Monday, September 25, 2006

Completely random

I just bought our Huskey, Mia, a pig's knuckle to chew on. It's a HUGE bone...more like a pig's kneecap or something. Anyway, she loves these bones and they're about the only bones I can get for her that she doesn't chew up in no time flat. She's upstairs with it now and she keeps dropping it on the ground. It sounds like someone is upstairs moving furniture!

The farmers are starting to cut the corn down now. It is painfully obvious to me, based on how clogged up and painful my sinuses are and how much my eyes burn. Love those allergies! Thornton and I always comment every fall how much the landscape of Central IL changes when the corn is cut down. You get so used to not being able to see around corners, etc. on the country roads, but once the corn is down, it's so wide open.

I was chatting with Rachel and a friend of hers on our way to dance the other day. Her friend is also a soldier in The Nutcracker. Rachel's friend is a not too excited about being a soldier, so I was trying to pump her up. I told her that the ladies working on costumes are hoping to have time to make new costumes for the soldiers and that I'd seen the patterns for them. I told her I couldn't remember them exactly, but they were really cool and the jackets were cut-away, but I couldn't remember if they had tails. The friend says, "WHAT?? I have to wear a tail?" Rachel about peed her pants laughing. She was like..."you know, tails like on a tuxedo, not like on a donkey!"

See....told you these were completely random thoughts!

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