Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Note to self....

Don't ever slip and tell your 7 year old that you think her P.E. teacher is cute. And, if you do so, don't let your 11 year old tell your 7 year old that her mommy secretly called Coach Hyde "Coach Hottie". 7 year old will laugh herself silly and threaten to tell Daddy (who already knows, by the way!)

On another note....we got home from Easter Dinner on Sunday and found a pice of paper stuck to our door. It was addressed to Alison and said "I hate you! You are a baby and a poop ball. I really hate you and nobody cares about you". I knew immediately who'd written it. Alison has a "friend" who is a year older than her that lives nearby. We have limited Alison's interaction w/ this girl before. Another friend of Alison's just came over to give Ali a gift card, because Ali gave her her old bike and I asked her if she knew anything about the note. She got teary eyed and said that she was w/ the other girl when she did it and she didn't want to do it. I totally believe her. So, now, obviously Alison will not play at all w/ the older girl. I am debating talking to the girl's mom. I know I should, but somehow I doubt it'll make a difference.

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