Monday, October 02, 2006

But I really needed it!

I took a short nap yesterday afternoon. I *really* needed it, too. I mean, my eyes were shutting involuntarily...that means you NEED a nap, right? But, I paid the price last night. I could not fall asleep for anything. Oddly enough, neither could Alison. Poor little thing...she just couldn't fall asleep. It was strange, then, this morning when I went to wake her up and she was easily woken up...which is totally not the norm. I told her that I needed to hop in the shower and that I wanted her dressed before I got out. I went in the laundry room and by the time I was upstairs again, Alison was in my room naked, wanting to shower with me. Strange! Oh and last night, Thornton told Alison she needed to do her homework (why do they wait 'til Sunday night...and why does the 7 year old have homework over the weekend when the older kids don't? ) Anyway, Alison immediately hopped up, got her backpack and did her homework without whining!! Who is this child?

Rachel got to go backstage and onstage at the local production of Cats yesterday. She can not stop talking about how cool it is. She got to see the performers warming up and getting their makeup on, etc. We don't have tickets until Sunday, the last performance of the run, but neither of us can wait!

Patrick got a call last night from a friend inviting him to go bowling w/ the Beta Club. I told him that was fine and asked what the Beta club was. He said it was all the really smart kids in school. Of course, I then replied, "What are you..the token dumb boy?" Patrick and I laughed ourselves silly. I'm so glad I have a son w/ a sense of humor...because he needs it! And, for the record, he's not dumb...midterm grades were all A's and one B.

Ugh...I really need a nap!

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