Sunday, June 11, 2006

Been a LONG time!

I guess I can't really call this blog "A DAY in the life..." since I haven't posted in like a week. It's been an adjustment having the kids home all day and trying to get my work done.

Patrick was at baseball camp all last week in the morning. It was kind of humorous, actually. He's a tall kid for his age (13) and this camp was supposed to be for 11-14 year olds. The first day he and I were standing waiting for the camp to start and all these little kids...must've been 11 years old...but seriously they were little...were staring at Patrick with a glazed look on their faces. He towered over them! Turns out there weren't any 14 year olds there and Patrick was taller than anyone by quite a bit. It turned out to be a good camp in the end, and I think it didn't hurt his self esteem at all to be the "Star" camper.

Rachel and Patrick are leaving tomorrow morning for Camp in Bloomington, IL. They'll be gone 'til Saturday. Thornton is going as a counselor for the "first timers camp". He'll be at the same camp, but in a different area. He'll just be gone until Wednesday. It's been pure chaos trying to get everyone ready to go today. And expensive! I have had to purchase everything times 3. 3 bug sprays, 3 flashlights (why can they never find the ones I bought last year??). Then, there's the snacks.....the camp I went to didn't allow you to bring snacks. But, at this camp, you can, as long as they're sealed in a container. I'm so glad they're excited to go. Our kids have always been really secure about leaving us...and I guess that makes me proud that we've grown them to be secure, confident kids. But, it makes me a wee bit sad that they don't need me *that* much!

Alison came home from church today and took a 4 hour nap. I should've known she wasn't feeling well....but at church she seemed OK. She woke up from her nap literally screaming bloody murder. She said her head hurt. She was burning up, too. I took her temp and it was 103.5. Tylenol has brought her back to normal, but I'm worried about when it wears off. She doesn't quite understand that although she's feeling better now, she still needs to lay low.

My in-law's got back today from Georgia. We dog and cat sat for them while they were gone. Their German Shepherd must've pooped in our house 10 times! We'd take him for a walk, he'd poop, then he'd come home and poop again. was gross.

So, Alison and I will be on our own for a few days. She and I were supposed to go up to Chicago to visit w/ my parents tomorrow and Tuesday, but that's put on hold 'til she is feeling better. Unfortunately, her best little friend is going to Germany w/ her parents (who are from there) for a month. I hear lots of whining in my future!

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