Thursday, January 26, 2006

The dreaded 1/2 day...

The kids only have a 1/2 day of school today. They get out at 11:15. I used to live for these days when I was in school, but as a parent, these days have lost their luster! In my mind, if you're going to give them a 1/2 day, at least do it on a Friday. I hate having to wake them up, get them fed and rushed out the door only to return 3 hours later.

Last night Rachel wanted to sleep w/ her hair in rollers so that it would be curly and look more like Betsy Ross' hair for her presentation today. So, of course, Alison insisted on sleeping in rollers too. Alison's hair already is wavy/curly and it's shorter, so instead what happened was that her hair mostly just straightened out. She was not pleased. Rach's hair turned out in nice pretty curls, which she stated she did not like at all. She said she likes her straight hair much better. least God knew what he was doing when he gave Rach straight hair and Alison crazy curly hair. Not only does it fit their personalities, they like it better themselves!

Patrick is trying to get himself out of the doghouse with us. Thing is...I've already moved on. His grounding will stand, but there's no need in dwelling on it. I'll admit that I don't mind him being extra sweet to me, though! He's such a great kid...he just needs to learn that hard work and a good work ethic is important in life.

Better go start working before the kids come home. We're picking up Rachel's new glasses and taking them out to lunch.

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