Monday, January 29, 2007

Brimming with pride

Thornton has been a smoker for 24 years. He gradually had increased the number of cigarettes he smoked a day and was probably smoking 2 packs a day. He had tried to quit many times. Most attempts were very half hearted. This time is different. He started taking Welbutrin 3 weeks ago and then went on the nicotine patch a week ago yesterday and he did it! He quit! He is doing so well, it's crazy! I know that probably 100 people are praying for him...probably more people than we'll ever know. The first day, he got calls from people at our church every hour on the hour to encourage him. I'm telling you...I don't care if I don't get a Valentine's present or a birthday present from him this year...I got my present!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Awesome! I have heard how hard it is to quit, & I am always so impressed with people who do! Congrats to you both, esp. him! :-)