Monday, July 17, 2006

Heat wave

It's been in the mid-90's for the past few days here. Patrick had baseball games on Friday and Saturday in the heat of the day. They were all over the news here saying not to put your pets outside, because it's too hot. Sure...I left my dog inside, but I had my kid playing in the sweltering heat. Something's wrong there! On Saturday, Patrick hit a 3 run homerun! He isn't a homerun hitter, so it surprised everyone. I don't know when I've seen that kid smile so big! They ended up losing their 2nd game on Saturday, so the team is done for the season. Of course, Junior High baseball starts up August 7, so there's no big break in the baseball schedule here. And, Patrick is helping w/ a baseball camp this week, so he's never far from the sport. I have baseballs everywhere. I opened one of my cupboards the other day and out fell a baseball. I give up!

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