Tuesday, December 09, 2008

What is it w/ Illinois?

Just got word that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was just arrested on corruption charges stemming from trying to "sell" the Senate seat made vacant by Obama moving on to bigger and better things. Believe me, I'm sure that as this investigation unfolds, they'll find many more things to tack onto his charges. He's been corrupt since day 1. Mind you, Illinois' previous Governor, George Ryan is currently in jail on corruption charges as well.

I mean, seriously...what makes these dudes think they can get away w/ this stuff? I don't think I can get away with anything, not even a grape from the grocery store. I still feel guilty about the ratty old dove Thornton and I "borrowed" from the Christmas tree in the hospital in Eugene, OR when Patrick was born. It's the source of my yearly Christmas pang o' guilt every year as we unwrap the ornaments to place on the tree. And believe me, no one would want this dove back now...it's quite beat up (mostly from the drive home from the hospital on the car antenna, but that's a story for another day...).

Speaking of Christmas trees (I have a very interesting stream of consciousness going here: from Illinois governors to my Christmas tree)....we don't have ours up yet. We have been so busy that there simply hasn't been the time. I did nail all the kids down to work on the tree Saturday afternoon after the church Christmas pageant (I hate that word...) rehearsal. Then, of course, Thornton says, "do we really need to put up a tree this year?" Not that I hadn't thought of it myself, since we helped put up my Father in law's tree already and he lives two blocks away AND we're going to be there for Christmas Eve and Christmas. BUT, it just wouldn't seem right not to have a tree in our house. I'm sure I'll rethink that if our shih tzu puppy knocks it over. Besides, I'd be lost w/out my moment of guilt, wouldn't I?

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