Saturday, June 07, 2008

1 heart - 3 locations

My heart is split right now between three locations. Alison has been at camp since Sunday and will be there until Friday. I miss her like crazy, but from the letters we've received, she's having a blast. She's such a strong little thing....I never could've gone away for 2 weeks at a camp 5 1/2 hours away when I didn't know a soul. And she'll only turn 9 in a couple of weeks!

Patrick and Thornton are in Indianapolis at a baseball tournament w/ Patrick's team. They got in one game yesterday and won. Patrick pitched a 2 hitter! I'm so proud of him...especially because they are playing big-time teams in this tournament that have National ball playing experience. They got rained out last night and it's raining there now. So, who knows when I'll get them home.

Rachel is here at home w/ me, but she's had a friend over since 9 a.m. yesterday morning. They are still sleeping, of course! So, I was kind of lonely yesterday. I am so proud of my kids to be such strong, independent kids, because that's how we want them to be. But, as a mom, who has spent 15 1/2 years raising kids so far, it's hard to not be needed quite so much as time goes by.

Thank goodness for the puppy!

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