Saturday, January 21, 2006

Note to self...

No matter how excited you are that your darling husband brought you home at 11:00 p.m. the Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke that you have so long been searching for in your podunk town, DO NOT DRINK IT at such a late hour.

I'm such an idiot....caffeine never used to affect me, but I guess I'm getting old. I could not fall asleep to save my life last night! I tossed and turned 'til well past 3 a.m. Then woke up at 7 for no apparently good reason. Yawn.

Let's see...what's on tap for today? Patrick left last night to go skiing with his friends. It's one of his buddy's 13th birthday party. Yes...we live in Illinois...Yes, it's flat here. They went to Snowstar, near the Quad Cities to a manmade "mountain". It's his first time skiing, so I pray he's safe. He's not our daredevil, so I don't have to worry like I would if it were Alison skiing. Thornton and I used to ski out in Colorado and Utah all the time when we were in college and when we were first married. Now we're just old farts who can't handle their caffeine!

Rachel has ballet and jazz dance classes today, then is heading to a friend's house. That means Alison will need some diversion. I sure wish she were old enough to package orders for me!

We're taking the girls to see Narnia tonight. They've seen the stage version of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", so at least they'll know the story. I've heard the battle scent might be scary for Alison...but she's such a tough little thing, I think it'll be fine.

Off to wake my snoring hubby....LOVE doing that!

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