Sunday, February 05, 2006

Whirlwind day & a new kitty

Yesterday we drove to Indianapolis (about 3 1/2 hours away) for the wedding of one of Thornton's 2nd cousins. It was a beautiful wedding and reception. But, ugh...I think I'm old. The music at the reception was so loud I had a mini panic attack. I can't handle loud noises very throat feels like it's closing up and I feel like I'm having trouble breathing. I had to leave the room several times to get a hold of myself. I kept waiting for the nice slow songs to dance with Thornton, but they didn't play any. We left at 9 a.m. and got home at 12:30 it was a long day.

Friday night Thornton called me up from The Hitting Center (the indoor baseball facility Patrick works out at). He asked me if I wanted a cat. He knows I want a's him that doesn't want one! There was a stray outside the facility who was super friendly. I guess the stray had been there for a while. Anyway, the cat came right to him. He is such a sweetie! I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow and have him scanned to see if he might be microchipped. We've checked the papers and haven't seen a Lost Cat ad. He has no name as of yet, but I've never met a nicer cat.

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