Monday, August 28, 2006


On Saturday I made a meal for a family in church. I took off in the van to deliver it. I got on the highway and looked at the gas gauge only to realize that I've never seen the needle be so far past Empty. Yikes...I prayed I could make it to the gas station on Toronto Road. I then looked into my purse and realized that Thornton had taken the credit card and I had no checks in the check book. I checked the cash...I had $3! Any idea how embarrasing it is to "fill up" w/ $3?? I put in the gas and then skulked in to pay. I could hardly look the cashier in the eyes. But, at least the 1.2 gallons of gas got me back home, right?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Messing w/ his mind!

Patrick called from school yesterday to tell me that he forgot his baseball cap (he had a game after school) and asked if I could bring it to him. Now, mind you, I had asked him on the way to school if he had all of his uniform, to which he answered w/ great attitude, "Yes". So...I decided to mess w/ the boy. I told him that I had already had to run Rachel's glasses to school that morning (which was true) and that I really didn't think it was fair to expect me to make another trip just because I have forgetful kids. Then I asked him if he could just borrow someone else's hat that wasn't playing in the game. He got really quiet and said softly, "really?" HA! He's so easy to mess w/! Then I told him that we'd bring the hat to the dugout right after school got out. Of course, then, we met up w/ one of Patrick's coaches, so we told him to first give Patrick this baseball cap from 2 years ago that doesn't fit him and tell him that it's the only hat we could find. The coach laughed and agreed to play along before actually giving the correct cap to Patch. Ahhh....I love being a parent!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is my life

Yesterday I was waiting with Alison on the front stoop for her bus to arrive. Some of our neighbors, who are Asian, walked by. Alison says, "they are Chinese". I said that she was right. Then Alison said that most dark skinned people are Chinese. I said that many of the really dark skinned people are African American. And she says, "or cavemen". Huh?

Then, later, we were at Patrick's baseball game and I dropped my cell phone in the porta-potty. EWWWW!!! So...yeah, I won't be having that phone anymore.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tick Tock Tick Tock

OK...the kid's rooms are all clean (well, I haven't checked Patrick's yet...he was *supposed* to clean it....) and ready for them to be tucked in. Tomorrow is the starts! They've each already picked out their outfits for tomorrow.

I remember that for my first day of 6th grade (Middle School) I wore jeans and this longish teal blue shirt w/ squiggly patterns on it with a gold stretchy belt around the shirt. The height of fashion. On my way home from school that day I heard some friends talking about me and saying, "did you see what Judy was wearing?" I immediately became incredibly self conscious....a feeling that stayed w/ me through high school. Ugh...I wouldn't relive those years for anything. Good thing my kids are WAY more confident than I was.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Counting down the days

School starts on Monday. And I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. I mean, sure...I'm glad they're going back to school, because they really need it and they are ready to go. The bickering has definitely increased at our house this past week. But, this was my first summer at home with them, since I used to work full time, and I had such high expectations of what the summer would be like. While we didn't accomplish much...didn't get any big projects done...I think it was a great summer. I suspect I'm going to miss having the kids around during the day. They are growing into such amazing people.

I hope it doesn't rain tonight (it's supposed to...). I'm hoping to take Rachel to see The King and I out at the Muni. She was thisclose to getting cast in the show and she has a couple of friends who are in it. If not tonight, I think we can go on Sunday, but since it's not usually over 'til 11:30 or so, that might not be the best idea w/ school starting the next day. At least it's just a 1/2 day the first day of school.

Alison's little friend is home from her extended camping trip, so I know the two of them will be playing together all day.

Patrick is going on a Junior High church retreat tonight through Saturday afternoon. They're going out to my in-law's lake house about an hour from here. I hope the weather cooperates, although they'll have a great time no matter what. It's so awesome out there. They could have a blast playing in the woods in the rain.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It shouldn't be this hard...

I have always prided myself on being able to get out pretty much any stain that the kids can get on their clothes. Until now. Patrick's new baseball uniform for Junior high is beating me! The uniform is brand it came w/ no stains at all. The pants are white w/ red piping down the leg. I cannot get the dang pants to come clean! I used OxyClean, I've pre-soaked, I've let them sit, I've scrubbed....I'm about to give up. I hate the thought of turning these pants in at the end of the season and not having them be completely perfect. But, really, how realistic is it that a kid could play as hard as Patrick plays and the WHITE pants would still look brand new?

And I really need to make sure the back pocket of said baseball pants before washing. Today I washed the pants, got them out and found a ton of sunflower seeds lining the inside of my washing machine.

Stupid pants...they're the bane of my existance!

Friday, August 11, 2006

School registration

Yesterday was school registration for the kids. I'm sure once they are back in school and settled in, I'll appreciate the money I spent yesterday, but for now....I'm in a bit of a panic over how much money it costs to send them to school. And forget the supplies...that's through the roof too. Granted, in 5 years when Patrick is leaving for college, I'll have a whole new appreciation for expense of education!

Alison got a teacher for 2nd grade who I wasn't familiar with, but I've done some checking around and found out that she is an excellent teacher who I think will be a good match for Alison. What a relief! I know how important it is to get teachers that mesh with your child. I've been praying over this issue since school let out last May.

Rachel also got a great teacher for 5th grade. She's going to be in honors math and language arts, so she really will have 3 different teachers. She's been working the phones trying to find friends who are in her class and has found just a couple so far.

Patrick is going into 8th grade, so he has 9 different periods/teachers. His schedule looks good, although we were originally concerned about his 8-9th hour classes being Language arts, because he is involved in sports and when they have away games/meets, he misses last hour. But the counselor explained that having last hour Language Arts is actually preferable, since it's a 2 hour class and the last portion of it is often devoted to individual reading/work. I would've loved for his study hall to be last hour, but I guess this will work.

Patrick made the school baseball team. They are having their first practice right now and their first game is tomorrow! Yikes...I hope they all learn the signs by then.

School starts a week from Monday. They are all so ready to go...and even admit it themselves! Summer is just too long.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ready for Broadway

Last night I took Rachel to a Master class held by a native of Springfield that is now one of the choreographers and performers in The Producers on Broadway. She talked about her experiences here and then all that she's done since leaving. Following her talk and performances, she taught the people present the audition dance for The Producers. Rachel was the youngest person on stage by far, but she really held her own. I was so proud of her!!

Rachel is at a Summer Ballet Intensive right now w/ the ballet company, Patrick's baseball tryouts were cancelled for today because of rain, and Alison is at Grandma and Grandpas for a few more hours. Ahhh....quiet (except for Mia, the dog, who keeps acting like she needs to hack up a hairball).

Better do some laundry and get to work!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Vacation Bible School

Phew....last week was Vacation Bible School at our church. I was the director. We had a fabulous week, but I'm glad it's I'm sure are all the other volunteers. The kids are amazing! They soak up so much in such a short period of time. This morning they sang in church and did such a great job.

Alison's group leader told me a funny story about her: She had to decorate a cross on a page one night. She also drew a picture of what looked like someone upside down near the cross. Her leader asked her if that was Jesus and Alison said, "nope...that's me doing a headstand by the cross." That kid cracks me up!

But, obviously, because of that commitment, I am a little further behind than I wish I were. I'll work hard this week to get caught up.