Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's cool again!

We ended up leaving town since our air conditioner couldn't get fixed until today and it was 90 in our house. My in-law's have a house on a private lake about an hour from here, so we headed over there after church on Sunday and got back today. It was wonderful! The kids swam, fished, lazed around...and I got a 2 hour nap! We got back this afternoon and our new air conditioner is now up and running.

Of course, now I'm feeling the pressure to get all these orders out, since I've gotten a bit too far behind, but I'm going to work hard on it now that it's cool. I just couldn't bear to work in my hot kitchen when I was dripping sweat.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The stupidest present ever

Two years ago on my birthday, Thornton forgot to get me a gift. Well, actually, he probably didn't forget, he probably just didn't get me one. He's not a big gift-giver (despite the fact that I love presents!). So, that night he and the kids happened to be at the grocery store and decided to get me a joke gift. I explained to them that usually a joke gift is followed by a real gift, but that was not to be the case. Anyway, they bought me a SpongeBob SquarePants ice pack. Well, let me tell you, that present has probably comforted 100 boo boos in the past 2 years. It's always in the freezer and whenever anyone gets hurt, they get to use SpongeBob. Well, last night, when I went to bed, it was 90 degrees in our house. I love my husband, but I was not sleeping next to anyone when it's that hot. So, he gladly slept downstairs. I laid in bed hot and miserable for a while. Then....a brilliant thought hit me....get SpongeBob! I grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer, climbed back in bed and put SpongeBob behind my neck. Wow...instant relief from the heat! So, SpongeBob slept with me last night....until he wasn't cool anymore and I threw him on the floor.

The air conditioning repair guy is going to "try" to make it today to fix the AC. Otherwise, it'll not be until Tuesday. And it's going to be in the 90's the next few days. Wonder where I can get more of those ice packs.....

Friday, May 26, 2006

It's always something

Recently our weather has turned much hotter, so we turned on the air conditioning for the first time this season. And, nothing. It didn't kick on. So, I called the repairman this morning. He just told me, very non-chalantly, that our compressor is shot and since the unit is so old, it wouldn't help to fix it. We have to replace it, to the tune of $1650. Ummm....yeah...sure, no problem. But, we have to do it. It's 85 degrees in the house right now.

Sometimes I hate being an adult.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Idol thoughts

Caught the finale of American Idol last night. I didn't really have any strong thoughts either way about who I wanted to win. Maybe that's because I didn't catch many of the episodes this season. In their last performance show on Tuesday, I had to cringe many times at how off key both of the singers got at times. Even Rachel (who actually has near perfect pitch) would turn around and look at me in the kitchen w/ this look on her face that said "ouch...that was a bad note".

The highlight of the show, however, was when they brought this guy onstage to sing who idolized Clay Aiken. He had auditioned for the show and was horrible. He even dressed like Clay. While he was singing (off key, of course), Clay walked out onstage singing. This guy freaked out. I mean FREAKED OUT! It was priceless. I am still chuckling over that image.

They had some famous artists on the show too. After Prince sang Rachel said to me, "so who decided this guy should be famous?" Touche.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Monday night Patrick came w/ me to pick up Rachel from dance. He had just finished a baseball game. Rachel's face lit up when she saw him sitting out in the waiting area. One of the girls asked Rachel who that was. And Rachel proudly answered, "that's my brother." The girl said, "whoa...*that's* your brother??!!" Then that little girl (OK...she's 11...but to me she's a little girl...) proceeded to come out into the waiting area 4 times in 15 minutes to blow her nose....each time staring at Patrick. It was hysterical! Rachel just rolled her eyes.

Now, if any of Patrick's friends ever start thinking Rachel is cute...then we have trouble.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Who broke the recliner?

I just looked over at the recliner in the family room and the legrest part is up and at a very strange angle....kind of hanging there...definitely broken. No one is home to grill about who did it. But, my guess is that no one will confess. Of course, this chair is the dog's favorite sleeping spot, so maybe we should just blame her.

It so quiet here. Thornton and Patrick are at Patch's baseball practice. Rachel and Alison are both over at friend's houses. I'm not used to it being quiet!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Prayers for my mom

I just got off the phone w/ my mom. She was just admitted to the hospital w/ cellulitis (a very bad skin infection) and abscess in her arm. She has bad excema and thinks she must've scratched too hard and it got infected. She saw her doctor today and he apparently freaked out and sent her immediately to the hospital to be admitted. They have done cultures and are hooking her up to IV antibiotics. She sounded in pretty good spirits. I'm going to wait and see what the infectious disease doctor says and then decide on whether I'll head up there (they live near Chicago). My dad doesn't like to drive in rush hour and they live about a half hour away from the hospital, so I'm not sure how he'll manage. Having aging parents really stinks.....

Thursday, May 18, 2006

One more week

After tomorrow, the kids only have one more week of school. I cannot believe that another school year is over. It seriously seems like it just started. Why does the year go by so quickly for my kids, but when I was a kid it dragged by so slowly? I'm going to have to get in summer mode now and motivate myself to work my usual hours even though the kids will be home now. These kids really are spoiled, because Thornton's schedule is so flexible and the church he works at is only 2 minutes from our house, so they really have both of their parents available this summer. Of course, that doesn't mean that we'll be at their beck and call, but I'm glad that if they need to be run over to a friend's house or whatever, I'll be able to do it. And then, I'll get right back to work! Promise.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My cuties!

Rise and Shine!

My alarm clocked stopped working recently. Actually, it still worked, but you couldn't reset the time the alarm was to go off. It was permanently stuck on 6:30 a.m. That's not a huge deal, since during the week we get up at 7:00, but it was getting to be a pain. So...yesterday the girls and I went shopping for a new clock. They picked out a clock for me that had various sounds that could wake you up. You can choose from: buzzer, rooster, birds, seagulls, waterfall, crickets or seashore. I thought it would be nice to wake up to the sound of waves crashing over rocks, so I bought it. When I actually stopped long enough to read the directions, I realized that the waterfall, crickets and seashore sounds were to fall asleep by...you couldn't choose them as alarm sounds. So, I was stuck w/ either the rooster, birds or seagulls. Or the annoying buzzer and really...I don't want to start my day listening to that. So, I choose the rooster. I figured it's the sound that's been waking up farmers for generations, so it should be good enough for me. Not quite as soothing as a waterfall, but it'd have to do. But...I'll have to wait 'til tomorrow morning because Patrick woke me up this morning about 15 minutes before it was to go off to tell me that he was awake. Why does a 13 year old have to wake his sleeping mother to tell her he's awake?? Apparently I've taught him nothing in his time here on earth.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day champs!

We spent the weekend shivering at Patrick's baseball tounament. It was about 50 degrees, windy w/ periods of drizzle. I'm still not warm! But...they won the tournament!! Patrick pitched the game to get the team into the championship game and did awesome. Not that I saw it...we were still at church. We got there in time for the championship game, though. Here's a picture of the championship team. Patrick is in the front row on the left.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Sweet Wilma

I just found out that a sweet lady from our church passed away last night from a cerebral hemmorage. She was in her 80's and had recently won a battle w/ cancer. Everyone loved Wilma...she always had a hug and a smile for you. I know my kids will be sad when they get home from school and we tell them. But, thankfully, her passing was quiet and peaceful. And I know Jesus got a big hug last night at 5 p.m.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I love my mailman!

My mailman is the best! Obviously I have lots of packages going out and coming in every day. He told me that I didn't have to schedule pick up online anymore, because if I left them on the porch, he'll get them. Well, the other day, it was pouring rain, so when I saw him pull up out front I went outside to help load up his truck. He told me not to help him, because he didn't want me to get wet. How sweet is that? Then he got my mail and brought it to the door so I didn't have to go to the mail box.

I am beginning to wonder, however, if the fact that we live in a small town slows down mail delivery. Priority mail is supposed to take 2-3 days, but packages from me to customers hardly ever gets there that fast. It's frustrating, but what's a girl to do? At least I don't have to get wet!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stupid Oprah

Yesterday's Oprah was about marriage. Except, it didn't put a positive spin on marriage at all. Lance Armstrong's ex-wife was a guest, along w/ that psychologist person that she has as a guest a lot. They both talked about how so many woman lose themselves when they get married. And Oprah says, with this superior look on her face, "Exactly! That's why I've never gotten married!" Good grief...I'm sorry if she's so selfish that she isn't willing to share herself unconditionally w/ a man. But I am! And, let me tell you, I've become more of a person, not less, since getting married almost 15 years ago. I think both Thornton and I have grown because of each other. So, there, Oprah...you don't know everything!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Thornton turned 40 today! Hard to believe my sweet hubby is 40. I'm not sure how he's taking it, actually. He's so easy to tease about being old...actually he's easy to tease about anything. But, I kind of think maybe he really isn't all that thrilled with getting older. We didn't do too much for his birthday. He and I went out for breakfast this morning. The kids had a 1/2 day of school, so we all went out for lunch. He got his presents this afternoon....just a bunch of summer shirts. Tonight he's at the Hitting Center w/ Patrick. He refused to let me throw him a party. I can't wait for 40 years from now when he's 80 and I'm 78 and we've got the time to spend w/ each other. It's nice to know you've got a love to grow old w/!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hopscotch candy

Alison had a sucker yesterday and she told me to try it because it tasted like hopscotch. Took me the longest time to realize she meant butterscotch. 'Cause hopscotch candy would taste like chalk and rocks, right? :-)

Rachel had her first ballet company Trainee class. It wasn't a "real" class, actually, because they did a reflexology class w/ the company dancers. It sounds pretty cool...she was telling me all about where to press on your foot to relieve whatever pains you have. I just found it funny, because dancer's feet are so ugly and here they had a whole class focusing on them.

Patrick had a double header yesterday, also. He pitched 3 innings of the first game. Of course, those were the innings that I wasn't there, because I wasn't back from Rachel's ballet yet. He did really well....struck out 8 in 3 innings!!

Today is another busy afternoon and evening. Alison has gymnastics at 4-5, then we'll catch something to eat. Drop Rachel off at dance at 6, and then race across town to Patrick's baseball game, which also starts at 6. Right when his game is over, I'll have to go back and pick Rachel up. Note to self: have Alison bring homework when we leave for gymnastics or she'll never get it done!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Naptime donation

Last Sunday I was exhausted after driving back from Ohio in the night. So, after church, I took a nap. Actually fell asleep this time too! At one point one of the kids came in and told me I had a phone call. I have no idea when they'll learn that when I'm napping, I don't take phone calls, but for some reason, I picked up the phone. It was the Special Olympics looking for a donation. After my nap I said to Thornton that I thought I had donated to the Special Olympics in my sleep. Honestly, I couldn't remember what I had said to the person on the phone! I figured it was OK, since we love the Special Olympics and have volunteered our time for them in the past. Today the donation form came in the mail. Thank goodness it was only $25 that I donated. Can you imagine if I'd donated a ton of money?? I would've had to call them and tell them that I donated in my sleep and I had to reduce the amount!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day w/ a friend

I'm driving one of my very best friends to St. Louis today for a doctor's appointment. I'm thrilled that I get to spend the day w/ her. We are both busy and don't get to connect as often as we'd like, so this is going to be awesome. She's one of those people that I aspire to me more like.

I've decided that we have the neediest cat alive. He walks around the house whining until he finds us and then he'll rub up against us and head butt us until we give him an adequate amount of attention. Normally, it's cute, but every morning at 5 a.m. is getting a little old!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mean Girls

Rachel got into the van after dance on Monday and said, "Mommy, you know how you said that if I ever need to talk to you about anything, that I can?" She then told me that she thought two girls in her dance class were making fun of her. They were giggling and looking at Rach and then came over to her and told her about this "girl" that they didn't like that had big, ugly glasses, wore a necklace, always had a sparkly hair tie in her hair and played on the jungle gym. Well...all of these things are true of Rachel (except of course, her glasses are cool!). Rachel had *just* been talking to them about how she still loves to climb on the jungle gym at recess sometimes. Rachel was really upset, because these girls have been her friends, since they've been dancing together for years. I told Rachel that she should've said, "I think you're talking about me, and if that's true, that makes me sad, because I thought we were friends. And if you're talking about someone else, I really don't want to talk about it, because it's not nice". Of course, I know that's easy for me to say...but not so easy for a 10 year old girl to say.

I'm pretty sure I know the root of this incidence. Another girl in Rachel's dance class told Rachel a week ago or so that one of the girls involved in the teasing thought Rachel was really pretty, was a great dancer and loved her glasses. I explained to Rachel that some kids think the best way to make themselves feel better is to put other kids down. It's been my crusade since the girls were babies that they not involve themselves in this kind of behavior. I remember how hurtful it is.

Of course, as a mother, I wanna punch those mean little girls...but I guess I'll let my daughter handle it herself. She's much more civilized than her mother!

Monday, May 01, 2006

The weekend report

We had a great couple of days in Columbus, OH for the wedding of the son of friends of ours. Thornton did all the music and it was wonderful! We had some free time on Saturday, so I took the girls to the Columbus Zoo. This is the zoo where Jack Hanna used to work. We try to get to as many zoos as possible with the kids, so we've seen tons of zoos. But, wow...this one was really impressive. We only had 3 hours there and we probably only saw 1/3 of what was there.

The wedding was at so beautiful. We've known Ryan since he was in 8th grade, so we've seen him grow into a fine young man (he's 24 now). It was a joy to see him find his love. We had to leave the reception early since we had to drive back to Illinois in order to be in church for Sunday morning (since Thornton works there!). We left at 8 p.m. and got home at 2 a.m. Thornton had napped while the girls and I were at the zoo, so he was rested. I, however, was not...but I couldn't fall asleep in the van. All the kids did, so that was good! We got home, got everyone settled and then I tried to sleep....but I couldn't! Finally around 3:30, I fell asleep. Thornton had to get up at 6 to get ready for church, so I was up then. Ugh...I was so tired in church. Thornton and I both took naps in the afternoon yesterday.

Now, it's back at it...Monday morning! Patrick has a track meet after school, assuming it doesn't rain. Alison had gymnastics at 4 and Rachel has dance at 6. Thornton has to work at The Hitting Center, so I'll be doing all the chaufering.