Saturday, March 11, 2006

5 inches??

Patrick had his yearly physical yesterday. He grew 5 inches since last year!! He'd grown 3 inches the year before, so that's 8 inches in 2 years!! The doctor said he's on track to be over 6 foot. He had to get the meningitis vaccination, which I honestly didn't even know about. I told him that he wouldn't get a shot. When the doctor told him he needed a shot, he looked at me like I had lied to him. Even the doctor explained to him that it was new and I didn't know about it. So, Patrick sat in the room all nervous for the 10 minutes it took for the nurse to come in with the shot. He *really* doesn't like shots. The nurse told him to look at me, count to 10 and it would be over. He didn't even get to 2, and the nurse said, "all done". Patrick said, "Really?? I didn't feel anything at all!!" He practically kissed the nurse, he was so happy! He told her that he was always going to ask for her to give him his shots.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I'd take being tall over being short any day!! Of course, I'm short, so who am I to say?

I'll have to ask him if he's kidded about SpongeBob. Of course, if the kid had an ounce of common sense, it wouldn't be so easy to make fun of him!!