Friday, February 17, 2006

Birthday Sale!

I know I said I wasn't going to have more sales...and really after this, I won't be, but I just had to have a sale for my birthday! So, until Saturday at midnight all sales will be 18% off (since my birthday is on the 18th....not because I'm turning 18..LOL).

Another Alison funny: last night Alison, Rachel and I were lying in bed talking and Rachel commented that the Middle School performed part of "Annie" for them (they are performing this musical this weekend). She said that the dog barked while Annie sung "Tomorrow". I said, "really? Was it a real dog?" She said that it was a kid dressed up like a dog (which is funny enough as it is...). I told her that when the Springfield Muni Opera does "Annie Warbucks" this summer (which Rach is auditioning for) they will use a real dog. Alison looked at me wide eyed and said, "A dog that sings?" She's so darn cute!

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