year and a half ago. I am still reveling in the fact that I am now home when they get off the bus in the afternoon. The other day Alison came in the front door giggling away. I asked her why she was in such a good mood and she said, every excitedly, "I got moved to the back of the bus!!". I asked her why that was so exciting and she said, "Because it's bumpy back there and it feels like you're getting a foot massage the whole way home!" Now really, does it get any better than that??

Yesterday, Rachel wasn't having a good day. She was tired and she was frustrated because she had to finish a school project and it wasn't going as well as she would've liked. They had dissected owl pellets in class and her pellet didn't have enough bones from a rodent to make the skeleton of a whole animal. They need to make posters w/ the bones. She and I had some words on the way home from ballet because she wanted to put off working on it and I didn't think that was a good idea. So, when we got home, she did finish the poster. I was lying down on my bed for a few minutes resting and she came in. I could tell she was still upset. I asked her to lie w/ me for and talk. She just started crying. I told her that I remembered what it felt like to be her age and needing to cry, sometimes for no reason at all. Then she just laid there and cried (well, yeah...we both were crying....). When she got up a few minutes later, she seemed better. And, that made me happy.

Last night Patrick came home from his Confirmation class at church and was really excited about what he had learned. He was asking me my opinion on some things and we just had a nice conversation. In the middle of our talk, his cell phone rang. He could tell by the caller i.d. that it
was his girlfriend. He said, "I'll just call her back later. I want to finish talking with you." How sweet it that? Of course, I told him to go ahead and talk with his girlfriend and I'd be waiting for him when he was done. He's growing into such a cool young man.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Old and Crumbly

Yesterday was my 39th birthday. Several years ago an online friend of mine dubbed me "old and crumbly", as I was the oldest person in a mom and friends group. So, I shudder to think what she thinks of me now that I'm a year away from 40! Comments, Jamie??

I'm probably one of the strange ones, though. I like getting older. Granted, I don't see myself as an almost 40 year old. I still think of myself as being about 26. I don't even feel like an adult some days. It's not that I'm's just that I don't feel my age, I guess.

Patrick has had a very busy weekend. I knew the day was coming when my children would have better social lives than I, and it appears that those days are here. Saturday, he had lunch out w/ my father in law. Then he went on a group date w/ his girl friend (first one EVER). Sunday, he went out to another movie and dinner w/ a family friend. Today, he's in St. Louis w/ another friend. Meanwhile, I'm sitting at home and working! Something's wrong...very wrong w/ this picture!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

This is my morning

We always have trouble getting the kids out the door in a timely manner. It doesn't matter what time we get them up, they seem to fill the time and we end up rushing them out the door. So, this morning, I come into the dining room where the girls are eating their cereal. I notice they are playing Yahtzee while eating. Here's the conversation:

Me: Are you guys playing Yahtzee while eating? Alison, you don't even have your shoes on. Rachel, you need to brush your hair.

Rachel: We're not playing Yahtzee.

Alison: Nope, we're not.

Me: Good, because we have to leave in 5 minutes to get you to school in time

Alison: Rachel, your turn...roll the dice!

When exactly did I lose control?? I know...Dec. 2, 1992, the day Patrick was born, right?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The post office lies

Perhaps it's just a myth, but I thought that the post office was supposed to deliver through rain or snow, sleet or hail...something like that. not true! Sure, we had 14 inches of snow. Sure the wind was blowing so hard yesterday that it was coming down sideways. And, no, the post office did not deliver. Yesterday or today. So, I thought that I'd be nice to my mailman...he does a lot for me, and I brought all my packages to be mailed into the post office here in town. Huh?? They were closed too! Now, it's true that I live in a tiny podunk town that probably only employs 3 people, but come on! So, sorry to those people who are expecting orders that should've been mailed Tuesday...they won't go out 'til tomorrow. At least I hope they go out tomorrow! If not...they'll have a very angry small businesswoman on their hands.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Finding Nemo

The kids are home from school today because of the blizzard (yes, snow blowing's a blizzard!). The girls are watching Finding Nemo and I had forgotten what an hysterical movie this is. I have literally been laughing out loud throughout the whole movie. There is no better character than Dory anywhere in the movies...seriously!

She's at it again!

Last year Rachel raised money for the American Heart Association in the Jump-rope-athon. This year she has decided to take part by shooting hoops to raise money for them. In case you're interested in helping her out, here's the link to her donation page:

Monday, February 12, 2007


Thornton and I decided when the kids were born that we would wait to have them baptized when they felt they were ready and they understood what it really meant to be baptized into the Christian church. We belong to a Presbyterian church and they typically baptize infants, and Thornton and I were both baptized as infants. But, we just didn't feel like that was what we wanted for our children. Yesterday, Patrick and Rachel were both baptized. It was so emotional for us to see our children profess their faith in front of the congregation. They each wrote Statement of Faith and read them before their baptisms. I saw many teary eyes in the congregation (through my own tear brimmed eyes, of course). These kids have been brought up in the church and so many people have contributed to their faith journeys. It was a proud day for our family.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside!

I've always liked snow and love wrapping up in a warm blanket. But, this cold snap we've been having..well, it's just too much! I can't seem to get warm. The air temperature this morning was 2, with wind chills at -18. That's crazy. The pond across the street from us is completely frozen. I feel really sorry for the ducks that live in it. I don't know what they're doing to stay warm. I'm glad we have our gas bill on level pay, because I wouldn't want to see how sky-high the heating bills would've been otherwise!