Thursday, May 25, 2006

Idol thoughts

Caught the finale of American Idol last night. I didn't really have any strong thoughts either way about who I wanted to win. Maybe that's because I didn't catch many of the episodes this season. In their last performance show on Tuesday, I had to cringe many times at how off key both of the singers got at times. Even Rachel (who actually has near perfect pitch) would turn around and look at me in the kitchen w/ this look on her face that said "ouch...that was a bad note".

The highlight of the show, however, was when they brought this guy onstage to sing who idolized Clay Aiken. He had auditioned for the show and was horrible. He even dressed like Clay. While he was singing (off key, of course), Clay walked out onstage singing. This guy freaked out. I mean FREAKED OUT! It was priceless. I am still chuckling over that image.

They had some famous artists on the show too. After Prince sang Rachel said to me, "so who decided this guy should be famous?" Touche.

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