Thursday, February 15, 2007

This is my morning

We always have trouble getting the kids out the door in a timely manner. It doesn't matter what time we get them up, they seem to fill the time and we end up rushing them out the door. So, this morning, I come into the dining room where the girls are eating their cereal. I notice they are playing Yahtzee while eating. Here's the conversation:

Me: Are you guys playing Yahtzee while eating? Alison, you don't even have your shoes on. Rachel, you need to brush your hair.

Rachel: We're not playing Yahtzee.

Alison: Nope, we're not.

Me: Good, because we have to leave in 5 minutes to get you to school in time

Alison: Rachel, your turn...roll the dice!

When exactly did I lose control?? I know...Dec. 2, 1992, the day Patrick was born, right?

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