Thursday, September 06, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great Labor Day weekend. My in-laws own a house on a private lake about an hour from here, so we all headed out there. My brother in law, his wife and two kids (ages 4 and 3) and my MIL/FIL were there too. Granted, all those people in one house can be a bit hectic sometimes, but really, it all went well. The kids all love to swim in the lake, so we spent a lot of time doing that. Rachel and Patrick are great game players, so we played a lot of Scrabble and a game called Quiddler (a card game similar to scrabble and very fun!). I didn't win anything! Nothing. In fact, in one game of Scrabble, I didn't even break 100. I got whipped by my 11 year old. I guess I should feel proud that she's such a smartie, but seriously....I was pathetic. I got a nap in every day, which was sublime.

Now, we're back to the grind. School is back in full force. Dance has started back up. Rachel dances 11 hours a week now! Alison's taking a class too, so I will now be spending my evenings driving back and forth to town. I know I'll miss it when they're grown, so I won't complain.

Both girls are trying out for The Nutcracker a week from Sunday. Rachel has been in the last two productions, and since she's a Trainee w/ the Ballet Company, we feel pretty secure that she'll get a part. She'd love to be a Party Girl in the opening scene, but we'll just have to see. Alison is finally old enough to have to be at least 8. But, I've tried to ready her that there are a lot of little girls that audition and very few make it. Rachel didn't make it her first year auditioning. Alison tells us that she understands and won't be sad, but I'm not sure I believe her. I see this glint in her eye that thinks she can do anything. Good for her...but I would rather not have to deal w/ the fallout if she doesn't make it. Maybe I should just be as confident as she is, eh?

1 comment:

She-ality said...

We play Quiddler too. It's a blast! Your family stories are great. I can relate to so much of what you share. Thanks for offering them.