Thursday, April 27, 2006
Motivate me!
We are leaving at 7 a.m. to drive to Ohio for a wedding. I haven't packed a single thing for any of us and I really have no desire to do so. I have got to be my behind in gear and get going. I don't want to be up 'til the wee hours of the morning packing!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Alison funny
The other day Alison was with me in the van when I dropped Rachel off at dance. As Rachel got out of the car, Alison says, "Our little Rachel...she's going to be 11 soon. Where does the time go?" She's such a goober!
Yesterday Patrick had a track meet. Problem was only 45 degrees and very windy out! I was SO cold sitting in the stands watching the meet. Then I started looking around and realized that I was like the only stupid parent who was sitting in the stands! No one else was brave enough to sit out there and freeze. I thought the kids would probably run really fast, just so they could put their sweats back on!!
Yesterday Patrick had a track meet. Problem was only 45 degrees and very windy out! I was SO cold sitting in the stands watching the meet. Then I started looking around and realized that I was like the only stupid parent who was sitting in the stands! No one else was brave enough to sit out there and freeze. I thought the kids would probably run really fast, just so they could put their sweats back on!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
We bought a car!
After only having one car for 3 months or so, we finally bought a car to replace my dead car. We bought a 2003 Mazda6 w/ 37,000 miles on it. It's in awesome shape!! Thornton and I did tons of research and drove through every car lot in town. This was the first car we saw, but we felt like we needed to see everything that was out there in our price range. We had heard that new Hyundais were in our price range, so we headed there this morning. We test drove their Accent, which is their smallest car. Hyundai has a 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty right now, so that was pretty appealing. order to get a car in our price range, we couldn't get a car w/ air conditioning, power locks or power windows. I don't have very high standards, but one of them is not driving around all summer w/ sweat dripping off me. So, despite the salesman's valiant efforts (personally, I'd be embarrassed to try to convince someone to buy a car w/ no AC), we walked. The Mazda6 was a wee bit out of our price range, but Thornton's parents said they would chip in $50 a month so we could get it. We've worked so hard to become responsible w/ our money, and we were not going to ruin it on a car. I love his parents! (for many, many reasons, besides the money)
To trick the kids, we printed up the following pictures and told them that this was our new car:

Alison loved the lime green Chevy Caprice and was actually disappointed when we told her that we were kidding! She's such a unique child. Rachel couldn't believe that her father and I had gone through all the trouble to track down a picture like that to trick them. She should know better than that! She's known us for 10 years...LOL!
To trick the kids, we printed up the following pictures and told them that this was our new car:

Alison loved the lime green Chevy Caprice and was actually disappointed when we told her that we were kidding! She's such a unique child. Rachel couldn't believe that her father and I had gone through all the trouble to track down a picture like that to trick them. She should know better than that! She's known us for 10 years...LOL!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Play Ball!
Today is Patrick's first baseball game of the season. He plays on a competetive team. This is his first year w/ this team, and most of the kids on the team are 14 (Patrick is 13). It's been a great experience for him to have to prove himself to be able to play w/ the older kids. He's a very talented player and works really hard, so hopefully today's game will have a good outcome. I think he's kind of nervous, because they're playing another local team of kids that are all in the grade ahead of Patrick.
I just love baseball! I love being outside on a beautiful day like today is going to be. Thankfully the game is at our local fields, so there is a great playground nearby for Alison to play at. Rachel will miss half the game because of her dance classes, but then Grandpa is going to bring her out to the field.
The girls and I saw a local youth theater production of Alladin last night. Rachel hadn't been able to audition for it because of our vacation. It was so well done! What a fun evening.
I just love baseball! I love being outside on a beautiful day like today is going to be. Thankfully the game is at our local fields, so there is a great playground nearby for Alison to play at. Rachel will miss half the game because of her dance classes, but then Grandpa is going to bring her out to the field.
The girls and I saw a local youth theater production of Alladin last night. Rachel hadn't been able to audition for it because of our vacation. It was so well done! What a fun evening.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Kitty love
Our cat, Ozzie, loves to wake me up at 5 a.m. He will shove his little furry face into my face and rub. Then he head butts me. This continues until I wake up enough to start scratching his face. Of course, then, he wants me to continue loving him, despite the fact that I want to sleep. He won't leave my face alone! About this time, the birds start tweeting. We live in a small town, but it's not like we live out in the country. But, man, are the birds loud! So, the past 3 days, I've been up at 5 and unable to fall back to sleep. Until this morning, when I fell back asleep at approximately 6:45. My alarm goes off at 7. I was deep in the middle of a very bizarre dream at the time about a camping trip. There were all these completely unrelated people, including people from my past and people I hardly know camping along w/ our family. I have no idea what it meant. Of course, I can't ever figure out what my dreams mean. Ozzie is now sleeping in the window sill. I think I'll go wake HIM up!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I'll admit it...I adore watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie. They are on here from 2-4 p.m. I always have it on in the sunroom while I'm working in the kitchen. I loved LHOTP when I was little and I've not outgrown it. I think part of it is that I always have wanted a dad like "Pa Ingalls". He is caring, gentle, fun, not afraid to cry....what a guy! My dad...well...he's no Pa Ingalls. So, I guess I will have to live vicariously through Laura, eh?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I've been thinking a lot lately about being the person I'm meant to be. I feel very comfortable w/ myself...but that's been a long process. I wasn't a confident kid. My teen years were hell. I was so insecure. I met Thornton in my 20's, but it was still a time of figuring myself out. I honestly didn't know who I was or what I was meant to be. Now I'm 38 and while I certainly don't have it all figured out, I feel like I'm getting closer to knowing what's right for me. When I worked full time in the corporate world raising money, I was good at what I did, but I never felt all that comfortable doing it. I didn't like having to spend my time pretending to care about the lives of the wealthy in town just to garner donations. I felt like, although I enjoyed my job, I was just biding my time. When I lost my job in October, it opened the door for me to continue on the journey to figuring out what I am meant to do. Being home full time has been an adjustment. Financially, it can be challenging. But, I feel like it's right. I love being able to tell people that if they ever need anything during the day, I'm available. I think maybe that's why getting older doesn't bug me....each year has been such a time of growth that I can't wait to see what will unravel next.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Back to school!!
Yea! The kids went back to school today after having last week and yesterday off for Spring Break. I'll admit, I've got to get this all figured out before summer, because I really didn't get nearly what I needed to get accomplished when they were around all day. They have to understand I need to work w/out tons of interruptions and I need to realize that I have to buckle down!
We cleaned out the pool on Sunday evening. We didn't get it closed up real well at the end of the season, so it had tons of leaves and gunk in it. Thornton and Patrick got it all shop vac'ed out and then the girls helped scrub it all clean. It's filling up right now. Granted, it'll be COLD water for a while, but it's nice to have that task done w/.
Patrick had a track meet yesterday. He did well in his individual races, but he was really disappointed w/ the results of his relay. They had to race against 8th grade teams (they are 3 7th graders and a 6th grader), and Patrick runs the 2nd leg. After those first 2 legs, they weren't too far behind the 8th graders, but the 6th grader running the 3rd leg really had a bad race and they ended up coming in last. Patrick was not happy. I tried explaining to him that as long as he does his best, that's all he can do.
We cleaned out the pool on Sunday evening. We didn't get it closed up real well at the end of the season, so it had tons of leaves and gunk in it. Thornton and Patrick got it all shop vac'ed out and then the girls helped scrub it all clean. It's filling up right now. Granted, it'll be COLD water for a while, but it's nice to have that task done w/.
Patrick had a track meet yesterday. He did well in his individual races, but he was really disappointed w/ the results of his relay. They had to race against 8th grade teams (they are 3 7th graders and a 6th grader), and Patrick runs the 2nd leg. After those first 2 legs, they weren't too far behind the 8th graders, but the 6th grader running the 3rd leg really had a bad race and they ended up coming in last. Patrick was not happy. I tried explaining to him that as long as he does his best, that's all he can do.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Rubber band war
First of all, we had a very nice Easter. The services at church were amazing. Thornton did an incredible job with the music. After services, we went to my in-law's house for lunch. It was also my MIL's birthday, so that was extra special.
Right now, Thornton and the kids are in the middle of a rubber band war. They are shooting rubber bands at each other and having a grand ol' time. Personally, I can't think of much I'd dislike more than participating. It hate getting shot w/ rubber bands! The kids have even built a fort to duck behind. So nice that Thornton is the perpetual child. Maybe.
Right now, Thornton and the kids are in the middle of a rubber band war. They are shooting rubber bands at each other and having a grand ol' time. Personally, I can't think of much I'd dislike more than participating. It hate getting shot w/ rubber bands! The kids have even built a fort to duck behind. So nice that Thornton is the perpetual child. Maybe.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Good Friday
I have always thought that Good Friday was such a misnomer. I mean...I know the end result is good, but let's face seems strange to call the day Christ died on the cross "good". Sometimes the weight of the realization of what Christ did for me is too just so overwhelming.
Thornton and I just got back from picking up 61 Easter Lily plants to decorate the sanctuary at church. Can you say allergy attack?? Those plants are so fragrant, it's sickening. And, the yellow stuff from the middle of the plant (the stamen??...Joe, is that right?) gets all over your clothes. But, at least the sanctuary will look beautiful Sunday morning. And smell.
While Thornton and I got the flowers, we left the kids at home to clean Alison's room. Thornton said that there was no way the kids could all work together to accomplish that task w/out fighting. I said that if we expect little, we get little, but if we expect they can do it, they just might. Well....of course, I was wrong. Patrick called and said he threw up and had a very upset stomach. He actually does, but it still would've been nice if he could've sucked it up and cleaned, if for no other reason that to prove my point. Then Rachel called and said that she didn't want to clean anymore, because Alison was watching TV and Patrick was lying down, and she was doing everything. So, now, Alison wants to go outside and play (in the rain), but she has to finish cleaning her room first. It's never easy.
Thornton and I just got back from picking up 61 Easter Lily plants to decorate the sanctuary at church. Can you say allergy attack?? Those plants are so fragrant, it's sickening. And, the yellow stuff from the middle of the plant (the stamen??...Joe, is that right?) gets all over your clothes. But, at least the sanctuary will look beautiful Sunday morning. And smell.
While Thornton and I got the flowers, we left the kids at home to clean Alison's room. Thornton said that there was no way the kids could all work together to accomplish that task w/out fighting. I said that if we expect little, we get little, but if we expect they can do it, they just might. Well....of course, I was wrong. Patrick called and said he threw up and had a very upset stomach. He actually does, but it still would've been nice if he could've sucked it up and cleaned, if for no other reason that to prove my point. Then Rachel called and said that she didn't want to clean anymore, because Alison was watching TV and Patrick was lying down, and she was doing everything. So, now, Alison wants to go outside and play (in the rain), but she has to finish cleaning her room first. It's never easy.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Another beautiful day!
I just can't believe our luck that the week the kids are off for Spring Break, the weather is beautiful! Usually the week is cold and rainy. Today it's supposed to be 85! Alison has already informed me that she will be spraying herself w/ a hose today.
Patrick is going to his girlfriend's house to watch movies this afternoon. I've checked and the mom will be there the whole time, along w/ other kids. Gotta check up on these kids, you know!
They have now dug the basement and poured the walls for my in-law's new house. Their house is going to be only 2 blocks from ours!! I'm so excited and can't wait for the house to be done. Having them so close will be awesome.
Patrick is going to his girlfriend's house to watch movies this afternoon. I've checked and the mom will be there the whole time, along w/ other kids. Gotta check up on these kids, you know!
They have now dug the basement and poured the walls for my in-law's new house. Their house is going to be only 2 blocks from ours!! I'm so excited and can't wait for the house to be done. Having them so close will be awesome.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
It's a beautiful day!
Yea! A sunny, warm day today!! That means children playing outside. I'll admit that it's been a difficult transition this week to having the kids home (spring break) while I'm trying to work. This is the first time I've been home when they are. Previously, I was slaving away in the corporate world...ick! Granted, money is tighter, but it's SO worth it. But,'s been hard for them to understand that I have to work during the day. We'll get it all worked out, I'm sure....before summer hits!
Speaking of summer, I've got to find some good day camps for Alison to go to. Patrick has his baseball stuff, plus a week long sleep-away camp. Rach has the same sleep away camp, plus a 2 week performing arts day camp. I don't have anything lined up for Alison yet. Maybe ecology camp. Patrick went to that once. It's right up Alison's alley, too.
Speaking of summer, I've got to find some good day camps for Alison to go to. Patrick has his baseball stuff, plus a week long sleep-away camp. Rach has the same sleep away camp, plus a 2 week performing arts day camp. I don't have anything lined up for Alison yet. Maybe ecology camp. Patrick went to that once. It's right up Alison's alley, too.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
A bit suspicious
Yesterday morning Alison was bugging me to take a bath. She loves to take baths....mostly for playtime. Actually, completely for play time. Normally, I don't mind, but we were in a hurry to get to an appointment, so we didn't have time. When we got home, she was already dressed for the day and I had to get working, so I told her she could take a bath at the end of the day. She continued to bug me to take a bath and I continued to deny her. Finally, she gave up and went to her friend Miriam's house. About a half hour later, she comes home drenched and muddy and says, "OK...I fell in the creek...NOW can I take a bath?" She won.
Ozzie came through his little surgery w/ flying colors. Although, apparently, anethesia doesn't bring out the best in him. The vet techs were sarcastically calling him "Mr. Congeniality". I felt bad, like they were criticizing my baby. He's really sweet, just maybe not when he's in pain! When we got him home it was like his hind legs were paralyzed. This led to him falling off the bed and landing flat on his back...twice. He's almost completely back to normal this morning.
Ozzie came through his little surgery w/ flying colors. Although, apparently, anethesia doesn't bring out the best in him. The vet techs were sarcastically calling him "Mr. Congeniality". I felt bad, like they were criticizing my baby. He's really sweet, just maybe not when he's in pain! When we got him home it was like his hind legs were paralyzed. This led to him falling off the bed and landing flat on his back...twice. He's almost completely back to normal this morning.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Poor Ozzie
Ozzie, our cat, is being neutered today (or spade?...I can't ever remember which is for boys and which is for girls). He had to be at the vet in Springfield (20 minutes away) at 7 a.m. Normally, that wouldn't have been such a big deal, but today is the first day of Spring Break, and I could've potentially slept in. Ozzie did great on the car ride to the vet, but when I tried to get him in his cardboard carrying box (we haven't bought a real carrier yet), he flipped out. I could not get the handles closed. So, I'd pull him back onto my lap and he'd start purring....I'd try to put him back in the box, he'd flip out. And so on. Then I realized that nobody else was in the parking lot, so I probably could just carry him in.
I was talking to the vet assistant about Ozzie's embarrassing problem w/ gas and very loose, extremely stinky bowel movements. She said that they probably needed to de-worm him again. I said, "he never has been de-wormed". So, hopefully that is the problem, considering he had been living on the streets before we got him.
We get to pick him up around 3.
I was talking to the vet assistant about Ozzie's embarrassing problem w/ gas and very loose, extremely stinky bowel movements. She said that they probably needed to de-worm him again. I said, "he never has been de-wormed". So, hopefully that is the problem, considering he had been living on the streets before we got him.
We get to pick him up around 3.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Nap time?
I really needed a nap this afternoon. I did get one....kind of. During my nap, Rachel called to see if she could have dinner at the friend's house she was at. Then Patrick came in and asked if he could go to a friend's house. Then Alison came in and asked if she could play at the back yard neighbors house. Then Alison came in again to ask if she could go to the house a few doors down to play with the boys that live there. Then Alison came in to ask if she could go to another friend's house. Then I gave up.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Who needs TV?
We got our cat this toy. It has a mouse that squeeks on a bungee cord. I can't even tell you how much fun we have had watching Ozzie play w/ this toy! We have it hanging on the French door between the dining room and the sun room. The cat will sit on the back of the love seat and then pounce on the mouse. Seriously,
I'm going to have to stock up on these toys....they're brilliant!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Prayers for a friend
Please keep the daughter of a friend of ours in your prayers. Sarah is a sophomore in college and was diagnosed today w/ lymphoma. She will be having more tests soon to find our what kind of lymphoma it is, and what the treatment will be. Her family is so scared right now, as is expected.
Ready for slopping in the creek!
Alison loves to play in one of the creeks by our house (we live in a subdivision that has a series of ponds and creeks conntecting them). I have told her that I don't mind her getting dirty because I'd rather she was having safe fun outside than sitting inside watching TV. So, today I found the perfect boots for her to wear in the creek. Won't these be great?

Now I can't wait for her to get home from school...LOL!

Now I can't wait for her to get home from school...LOL!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
She made it!!
We didn't get a letter today regarding Rachel's audition for the Ballet Company, so I kind of wondered if that wasn't bad news...but...I just checked the website and SHE MADE IT! I'm so proud of my little ballerina!
Take me out.... season has started up once again! My favorite time of year. Good thing it lasts 6 months, eh? The St. Louis Cardinals played their first game yesterday (and won!) and all seems right with the world again. Patrick's first game w/ his travelling team is April 22. His season won't be done until the end of July, then school ball starts up 2 weeks later.'s a good thing I like baseball, because I see a lot of it!!
Rachel should find out today if she made the trainee program for the ballet company. My gut reaction is that she had to have made it, but I don't want to get my (or her) hopes up.
Rachel should find out today if she made the trainee program for the ballet company. My gut reaction is that she had to have made it, but I don't want to get my (or her) hopes up.
Monday, April 03, 2006
My best laid plans of blogging while on vacation were quickly thrown out the window. Sure, I *could've* blogged, but the reality was I didn't want to!
We had a great vacation! We went to Bradenton, FL, which is south of the Tampa/St. Pete area, on the Gulf. My in-laws rent a house down there for 6 weeks. The first part of the vacation, the weather was chilly in the low 60's. The pool at the house was supposed to be heated, but it didn't seem to be. The kids didn't seem to mind the cold water, though. I got in a couple of times when it was cold and it took a LONG time to get used to it. Our last 4 days there, the weather was in the 80's and beautiful. We went to the beach at Anna Maria Island twice and had a great time. It was perfect...not a ton of people, amazing sand and perfect weather. We even saw dolphins swimming out where we had been swimming just moments earlier.
I'll post vacation pictures later. I got some great ones!!
Now, it's back to reality. The kids are back in school this week, then have next week for Spring Break. We couldn't go on vacation then because Thornton has to be here for church, since it's Easter season.
Rachel auditioned for the trainee program w/ the Springfield Ballet Company. We'll find out tomorrow, I think, if she's made it. There are only 25 spots, so I hope she did. This is the first year she's been old enough to audition, so we'll just have to see.
We had a great vacation! We went to Bradenton, FL, which is south of the Tampa/St. Pete area, on the Gulf. My in-laws rent a house down there for 6 weeks. The first part of the vacation, the weather was chilly in the low 60's. The pool at the house was supposed to be heated, but it didn't seem to be. The kids didn't seem to mind the cold water, though. I got in a couple of times when it was cold and it took a LONG time to get used to it. Our last 4 days there, the weather was in the 80's and beautiful. We went to the beach at Anna Maria Island twice and had a great time. It was perfect...not a ton of people, amazing sand and perfect weather. We even saw dolphins swimming out where we had been swimming just moments earlier.
I'll post vacation pictures later. I got some great ones!!
Now, it's back to reality. The kids are back in school this week, then have next week for Spring Break. We couldn't go on vacation then because Thornton has to be here for church, since it's Easter season.
Rachel auditioned for the trainee program w/ the Springfield Ballet Company. We'll find out tomorrow, I think, if she's made it. There are only 25 spots, so I hope she did. This is the first year she's been old enough to audition, so we'll just have to see.
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