Monday, April 10, 2006

Poor Ozzie

Ozzie, our cat, is being neutered today (or spade?...I can't ever remember which is for boys and which is for girls). He had to be at the vet in Springfield (20 minutes away) at 7 a.m. Normally, that wouldn't have been such a big deal, but today is the first day of Spring Break, and I could've potentially slept in. Ozzie did great on the car ride to the vet, but when I tried to get him in his cardboard carrying box (we haven't bought a real carrier yet), he flipped out. I could not get the handles closed. So, I'd pull him back onto my lap and he'd start purring....I'd try to put him back in the box, he'd flip out. And so on. Then I realized that nobody else was in the parking lot, so I probably could just carry him in.

I was talking to the vet assistant about Ozzie's embarrassing problem w/ gas and very loose, extremely stinky bowel movements. She said that they probably needed to de-worm him again. I said, "he never has been de-wormed". So, hopefully that is the problem, considering he had been living on the streets before we got him.

We get to pick him up around 3.

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