Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer musings

I stepped into the shower this morning and found 2 quarters lying on the floor. How did that happen? Were they stuck to someone's skin? I don't empty your pockets in the shower, right?

The other day I knocked over a whole box of Cheez-Its into my huge box of packing peanuts. Cheez-Its weigh more than packing peanuts, so they sunk down into the box. Can you imagine how hard it was trying to fish all the crackers out? So...if you get a package from me w/ a stray cheese cracker in it, now you know.

I think the kids and I are getting into a good routine finally. I still have to remind them that I *have* to work sometimes, but I also have been much better about dropping what I'm doing and watching the play or the dance they've made up or going swimming with them.

Rachel and I are going shopping later for Alison's birthday presents. She turns 7 on Sunday. It's hard to handle that my youngest child is that old. I sometimes miss having a really little one in the house. (and no, honey...if you're reading this...don't freak out....I don't want another baby!)

I've been loving watching the College World Series w/ Patrick. To me, this is pure baseball. The players are great, and they play w/ full-bore enthusiasm. They'll dive after foul balls that they have no chance of getting. It's great!

I admit....I used to watch Days of our Lives in college. Once I started working full time, I didn't watch anymore. But, now that I'm home, I often have it on while I'm working. Big mistake! Patrick was in the room the other day when the show was on. He looked quite bemused. I had no explanation as to why I was suckered into watching such a show...but yet...I can't stay away. It's a drug, I tell you!

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