Tuesday, October 03, 2006

3 times!!

It's almost embarrassing, but it was 85 degrees in our house, so we turned the air conditioning back on. Yes, it's October. Yes, the air has been off for a month or so. Yes, I love having the house open. But, come on...it was 85 in the house and I was hot! So, Ozzie, who has been loving sleeping in the open window on the sill, had a very time figuring out that the windows were now closed. Three times in the night, the stupid cat jumped up into the closed window. 3 times!! Then he'd whine and jump onto the bed so he could get in my face and protest loudly. I tried explaining to him that today was going to be 92 degrees, but after that, I think we'll be opening the house back up, as it's going to get cooler. I'm pretty sure he didn't understand me, but at least I felt better getting the explanation out there for him.

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