Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Missin' my honey

I miss Thornton. I don't know how wives do it if they have husbands that travel a lot. Thornton and I are rarely apart and that's just the way I like it. He's only been at camp since Monday morning and he'll be home tomorrow afternoon, but it just doesn't seem right in our house w/out him here. He did manage to break away this afternoon and called Alison and me. Ali was very happy to talk to her daddy! Funny...she hasn't mentioned missing her brother and sister at all. Whatever could that mean? :-)

Alison and I took our dog Mia for a walk tonight. Unfortunately, as I was walking out the door, I dropped her leash. She took off running, dragging her leash behind her. I expected to be in for a long chase, but some neighbors just a couple of streets over caught her and held onto her 'til Alison and I got there. We then continued our walk and the neighbors that live across the pond from us had their dog out front unleashed. Their dog jumped Mia (despite being less than 1/2 the size) and got a hold of her hind quarters. Thankfully, I didn't find any broken skin.

Alison is currently making Gobstopper dispensers out of paper. You attach the tube of paper to a box of Gobstoppers and then when you put the tube to your mouth, it dispenses Gobstoppers down the tube and into your mouth. She's quite pleased w/ herself, so who am I to stop her?

One more night w/out my honey.....I can make it....

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