Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"Alison's Mom"

On Tuesdays I volunteer all morning helping kindergarten kids who are a little behind in school. Alison got help last year when she was in kindergarten, so I figure I should repay the favor. Anyway, I was working with a kid and I heard from outside the room, "Hey, that's Alison's mom...I know her!" I looked up, but I had no idea who the kid was! So, yeah...that's me...Alison's Mom...or Rachel's Mom...or Patrick's Mom.

Couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Bad momma...

Why is it that the one day I don't check Alison's backpack immediately upon her getting off the bus, would be the day that she has this big ol' poster to fill out for being Student of the Week?? She finished her math, read her poetry, then we went to her gymnastics, Rachel's dance, my meeting, back to Rachel's dance, dropped a friend off at her house, then finally got home at 8:45. This is already 45 minutes after Alison's bedtime. THEN, she announces she has to fill out a poster, complete with family pictures, etc. UGH! We finished and she's tucked into bed now...and I'm sure she'll be a bear to wake up in the morning.

Dreary day outside

I'm just not in the mood for a grey day outside! I need a really pretty, sunny day today, but I sure didn't get it. Maybe burning a nice summery tart will work....

Let's see...today is another one of those crazy days with too many kid activities and not enough parents. You face that problem when you have more kids than parents, apparently!! Thankfully, we'll have use of my father in law's car, since we are still only a 1 car family right now. I think I've got everyone covered to be dropped off/picked up from their activities, except I have to leave a meeting after an hour to go pick Rach up at dance. That's OK...I'm sure I'll be ready to leave after an hour.

Off to wake hubby...that'll cheer me up, too!!

scrubby soaps added

My father in law asked if I made an oatmeal soap, so I started playing around with adding scrubby things to the soap and I love the results. So, I've added the option to add oatmeal, jojoba spheres or ground loofa to the silk and shea soaps for 50 cents more.

I also added the manicure set back to the site. For $10, you get a spa hand polish, a 2 oz. hand protectant and a cuticle salve.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

You're getting sleepy...

We survived Rachel's slumber party Friday night. Actually, the girls were all very well behaved and respectful. They didn't sleep much...but there's not much to do about that. I made it just fine 'til midnight. Then from midnight to 2 a.m., I was OK, but cranky. We had the girls all in the sanctuary with a movie on the bigscreen. Of course, they'd get up with a million different excuses. Finally I told Thornton that I *had* to go to sleep. He handles less sleep way better than I do. I found a couch in the library and finally fell asleep around 3 a.m. Woke up at 7. 4 hours sleep doesn't do it for me.

We got home around 10 yesterday and I decided to lie down for a little bit. It was the strangest feeling...it was like I was drugged. I tried to wake up many times, but I just couldn't. I finally woke up at 6 p.m.! I have no idea what happened! Of course, then, when I tried to fall asleep last night, I was wide awake. Finally fell asleep at 2 a.m. and had to get up at 6:30 for church. Yeah...this is a very bad pattern! Got home from church and lunch at 1 p.m. and just took another 2 hour nap. It was unintentional. Honestly...I was trying not to fall asleep. I have got to get back on a normal sleep pattern.

Alison seems hot to me....I sure hope she isn't getting sick. Patrick has Junior High Youth Group tonight and Rachel is going along to keep a friend company (her friends are helping w/ youth group). So I told Alison that I would spend the whole night taking care of her. I finally got my 4 oz. body cream bottles in, so I need to work on filling those up, but I think Alison needs some TLC, so when she needs me, she gets me.

I think Patrick must've had another growth spurt, because lots of people came up to me in church today commenting on how tall he's gotten. It's been a strange transition relating to having my child tower over me. He's turning into a man right before my eyes....

Friday, January 27, 2006

14 ten year old girls

Tonight is Rachel's 10th birthday kid party. When Patrick turned 10 he had a big sleepover at our church (a benefit to my hubby being on staff at the church...there's no way we could do this in our home!). Rachel has waited 3 years to get to have her big sleepover. So, tonight...14 screaming, squealing little girls will hopefully have the time of their life. We plan for them to make jewelry, fleece scarves, play games, make up dances, bake cookies and finally end up in the sanctuary watching movies on the gigantic screen projection TV. What are the chances we'll get much sleep tonight?

And, to think...in 3 1/2 years, we have to do it all over again for Alison!

3 Graces Emollient Set added

I just added a special 3 Graces Emollient set to the site. It contains a 2 oz. emollient in each of the "Grace" scents: Full of Grace, Veil of Grace and State of Grace. This set is only $10!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The dreaded 1/2 day...

The kids only have a 1/2 day of school today. They get out at 11:15. I used to live for these days when I was in school, but as a parent, these days have lost their luster! In my mind, if you're going to give them a 1/2 day, at least do it on a Friday. I hate having to wake them up, get them fed and rushed out the door only to return 3 hours later.

Last night Rachel wanted to sleep w/ her hair in rollers so that it would be curly and look more like Betsy Ross' hair for her presentation today. So, of course, Alison insisted on sleeping in rollers too. Alison's hair already is wavy/curly and it's shorter, so instead what happened was that her hair mostly just straightened out. She was not pleased. Rach's hair turned out in nice pretty curls, which she stated she did not like at all. She said she likes her straight hair much better. So....at least God knew what he was doing when he gave Rach straight hair and Alison crazy curly hair. Not only does it fit their personalities, they like it better themselves!

Patrick is trying to get himself out of the doghouse with us. Thing is...I've already moved on. His grounding will stand, but there's no need in dwelling on it. I'll admit that I don't mind him being extra sweet to me, though! He's such a great kid...he just needs to learn that hard work and a good work ethic is important in life.

Better go start working before the kids come home. We're picking up Rachel's new glasses and taking them out to lunch.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

But, I'm not in 4th grade!

Rachel has this assignment in school. Each child had to pick an historic character and they have to write a report on that person. Easy enough. Nope....they also have to DRESS like that character while giving their speech. Great. Don't teachers realize that an assignment like that is really a burden on the parents? Rachel chose Betsy Ross. Thank God for my Mother in Law who is making a period dress for Rach to wear. We found an appropriate hat at the Party Tree. I told her that she should've picked a famous ballerina, because she already has everything she needs for that costume. Of course, her response was, "But I don't know any famous ballerinas!" Guess I'll have to do some research for her on that. One girl is doing Amelia Earhart...didn't she wear one of those leather helmet things? No way...I would've made Rachel choose someone easier!

The Three Graces

I'm having such fun doing these fruity Vanilla Bean Noel blends! So far I have:

Full of Grace: Black Raspberry and VBN
Veil of Grace: Lemon and VBN
State of Grace: Blood Orange and VBN

I don't think I can have any more Grace scents, though...because I can't keep them straight! But, seriously....almost anything smells good with VBN, so let your imagination go wild and come up with your own blends and I'd be happy to make them! I'm wondering how a Violet/VBN blend would be....

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Report Card Day

Today was report card day. As a child, I always LOVED this day. Of course, I was a suck-up extraordinaire who always brought home straight A's. Rachel is following in my footsteps. She proudly pointed out that she was able to bring her one A- up to an A. She now is trying for an A+ in at least one subject next quarter. Ah...my child!

Alison is completely oblivious to report card day. Last quarter she told us that she hadn't gotten hers, when it was in her bookbag all along. She didn't say this because she didn't want to show it to us...she really just didn't care. Today, she got off the bus w/ her best friend and immediately asked if she could go play at Miriam's house. Didn't dawn on me that it was Report Card Day, so I let her go w/out checking her backpack. I dug her report card out and was so pleased!! Alison had lots of trouble in kindergarten w/ learning to read. She started out 1st grade in a special class designed for kids who need a little extra help. After Christmas, she transitioned out of this classroom into a "regular" room. 1st quarter, it was marked that Alison was reading below grade level. Well...9 weeks later and Alison is now marked at above grade level!! I couldn't be prouder of her hard work.

Patrick...I'm at a loss here. Patrick was a toddler genius. Before he turned 2, he knew all his letters, could spell his name, knew his colors, shapes, names of dinosaurs. All before he was potty trained. I hate to think that he peaked at the tender age of 2. He didn't get *bad* grades, but he certainly didn't work up to his potential. He got all A's and B's, and one C (pre-Algebra). The thing is, he doesn't work hard at all. I wouldn't be mad if he tried hard and just couldn't grasp the concepts. But he doesn't put forth the effort. We are not willing to let him slide by. So...he's under some new strict restrictions.

Report card day was so much more fun when I was a kid! Now, as a parent, it's just hard work.

New tarts added

I added some new tarts today, including more VBN, Cupid Cookies, Apple Spice Pancakes, Full of Grace, Veil of Grace and State of Grace.

Happy Birthday, Ballerina!

Ten years ago today, our sweet Rachel entered the world. She was beautiful from her first moment on. The day she turned three, she started her dance classes...it was a miracle we were able to hold her off that long. She was put on this earth to dance and I love to watch her. She has grown into a witty, intelligent young lady and I am blessed to be her Mommy.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Shameless bragging

Here they are: my kids

Well-oiled machine

Today's schedule requires massive planning. A week ago, my car blew up. It's not fixable...unless we want to put a new engine in it. No thanks. Not in a '98 Chevy Lumina. So, we've only got 1 car right now...until a boatload of cash falls from the sky...or perhaps until our tax return comes. Anyway, tonight's schedule is:

5:00- 6:00 - Alison - gymnastics
6:00 - 8:30 - Rachel - dance
6:00 - 10:00 - Thornton - Hitting Center (he's facilitating the indoor hitting league at this baseball facility)
7:30 - 9:00- Judy - church meeting

Since there's way too much overlap and a fair amount of distance between events, here's what I'm thinking. Drop Thornton off at The Hitting Center at 4:30...he can find something to do w/ the extra time. Drive back across town, take Alison to gymnastics. As soon as she's done, drive Rachel to dance, thankfully it's just down the street. Go home...make dinner for Alison and Patrick and self. Go to meeting at church. Have grandma pick up Rachel from dance and drive her to the church. Have her put kids to bed while I drive back out to the Hitting Center to pick up Thornton.

Has that boatload of money fallen from the sky yet?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fashion Victim

What is it about 6 year olds and their fashion sense? Alison changed after church and put on plaid shorts (which she had to dig WAY deep into her closet to find where I'd put her summer clothes away) and a floral sweater of Rachel's. Huh? First of all, it's 30 degrees outside. Second of all, it doesn't match. Third...you couldn't even tell she had the shorts on the sweater was so long. I'm wondering if I should just Garanimal all her clothes...maybe that would help.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Note to self...

No matter how excited you are that your darling husband brought you home at 11:00 p.m. the Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke that you have so long been searching for in your podunk town, DO NOT DRINK IT at such a late hour.

I'm such an idiot....caffeine never used to affect me, but I guess I'm getting old. I could not fall asleep to save my life last night! I tossed and turned 'til well past 3 a.m. Then woke up at 7 for no apparently good reason. Yawn.

Let's see...what's on tap for today? Patrick left last night to go skiing with his friends. It's one of his buddy's 13th birthday party. Yes...we live in Illinois...Yes, it's flat here. They went to Snowstar, near the Quad Cities to a manmade "mountain". It's his first time skiing, so I pray he's safe. He's not our daredevil, so I don't have to worry like I would if it were Alison skiing. Thornton and I used to ski out in Colorado and Utah all the time when we were in college and when we were first married. Now we're just old farts who can't handle their caffeine!

Rachel has ballet and jazz dance classes today, then is heading to a friend's house. That means Alison will need some diversion. I sure wish she were old enough to package orders for me!

We're taking the girls to see Narnia tonight. They've seen the stage version of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", so at least they'll know the story. I've heard the battle scent might be scary for Alison...but she's such a tough little thing, I think it'll be fine.

Off to wake my snoring hubby....LOVE doing that!

Friday, January 20, 2006

She'll lick you, but that's about it....

We just got word that our homeowner's insurance is being cancelled at the end of February. We were shocked, because our bills are always paid and we've never had a claim. So, we called the company and they informed us that it's because we own a Siberian Huskey and those bigger dogs can be dangerous, so insurance companies are cracking down and cancelling policies. Huh?? Mia is the sweetest dog ever. Ever. Couldn't hurt you if she tried. So, off to search for another insurance company, I guess!

Foaming Sugar Scrub now available

I finally got the approval from my testers that the foaming sugar scrub should be a go, so it's on the site now. It's a great creamy scrub with enough scrubbies to exfoliate properly. It's available only in 4 oz. size now, but I might add larger sizes if it is popular enough.

She really couldn't see!

Rachel has failed her school eye test for 4 years in a row. We have dutifully taken her to the eye doctor each year and she's been found to have perfect eyesight. So, yesterday, we took her again to the eye doctor and found out that in the past year her eyes have drastically gotten *much* worse. She's quite nearsighted now and will be getting the cutest glasses ever. It's so great that there isn't a stigma about wearing glasses anymore. She's looking forward to it! Since she dances so much and glasses aren't allowed on stage, the doctor recommended we get her into contacts soon. Geez...I wasn't allowed to get contacts 'til I was a sophormore in high school! Times have changed!

A Blog: How Fun!!

OK, OK...I'll admit it, I read Colleen's blog at The Body Dessert Shop and I thought the idea was so cool...so I stole it. I've always wanted to keep up with a blog, and I think this is the perfect way to do it.

Here's some general info about me:

I've been married to Thornton for 14 years...15 in June. He was my college sweetheart and my first boyfriend ever. Awww...

Patrick, our son, turned 13 in December. He hit a major growth spurt since this summer and now is 5' 9 1/2" tall! He's a great kid! He's a baseball player and loves to pitch. He already throws a 75 mile an hour fastball.

Rachel, our daughter, will turn 10 on Tuesday, 1/24. In many ways, she's the classic middle child. She loves to pull the "poor me" card, but mostly is very good natured. She's a dancer...she's been taking dance since the day she turned 3. She went on pointe last year and was chosen for our production of "The Nutcracker" this past Christmas.

Alison, our youngest, is 6 1/2. She's our wild child. Actually, she's the child my in-law's hope Thornton would have to get back at him for his crazy childhood! She never stops moving. We've started her in gymnastics and she's a natural! Finding an outlet for her energy will be a good thing, too.

My husband, Thornton, is Director of Music at our church. He's a talented pianist. I am blessed with getting to hear his music all the time.

I started Cleanse Your Soul in October of 2003 as a way to make presents for friends, teachers, etc. It quickly grew into a business. In October of 2005, I lost my job at the hospital I worked at when they downsized. I panicked! Little by little, we started to realize how awesome it would be to make Cleanse Your Soul my full time job. So, scary as it is...that's what we did! I love being home when the kids get home from school and having more time to spend with them. It's still scary, but it's been such a blessing!