Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cacti everywhere

I'm in charge of VBS at our church this summer. The theme is "Fiesta", so essentially a Mexican type theme. Thornton really gets into the decorating, which is great, since I'm not terribly creative (except w/ scents....) He's been making these awesome cacti out of shredded paper and pantyhose. Seriously. They look so realistic...w/ no pricklies!

I woke up this morning w/ Ozzie, our cat, sleeping in his usual spot right by my head. I'm always so careful to slip out of bed w/out disturbing him. Then it hit me...I treat my cat nicer than I do my husband! Doesn't bother me one bit if I wake him in the morning. So...should I start treating Thornton nicer or should I treat the cat worse? A conundrum, no doubt.

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