Friday, April 27, 2007

Road trip

We'll be heading out this afternoon for our first overnight baseball trip of the season. Patrick has a tournament in Champaign (an hour and a half from here). They play at 8 in the morning, so we'll be staying overnight tonight. They also play tomorrow at 2 and Sunday at 10. We have to come back for Church on Sunday morning, so I think Patrick will stay w/ a teammate Saturday night. Then, if they place first or second in their pool, they'll play Sunday at noon. If they win that, the championship is Sunday at 2. We'll drive back over to see him play on Sunday (if they advance). This is the first tournament with his new team, so we just have no idea how they'll do. He's the starting pitcher tomorrow morning, so he'll have to get to bed early.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

She said what??

Last night Rachel and Alison were having a big time blow-up at bed time. They were yelling at each other and slamming doors. First Rachel would come upstairs and tell me what Alison had done to her, then Ali would come up, and so on. Finally, I thought I had gotten them settled, when Alison came up. She was crying and said that Rachel had called her the "C word". Honestly, I couldn't figure out what the heck the C word was (well, I know one C word, but I know Rachel doesn't know that....). Alison didn't want to tell me what it was, because it was a bad word. She finally spelled it for me. C - R - A - P.

I remember when I was in 2nd grade and someone sticking out their tongue at me was the biggest sin ever. Ahh....those were the days.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What do you say?

The kids have caught me tearful the past few days while watching coverage of the shootings at Virginia Tech. How do you explain to a child the fear a parent feels when they have to send their child out into the world every day and trust God that they will return safely to you? I do have great faith in God, but evil exists and my heart hurts to think of the pain others are feeling right now.

This week is busy for us. Rachel is in Sleeping Beauty with the Springfield Ballet Company and this is tech week. So, she and I will be out at the Auditorium every night. I'm working on the costumes, which I really enjoy. Alison was with us last night and was entranced w/ watching the girls dance. Her dance teacher is the Ballet Mistress w/ the company and Alison just walked herself right up on stage and plopped herself down next to Gina. Her ballsy-ness cracks me up (and somewhat unnerves Rachel...who would never do something like that).

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Note to self....

Don't ever slip and tell your 7 year old that you think her P.E. teacher is cute. And, if you do so, don't let your 11 year old tell your 7 year old that her mommy secretly called Coach Hyde "Coach Hottie". 7 year old will laugh herself silly and threaten to tell Daddy (who already knows, by the way!)

On another note....we got home from Easter Dinner on Sunday and found a pice of paper stuck to our door. It was addressed to Alison and said "I hate you! You are a baby and a poop ball. I really hate you and nobody cares about you". I knew immediately who'd written it. Alison has a "friend" who is a year older than her that lives nearby. We have limited Alison's interaction w/ this girl before. Another friend of Alison's just came over to give Ali a gift card, because Ali gave her her old bike and I asked her if she knew anything about the note. She got teary eyed and said that she was w/ the other girl when she did it and she didn't want to do it. I totally believe her. So, now, obviously Alison will not play at all w/ the older girl. I am debating talking to the girl's mom. I know I should, but somehow I doubt it'll make a difference.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My worlds collide

Last night I was sitting in the sun room working on sewing trim onto a tutu that will be used during the ballet Sleeping Beauty. I was watching Cardinals baseball on TV at the time. It dawned on me that these two activities - baseball and ballet - have become a big part of my life.

Granted, baseball always has been in my life. I grew up a tomboy and could tell you about anything you'd ever want to know about the game of baseball. I will always love the game. The fact that Patrick is a baseball player now means that we spend many, many days at the ball diamond.

Ballet was not something that I was interested in as a kid. It was kind of the opposite of who I was, to be honest. But, Rachel was born dancing. She started dance lessons the day she turned 3 and has been dancing ever since. I now spend time shuttling her to and from dance and ballet company rehearsals. Since we live 20 minutes from town, it doesn't always make sense to go home while she is in rehearsal, so I watch. And, I've fallen in love w/ the beauty of ballet.

So, working on a tutu while watching baseball is a perfect combination to me!