Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

I have always thought that Good Friday was such a misnomer. I mean...I know the end result is good, but let's face seems strange to call the day Christ died on the cross "good". Sometimes the weight of the realization of what Christ did for me is too just so overwhelming.

Thornton and I just got back from picking up 61 Easter Lily plants to decorate the sanctuary at church. Can you say allergy attack?? Those plants are so fragrant, it's sickening. And, the yellow stuff from the middle of the plant (the stamen??...Joe, is that right?) gets all over your clothes. But, at least the sanctuary will look beautiful Sunday morning. And smell.

While Thornton and I got the flowers, we left the kids at home to clean Alison's room. Thornton said that there was no way the kids could all work together to accomplish that task w/out fighting. I said that if we expect little, we get little, but if we expect they can do it, they just might. Well....of course, I was wrong. Patrick called and said he threw up and had a very upset stomach. He actually does, but it still would've been nice if he could've sucked it up and cleaned, if for no other reason that to prove my point. Then Rachel called and said that she didn't want to clean anymore, because Alison was watching TV and Patrick was lying down, and she was doing everything. So, now, Alison wants to go outside and play (in the rain), but she has to finish cleaning her room first. It's never easy.

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