Tuesday, December 16, 2008

At least they're sorry...

Ugh...Paypal is driving me nuts lately. I appreciate their service, really I do...but sometimes it's really more of a necessary evil than anything else. Approximately a month ago, somehow someone used Thornton's Paypal debit card number to purchase something or other from 3 gas stations in Florida. Paypal was great and cancelled his card and blocked the transactions. Granted, I had to wait 5 days or so for the charges to "fall off" the account. This was frustrating, since the amount was over $200 and we actually need that money to live off of (my children like to eat....). I thought after the money came back into the account, we were done w/ the sage. Wrong. Last week I got an email stating that they had found in my favor and I would notice money come in and out of my account to back up this decision. Strange, I thought, but whatever they needed to do for their paperwork (or paper trail as the case may be) is fine by me. So, the money went into my account again, and then was taken out. Fine...I'm now back to exactly where I should be. Until....they took the money out AGAIN! So, that put me over $200 in the negative at a time when I really, really need the money. So I called. Paypal hires really nice people. I'm being sincere in that statement. They are very nice and understood my problem and agreed that they were in error. The lady I talked to Sunday night said that she would walk the paper over to the claims department herself and try to get the money back in Monday morning. Monday morning...no money. So I called. Talked to another very nice person who stated that she saw the paperwork, but that the complaint was put into a queue for review and that takes 24-48 hours for results and I'd get an email. UGH! So, today I get an email stating that they found in my favor (they better have....) and in 24-48 hours the money will be back in my account. Good grief!!

Meanwhile, I need to ship packages, order products, etc. but money is tied up by Paypal. I'm not a big-time operator here. Our family isn't rolling in money. $250 is important to us. Granted, I'm thankful we're getting it back, but it's been frustrating to say the least.

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