Friday, September 22, 2006

Picture day

Today is picture day at school for Rachel and Alison. I used to obsess about their outfits...making sure they coordinated w/ what the others were wearing, so when the pictures are all together, they match. HA!...not this time! Patrick wore a blue shirt when he had his pictures done. Rachel has on a lilac sweater and Ali is wearing a red sweater. Besides...all of their pictures will have the same fake smile on them that they always have. I figure if they haven't learned to smile normally by now, there's very little chance of them ever learning!

Rachel got her hair cut last night. It's cute! She wanted shorter hair for a while, but I've been putting it off. It's a little shorter than her shoulders w/ a few layers cut into it. And, she can still get it up for that's good.

I went shopping for jeans for Patrick the other day. Oh my...I haven't felt so old in a long time. The styles for jeans....ugh...they're all ripped up and stained and just plain icky. It was hard finding something that Patrick would like and that I would approve of....that didn't cost more than a car payment. I finally found a pair and he liked them...but they didn't fit! Ugh...they fit in the waist, but not in the thighs. Strange...because it's not like he has thunder thighs or anything. But, if we went up a size, they'd be way too big in the waist. I did find some Hollister khakis at a resale shop, so he has those for now, plus one other pair of jeans. It's crazy trying to fit a kid that's 13, 5' 11" and 145 pounds!

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