Sunday, February 12, 2006


We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday...quite unexpected. Well, at least it surprised the weathermen! The kids have been having so much fun playing in the snow. Rachel and Alison literally have been outside for hours on end, until I make them come in and warm up. They especially had a good time frolicking in the snow with Mia, our Huskey. Mia found her inner snow dog this weekend. Normally when it's a little cold out, she acts like such a baby and doesn't want to be outside. With this snow, she's been in her glory. Patrick has been playing in the "Snow Bowl 2006", i.e. Snow Football. I'm just so thankful that they love to be outside, rather than sitting inside watching TV all the time.

Gotta go thaw some kids with hot chocolate and make dinner...I'm thinking soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

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