Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Test anxiety

The kids are all taking their ISAT tests this week and next. These are the standardized tests all Illinois kids have to take. Apparently funding for the school is somehow based of of performance. Plus there's the whole "No child left behind" Act thing of the Presidents. Either way, all I know is that they really freak these poor kids out about these tests. We had to take standardized tests as a kid, but they didn't make such a big deal about them. Now the kids have sessions geared towards helping them learn how to be a better test taker. Patrick's school even had a pep rally of sorts about the tests. Rachel was in charge of bringing in plastic cups because her teacher read that studies show drinking a bit of apple juice before each test raises test scores by 10%. They let them chew gum during the tests because that has been shown to raise test scores. Thankfully all our kids do well on tests, but I really want my children to know that they are more than a test score. I worry that we're overly worrying these kids. Rachel has night terrors when she's stressed. I'm sure it's no coincidence that she's had 2 in the past few nights.

Rachel had her 10 year old check up yesterday. She grew 4 1/2 inches and gained 3 pounds since last year. She's now 4' 10" tall!! I told her I could gain 3 pounds in a day, let alone in a year!!

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