Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Report Card Day

Today was report card day. As a child, I always LOVED this day. Of course, I was a suck-up extraordinaire who always brought home straight A's. Rachel is following in my footsteps. She proudly pointed out that she was able to bring her one A- up to an A. She now is trying for an A+ in at least one subject next quarter. Ah...my child!

Alison is completely oblivious to report card day. Last quarter she told us that she hadn't gotten hers, when it was in her bookbag all along. She didn't say this because she didn't want to show it to us...she really just didn't care. Today, she got off the bus w/ her best friend and immediately asked if she could go play at Miriam's house. Didn't dawn on me that it was Report Card Day, so I let her go w/out checking her backpack. I dug her report card out and was so pleased!! Alison had lots of trouble in kindergarten w/ learning to read. She started out 1st grade in a special class designed for kids who need a little extra help. After Christmas, she transitioned out of this classroom into a "regular" room. 1st quarter, it was marked that Alison was reading below grade level. Well...9 weeks later and Alison is now marked at above grade level!! I couldn't be prouder of her hard work.

Patrick...I'm at a loss here. Patrick was a toddler genius. Before he turned 2, he knew all his letters, could spell his name, knew his colors, shapes, names of dinosaurs. All before he was potty trained. I hate to think that he peaked at the tender age of 2. He didn't get *bad* grades, but he certainly didn't work up to his potential. He got all A's and B's, and one C (pre-Algebra). The thing is, he doesn't work hard at all. I wouldn't be mad if he tried hard and just couldn't grasp the concepts. But he doesn't put forth the effort. We are not willing to let him slide by. So...he's under some new strict restrictions.

Report card day was so much more fun when I was a kid! Now, as a parent, it's just hard work.

1 comment:

She-ality said...

*LOVE* your blog. You sound like such a proud mama! Congrats on your biz going full time. Have faith!