Friday, August 11, 2006

School registration

Yesterday was school registration for the kids. I'm sure once they are back in school and settled in, I'll appreciate the money I spent yesterday, but for now....I'm in a bit of a panic over how much money it costs to send them to school. And forget the supplies...that's through the roof too. Granted, in 5 years when Patrick is leaving for college, I'll have a whole new appreciation for expense of education!

Alison got a teacher for 2nd grade who I wasn't familiar with, but I've done some checking around and found out that she is an excellent teacher who I think will be a good match for Alison. What a relief! I know how important it is to get teachers that mesh with your child. I've been praying over this issue since school let out last May.

Rachel also got a great teacher for 5th grade. She's going to be in honors math and language arts, so she really will have 3 different teachers. She's been working the phones trying to find friends who are in her class and has found just a couple so far.

Patrick is going into 8th grade, so he has 9 different periods/teachers. His schedule looks good, although we were originally concerned about his 8-9th hour classes being Language arts, because he is involved in sports and when they have away games/meets, he misses last hour. But the counselor explained that having last hour Language Arts is actually preferable, since it's a 2 hour class and the last portion of it is often devoted to individual reading/work. I would've loved for his study hall to be last hour, but I guess this will work.

Patrick made the school baseball team. They are having their first practice right now and their first game is tomorrow! Yikes...I hope they all learn the signs by then.

School starts a week from Monday. They are all so ready to go...and even admit it themselves! Summer is just too long.

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