Sunday, October 07, 2007


Last night was Patrick's first Homecoming dance. He went w/ a friend that he's known forever from church. They are always flirting w/ each other, but swear it's just a friendship. Either way, I'm fine w/ it, because we love Maggie! Patrick was so cute, because he was kind of nervous. He asked me what he was supposed to do with the corsage. He didn't know if he gave it to her right away or at dinner or what. What's funny is that Maggie is a junior, so she drives already, so she picked Patrick up. I think he was just happy to drive away and be on their own.

It was strange for me to have him out so late (they went to dinner first, then we took pictures, then the dance, then they went to Steak and Shake, so they didn't get home 'til 12:30 a.m.) and not be with someone's parents. It's a brave new world we're entering! Here are some pictures(including one of the whole group he went with)

Finally, here's a picture of Alison following her haircut cutting 12 inches off. She donated her hair to Locks of Love. She's such a cutie:

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