Thursday, September 28, 2006

She's a natural

Alison loved gymnastics at her new gym! She's taken gymnastics before, but we wanted to switch gyms because her last place seemed to focus way more on cheerleading and less on gymnastics. After class, I asked the instructor (an adult...yea! the other place it was always a seemingly disinterested high school student) how she did. She said, "Wow...that kid is going to be great! Did you see how high she got on the trampoline?" On the way home Alison asked me if she got to go to gymnastics every day. Ummm...let's just stick to once a week for now, OK?

I need to find 7 slim jeans for Alison. She pretty much wears all of Rachel's hand me downs, but I guess Rachel wasn't quite as tiny around the waist as Alison is, because all of the size 7 pants I have are way too big on Ali. She's making due w/ belts right now, but it would be nice to get some pants that actually fit right.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wife Swap

First of all, I think that is a terrible namef or the show. Sure...the wives/moms do swap houses, but it makes it sound like it's all about husband/wife issues, when it's really a family deal. Anyway, I watched the show last night. Well, I didn't really "watch" it, but it was on while I was working. They always choose families that are obviously very different from each other. Last night, the father and son in one of the families were addicted to playing video games. They never left the house, practically! The other family were athletic kids who were overscheduled and always on the go. Of course, it was hard not to see a little of our family in the overscheduled family. Although in that family, the kids each had 2-3 sports going at the same time, and we stick to just one at a time. And those kids were starting to get resistant to be "forced" to do their sports and our kids beg to do what they're doing.

So...that's my disclaimer for our lifestyle. Oh, and Alison starts back in gymnastics tonight. She's very excited. I've been trying to talk her into taking dance, because she loves to dance. But, she's very resistant to the idea, so we're heading back to gymnastics.

Rachel and Patrick have been really getting along well lately. I don't know what the deal is! I guess I should just enjoy it, because who knows how long it'll last.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Completely random

I just bought our Huskey, Mia, a pig's knuckle to chew on. It's a HUGE bone...more like a pig's kneecap or something. Anyway, she loves these bones and they're about the only bones I can get for her that she doesn't chew up in no time flat. She's upstairs with it now and she keeps dropping it on the ground. It sounds like someone is upstairs moving furniture!

The farmers are starting to cut the corn down now. It is painfully obvious to me, based on how clogged up and painful my sinuses are and how much my eyes burn. Love those allergies! Thornton and I always comment every fall how much the landscape of Central IL changes when the corn is cut down. You get so used to not being able to see around corners, etc. on the country roads, but once the corn is down, it's so wide open.

I was chatting with Rachel and a friend of hers on our way to dance the other day. Her friend is also a soldier in The Nutcracker. Rachel's friend is a not too excited about being a soldier, so I was trying to pump her up. I told her that the ladies working on costumes are hoping to have time to make new costumes for the soldiers and that I'd seen the patterns for them. I told her I couldn't remember them exactly, but they were really cool and the jackets were cut-away, but I couldn't remember if they had tails. The friend says, "WHAT?? I have to wear a tail?" Rachel about peed her pants laughing. She was like..."you know, tails like on a tuxedo, not like on a donkey!"

See....told you these were completely random thoughts!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Alison funny....

When Alison got home from school yesterday, I told her that she, Rachel and Patrick were going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, along w/ their 3 & 2 year old cousins. It was my sister in law's birthday and we were all going out to eat. I asked Alison if she thought Grandma and Grandpa would be OK handling all 5 grandkids at one time. She got very quiet, paused for a long time and then said, "well....maybe if I helped them." That child just makes me laugh! I just told my father in law that story and he said that Alison and Rachel must've decided they needed time away from their little cousins, because they snuck off to the sunroom and played board games by themselves. Patrick and Grandpa ended up watching the St. Louis Cardinal game, which left poor Grandma handling the little girls all by herself. Isn't that the way it always is??

It was nice going out to dinner w/ Thornton w/out the kids. Love the kids to death, but time away is valuable too!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Picture day

Today is picture day at school for Rachel and Alison. I used to obsess about their outfits...making sure they coordinated w/ what the others were wearing, so when the pictures are all together, they match. HA!...not this time! Patrick wore a blue shirt when he had his pictures done. Rachel has on a lilac sweater and Ali is wearing a red sweater. Besides...all of their pictures will have the same fake smile on them that they always have. I figure if they haven't learned to smile normally by now, there's very little chance of them ever learning!

Rachel got her hair cut last night. It's cute! She wanted shorter hair for a while, but I've been putting it off. It's a little shorter than her shoulders w/ a few layers cut into it. And, she can still get it up for that's good.

I went shopping for jeans for Patrick the other day. Oh my...I haven't felt so old in a long time. The styles for jeans....ugh...they're all ripped up and stained and just plain icky. It was hard finding something that Patrick would like and that I would approve of....that didn't cost more than a car payment. I finally found a pair and he liked them...but they didn't fit! Ugh...they fit in the waist, but not in the thighs. Strange...because it's not like he has thunder thighs or anything. But, if we went up a size, they'd be way too big in the waist. I did find some Hollister khakis at a resale shop, so he has those for now, plus one other pair of jeans. It's crazy trying to fit a kid that's 13, 5' 11" and 145 pounds!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Home sick was bound to happen. Patrick is home sick today. He's got a really bad cold. I almost always make them tough it out at school for at least 1/2 a day, but he is just miserable. Hopefully a day of lying around snuggled up in a comforter will help him get better. I need to go run to the store to get some chicken soup. There's just something magical about the warmth and comfort of chicken soup.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Rachel auditioned for our local ballet company's production of The Nutcracker. Last year she was an angel and we assumed she would be an angel again this year. We kind of knew she'd at least get a part, because she's a Trainee w/ the Company and they pretty much all get cast. There's a definite seniority to who gets cast in which roles. Plus, there's the issue of who fits into what costumes. It was the joke around our house all day Sunday (the day of auditions) that Rachel would either be an angel or an angel. So, we were completely surprised when we checked the website Monday afternoon and found that she was a soldier! She's the youngest soldier...but she is tall for her age, so I'm sure that makes a difference. It's definitely a bigger role than the angel....only drawback is that, well....they're they're dressed like boys. But, it's exciting that she's climbing up the ladder and getting bigger parts already!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Cat Whisperer

I need a cat interpreter that can tell me whatever it is that Ozzie is incessantly trying to tell me. Seriously...I love this cat to death, but he spends his day walking around and meowing very loudly. He's not in distress, he's just whiny. If I head down the hall to the bedroom, he runs very excitedly and jumps on the bed, as if he really wants me to lie down w/ him. But, really, I can't exactly spend my day in bed just to make the cat happy. Or can I?

So, the question do I figure out what Ozzie is trying to tell me?

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years ago today

5 years ago today started out innocently enough. Then I got a phone call from my friend who worked in the same building I did and that innocence was shattered. She told me about the planes crashing into the World Trade Center buildings. I then rushed down to her office because she had a television. We stood together and cried. Then we prayed together.

When I got back up to my office, I called Thornton. He was home with Alison, who was only 2. I hated being separated from my family, but I wasn't sure if I should go home or try to keep some sense of normalcy. I immediately emailed the Patrick and Rachel's teachers and asked them what, if anything, the kids would be told. Rachel was in kindergarten and her teacher was amazing. She assured me that they weren't going talk to them about the tragedy, feeling that the parents needed to be the ones to talk to them. Then she told me she'd give Rachel a hug in my absence.

I took off early from work so I could be home when Patrick and Rachel got home from school. Thornton and I sat them down and tried to explain what had happened. I know they didn't grasp the magnitude of it all....I'm not sure I even did. We prayed together as a family for those who lost their lives.

That night our church family gathered at church to mourn and pray and hold each other up.

In the days and weeks that followed, America was different. While we had experienced great loss, we were somehow a better people. Everyone united in tragedy, but it brought out the best in people. Flags flew, every store marquee in town was emblazoned with positive thoughts. I felt blessed, oddly, to have experienced this black spot in history. I wish that feeling remained. Now, only the negativity of the tragedy remains....and that's a shame.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Kitty wake up call

Ozzie has started coming with me in the morning when I go wake up the kids for school. It's so cute....I start in Patrick's room by opening up his door and announcing that it's time to wake up. Ozzie then jumps on Patrick's bed and gives him a head-butt while meow/whining. Ozzie has a very whiny meow that is hard to ignore. I then go into Alison's room to wake her up. Ozzie follows and hops on her bed and meows and walks on her. Last is Rachel's room and Ozzie follows me there, too and jumps on Rachel. I really appreciate the help!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dancing with the big girls

Rachel had her first level 8 dance classes yesterday. She's pretty young to be in that class, but her teacher said that she should try a couple of level 8 classes this year to stretch her abilities. did. She said the Modern class was easy enough, but the Pointe class was pretty challenging. But, I'm so proud of her, because she never once said that she doesn't want to keep trying. She said that as she goes more, she'll get better and better. What an awesome attitude! She has four level 7 classes this year, too and those will seem easy now!