Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Being a parent

Sometimes being a parent just sucks. (I hate the word "sucks" and I don't let my kids use it...but after I typed "stinks" it just didn't seem to capture the mood...LOL!). Tonight I am going to have to tell Patrick that he can't do something that he wants to do and I can't really explain to him completely our reasons for making the decision. I know he's going to be mad, but there's nothing I can do about that. He has to realize that we have his best interest at heart and wouldn't do something to purposefully hurt him. It's a complicated situation and he's somewhat in the middle of it, which is exactly where we don't want him.

And besides, he'll now get to spend the entire weekend with us, his grandparents, his uncle, aunt and his cousins at the lake house. What could be more fun than that? Note to self....I've got to figure out a way of securing the little cabin for Thornton and me to sleep in so we don't have to be in the main house w/ all the noise!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

When big boys cry...

Patrick was really upset about something last the point of tears...lot of them. I know what he's upset about (and I am not going to discuss details here), but I couldn't get him to talk about specifics of his hurting. He promised me that he would talk with me tonight...that he just wanted to go to bed last night. Thornton and I have both already talked with him about this issue and we know that while it might seem like a big deal now, he will move on and grow from the situation in time. But, to a 14 year old boy, I'm sure it sounds a bit hollow. So, I just held him and let him cry....and thanked God that my big boy still comes to his Mommy when he's sad.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mixed feelings

The kids started school last Friday. I'm really having a hard time not having them at home during the day any more. I've never felt like this before. Usually I'm ready to kick them to the curb once school starts. Maybe it's that they're older and *easier*? Who knows.

Patrick did just fine on his first day of high school. Of course, it helps that he has a Senior girl who picks him up every morning and drives him to school. Yesterday, after his first full day of classes, he already had an hour of History homework. I am glad that he wanted to take honors history and language arts....I hope he'll not get too burned out!

Rachel also did fine on her first day of Junior High ('s Middle School). It was her first time dealing w/ switching classes every hour and having a locker. She had no problems and seemed very confident. The only snag was that she "lost" the bag that had her gym shorts and t-shirt in it. She was pretty worried about it, but thankfully it was found and she had it for her first full day yesterday.

Alison's third grade teacher seems very nice. I was a little concerned to realize that she is pregnant. Alison does best w/ consistency and obviously there will be a long term sub in her class at some point. She was very proud to present me with her agenda after school yesterday. She's seen Patrick and Rachel have agendas, so she was pleased that she was finally old enough to have one.

Am I crazy that I'm already looking forward to Labor Day, so I get a long weekend w/ the kids?

Friday, August 10, 2007


Last night Patrick and Thornton went to the St. Louis Cardinal game. They were especially lucky because at last night's game, Rick Ankiel, a former pitcher for the Cards returned to the an outfielder. And, he hit a home run! 7 years ago, he was 20 years old and pitching in the playoffs for the Cards. Out of nowhere, he couldn't find the strike zone. He threw 5 wild pitches in one inning and 8 overall in the game. He wasn't the same pitcher again. He had no control. The Cardinal organization didn't want to give up on him and tried at first to get him back as a pitcher. When that failed, they decided that he was a good enough athlete, that they would try to turn him into an outfielder. This guy has worked for 7 years to get back in the majors and last night, on his first game back, he hit a home run (and struck out twice...but hey...who cares?). Thornton said that the crowd went just crazy! What an amazing lesson for anybody. The Cardinal organization should be commended for sticking w/ this guy and not just cutting their losses and running. And Rick Ankiel, well, it goes w/out saying, that he should be more than proud of himself.

A little bit ago, I heard talking coming from Alison's room. I knew that Rachel had already left for dance, so I was a little confused. I didn't figure Patrick was up already, so I went in to investigate. She was lying in bed, reading aloud to herself. It was so sweet....and I was greatly relieved that she wasn't talking to herself...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Registration and other stuff

Got all the kids registered for school today. Everything went smoothly, 'cept for all the money that was spent, of course! I know that public school is way cheaper than private school, but when you're registering 3 kids at once, it sure does add up.

Patrick and Rachel will be starting at new schools. Patrick will be a freshman in H.S., but he seems pretty secure in finding his way around the school already. I was pleased that he signed up for Key Club during registration. It's a national service organization. I had mentioned to him that I thought it was a good idea to get involved in clubs and things other than just sports, and this was a great choice.

Rachel will be starting Middle School, so she'll have her first experience with having a locker, switching classes each hour and dressing for P.E. Patrick is going to help her walk her schedule in a little bit when I go to volunteer at registration. She doesn't seem nervous at all, but we'll see how it goes when she gets a little closer to the time.

Alison is in her last year of Elementary School. She said this morning, "I sure am going to miss that school next year!" She and me both! It appears that she has a new teacher this year, but there's a chance that it was a teacher who got married over the summer and has a different name this year. I've been praying for a good teacher for her, so we'll have to wait and see.

Rachel is in her 2nd week of the ballet intensives (out of 3 weeks), so she's been dancing from 9 - noon every day. Last week she thought the ballet instructor was too easy, so she was happy that this week's was harder. And, she reports that she "LOVES" the jazz instructor.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Musical Diversion

Nothing gets you out of a bad mood better than a good musical (well, there *are* other things...). Last night I was in a bad mood and had the biggest sinus headache. My in-laws called to see if I wanted to go w/ them to see "Hairspray". I didn't really want to go...I wanted to wallow. But, a voice deep inside me said to go, and I'm so glad I listened. It was a very fun-loving and joyful movie. I never could get past the fact that the mom was John Travolta in drag...despite that critics say that you will. In fact, I thought he was the weakest link in the movie. The dancing was phenomenal. it wrong for a 39 year old woman to have a crush on a 19 year old guy? Zac Ephron is yummy....'nuff said. I'm counting down the days to High School Musical II, along with Rach and Ali...LOL!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Some days... just doesn't seem all that fun to be a small business owner.