Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry belated Christmas!

Our Christmas was very nice. It was difficult, being that it was the first Christmas w/out mom...and I cried all through the Christmas Eve service. I didn't want to...I wanted to be the happy-go-lucky mom that I strive to be. But I just couldn't hold back the tears.

Christmas Eve we had our traditional rueben sandwiches (which, for the record, I don't enjoy UNLESS my FIL makes them). We let the kids open one present each on Christmas Eve, so they did that and we eventually headed to bed. Alison, Thornton and I were sleeping in one room (oh...I forgot to mention, we stay at my FIL's house, along w/ my BIL's family) that has two beds. Alison and I kept chatting away and I kept forgetting that she was supposed to be fallign asleep. Finally I stopped talking and she was asleep in no time flat.

Christmas morning, I was the first one up. I had to wake all our kids up! My brother in law's kids didn't get up 'til close to 9! I guess I should be thankful, but I was excited for them to open their gifts. Everyone was pleased w/ their presents, which makes a mom happy! I'm such a big bargain hunter that I loved that we can scrimp and still afford some of the things that they really wanted, but at a discounted price.

We spent the rest of the day playing games, assembling kits (Alison got so many fun kits!!) and eating.

Yesterday, I took the kids to the mall to spend some of their Christmas money. I am so proud that they have taken some of my bargain hunting ways to heart. Rachel got 3 adorable shirts for like $5 each. Patrick got 3 games and a movie for under $20. Alison went to Claire's...'nuff said. You can get a ton of there for next to nothing.

I feel like I wanted so much out of this Christmas. I know our kids understand the meaning of the day. They know it's not about the stuff. But, I also know that this was just a Christmas I had to merely survive, in many ways. I am still grieving my mother in law almost 6 months later. It's got to get easier...and I'll hold out hope that that will be the case.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


My father in law's German Shepherd tore his cruciate ligament in his knee on Sunday. We're not sure what happened exactly, but my niece was outside playing with him (too roughly as per usual) and the next thing we noticed, he was not putting any pressure on his back left leg. I took him to the vet yesterday and they confirmed the injury. We can't meet w/ the surgeon until Friday, so we'll find out then what's next. Unfortunately, Woofie has significant arthritis in his right hip, which will hamper his recovery when he has to use that side more.

We take care of Woofie at least 2-3 days a week while my Father in law is out of town working, so he's like our pet too. He's the sweetest tempered dog and it's hard to see him in pain. We live in a split level house, and it's hard for him to do the stairs, but he just can't stand to stay on one level if we're on the other level. Poor guy. Of course, our shih tzu Millie is staying close to Woof's side. In fact, she's sleeping on his bed right now. It'd be nicer if she's actually let Woof sleep there too...but he's such a gentleman that he's sleeping on the floor while she's on the bed. I think I'm going to go shove her off...LOL!

At least they're sorry...

Ugh...Paypal is driving me nuts lately. I appreciate their service, really I do...but sometimes it's really more of a necessary evil than anything else. Approximately a month ago, somehow someone used Thornton's Paypal debit card number to purchase something or other from 3 gas stations in Florida. Paypal was great and cancelled his card and blocked the transactions. Granted, I had to wait 5 days or so for the charges to "fall off" the account. This was frustrating, since the amount was over $200 and we actually need that money to live off of (my children like to eat....). I thought after the money came back into the account, we were done w/ the sage. Wrong. Last week I got an email stating that they had found in my favor and I would notice money come in and out of my account to back up this decision. Strange, I thought, but whatever they needed to do for their paperwork (or paper trail as the case may be) is fine by me. So, the money went into my account again, and then was taken out. Fine...I'm now back to exactly where I should be. Until....they took the money out AGAIN! So, that put me over $200 in the negative at a time when I really, really need the money. So I called. Paypal hires really nice people. I'm being sincere in that statement. They are very nice and understood my problem and agreed that they were in error. The lady I talked to Sunday night said that she would walk the paper over to the claims department herself and try to get the money back in Monday morning. Monday money. So I called. Talked to another very nice person who stated that she saw the paperwork, but that the complaint was put into a queue for review and that takes 24-48 hours for results and I'd get an email. UGH! So, today I get an email stating that they found in my favor (they better have....) and in 24-48 hours the money will be back in my account. Good grief!!

Meanwhile, I need to ship packages, order products, etc. but money is tied up by Paypal. I'm not a big-time operator here. Our family isn't rolling in money. $250 is important to us. Granted, I'm thankful we're getting it back, but it's been frustrating to say the least.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What is it w/ Illinois?

Just got word that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was just arrested on corruption charges stemming from trying to "sell" the Senate seat made vacant by Obama moving on to bigger and better things. Believe me, I'm sure that as this investigation unfolds, they'll find many more things to tack onto his charges. He's been corrupt since day 1. Mind you, Illinois' previous Governor, George Ryan is currently in jail on corruption charges as well.

I mean, seriously...what makes these dudes think they can get away w/ this stuff? I don't think I can get away with anything, not even a grape from the grocery store. I still feel guilty about the ratty old dove Thornton and I "borrowed" from the Christmas tree in the hospital in Eugene, OR when Patrick was born. It's the source of my yearly Christmas pang o' guilt every year as we unwrap the ornaments to place on the tree. And believe me, no one would want this dove back's quite beat up (mostly from the drive home from the hospital on the car antenna, but that's a story for another day...).

Speaking of Christmas trees (I have a very interesting stream of consciousness going here: from Illinois governors to my Christmas tree)....we don't have ours up yet. We have been so busy that there simply hasn't been the time. I did nail all the kids down to work on the tree Saturday afternoon after the church Christmas pageant (I hate that word...) rehearsal. Then, of course, Thornton says, "do we really need to put up a tree this year?" Not that I hadn't thought of it myself, since we helped put up my Father in law's tree already and he lives two blocks away AND we're going to be there for Christmas Eve and Christmas. BUT, it just wouldn't seem right not to have a tree in our house. I'm sure I'll rethink that if our shih tzu puppy knocks it over. Besides, I'd be lost w/out my moment of guilt, wouldn't I?

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Today ended the run of Rachel's 4th Nutcracker. She started out 4 years ago as an angel, then the next year she was a soldier. Last year she was cast as a flower, but also got to dance as a big mouse when someone was injured. She was cast in both those roles again this year. It's a big commitment for these girls. Rachel dances 6 days a week.
I helped w/ costumes again this year. It's really quite humorous, since I don't know how to use a sewing machine. But, I can do all the handwork that "real" sewers (ha...that word is the same as like the sanitation sewers!) prefer not to do. I'm exhausted now, too....after climbing the two flights of stairs at least 15 times today alone to move costumes out after the show.

Here are some pictures of Rach in her two costumes:

In the pic on the left, she's in the middle in the pink dress. In the other picture, that's the soldier she battles (she gets to throw her over her shoulder and carry her offstage)