Monday, June 12, 2006

Wanna buy a railroad tie?

Apparently my cell phone number was mistakenly listed in a classified ad selling railroad ties today. I've gotten 3 phone calls asking for information. One guy was really upset, seemingly with me, that I wasn't the correct person. Yeah, like I wanted people calling me and asking me questions that I haven't a clue the answer to.

Alison is a bit better today. Her temp was down to 100.5 with a sore throat. She's been laying low today, which is nice. I had a good reminder from a friend that when a child is sick, it's OK to slow down and just spend time taking care of them. So, I did.

We sent off a care package to Patrick and Rachel at camp. Sure hope they packed their toothbrushes, because they have lots of candy to share w/ their friends! I hope Thornton calls tonight, if he gets a chance, because Alison really misses her daddy and wants to talk to him. He doesn't have his cell phone w/ him, so I don't know if he'll get to call.

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