Friday, April 25, 2008

A good day for Ali

Yesterday, I was armed for a fight w/ Alison, and it never happened! She got off the bus in a great mood. I matter of factly told her that she would be riding along w/ me to drop Rachel off at dance, and then she and I would go to the mall, get some dinner, and buy a few gifts for parties Rachel is going to. She started to get upset, but I just ignored her. I actually even walked out of the room. She decided, I guess to just accept the plans. Then Thornton offered for her to go w/ him to The Hitting Center of a few hours, then to church. She gladly accepted that option. Later in the evening, she and Thornton stopped by to see his parents and she apologized to Grandma w/out us having to ask her to.

Tonight she is going to my in-law's lake house w/ Thornton's brother and his family for the entire weekend. I know I'll miss the little bugger while she's gone, but maybe some time away will be good for all of us.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The terrible 8's?

Alison has been a real pill lately. She is just so disagreeable. She will get something set in her head and if what she wants isn't realized, she'll throw a fit. It really is hard to be around her sometimes. Yesterday, Patrick had a double header and I was going to go to that with Rachel. I had to leave his game 1/2 way through to take Rach to dance. I gave Ali the option of coming w/ me (although we wouldn't be home 'til 9 or so), going to church w/ Thornton, which is usually what she does and enjoys, or going to Grandma's house for the evening. She said that she wanted to go to the game, but wanted to take Millie, our puppy, with her. Well, that just wasn't going to work, because we'd be gone so long, and Millie is a puppy. Alison just couldn't understand that and threw a fit. I explained to her that I had tried very hard to give her 3 good options for the evening and it was very frustrating to me to have her upset when I was trying to make her happy. She finally decided to choose to go to Grandma's house.

After about an hour, I got a call from Grandma saying that Alison was being unreasonable and asking what she should do. Apparently, Grandma was wanting to take Ali to dinner, since she didn't have food to eat in the house and Alison didn't want to go. And, yes, of course, she threw a fit. I had Grandma take her to Thornton at church. Ugh! It's so frustrating.

When I picked Ali up at church I tried talking to her about how I understood that sometimes she gets shuffled around due to Patrick's baseball and Rachel's dance schedules, but that we really did try hard to have good things for her to do. I told her that it is never appropriate for her to be so disagreeable to adults, especially her grandparents. I have no idea if I got through to her...I'm guessing not.

I wish I knew the answer for what would work w/ this kid.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back to "normal"

Thornton's parents returned home from their 6 weeks in Florida on Sunday. We have been keeping their German Shepherd and cat while they were gone. We did settle into a nice routine w/ Woofie (their dog) and Millie (our puppy), but it wasn't always easy. Woofie is, well...he's a big dog. He was always in the way. We live in a split level house and his favorite sleeping spot was right inside the front door or at the top of the steps. Neither place was especially convenient because he was always in the way. But, God bless him, he put up w/ Millie like a champ, so I really have little to complain about. Millie was constantly in his face or nipping at his heels. Now that Woofie is back home, my in-laws report that he is depressed and misses his little friend. Awww....

We signed Alison up for a 2 week camp this summer. She'll be going to Kanakuk, a Christian sports camp in the Ozarks near Branson, MO. She'll love it. She so needs things to do and she often gets a bit lost in the shuffle w/ Patrick's baseball and Rach's dance. The camp is at the beginning of the summer, so that should start her summer off great!

My parents were down this weekend for a short visit and to see Rachel in her Junior High musical. My parents look so old lately. Granted, the *are* old (80 and 78), but wow, just seems to be that they age so much every time I see them. My parents are, and always have been, very critical people. Poor Patrick has his driving learner's permit and is really proud and excited to drive. But, my dad had to cut him down and tell him that he didn't stop properly at a stop sign. It wasn't constructive criticism, it was mean-spirited "I know best" criticism. I explained to Patrick that that's just how Grandpa is, but I could tell it hurt him.

I have been trying to eat healthier and lose weight since September. Since then, I have lost 65 pounds. The big joke has been that my parents haven't noticed yet! When I was heavier, you better believe that Mom would ask me every time she saw me if I'd lost any weight, but now that I have....nothing! At church on Sunday, someone came up to me to tell me how great I was looking. My mom was standing right there, and she finally said, "have you lost some weight?" All I said was, "yeah"....and she didn't persue the conversation any more. Too much!

I always tell Thornton that he's darn lucky that I'm half as normal as I am after growing up w/ my parents!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Patrick got his Learner's Permit on Friday! What shocks me is that while he is in Driver's Ed in school right now, he had absolutely no experience behind the wheel before he got his permit. In fact, he is only taking the classroom portion of Driver's Ed right now and won't take behind-the-wheel until he's about ready to turn 16. In the meantime, they turn these kids loose w/ their parents to start getting their 50 hours of required time spent behind the wheel!

I'm sure some kids are nervous about driving and don't want to start out driving right off the bat. Not our kid! He has already logged close to 2 hours of driving just since Friday evening. He's actually doing quite well. I am really proud of him. He's even driving through a drive through already.

I'm just wondering when the novelty of driving will wear off. When I think of the amount of time I spend driving the kids to and from their activities, believe me, the last thing I get excited about is driving!