Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"I love cleaning bathrooms"

Yesterday the kids were off school because of President's Day, so of course, we put them to work. Alison cleaned the guest room (aka the girl's playroom) all by herself. She did an awesome job...right down to arranging a million pillows on the bed. She needed some help w/ vacuuming, but otherwise did a very admirable job for a 6 year old. Rachel cleaned the sunroom. When she really puts her mind to it, she is such a great cleaner. She loves to organize stuff. She even scrubbed the linoleum by the door to the deck which gets filthy because of the dog. Patrick was in charge of the family room. I wish I had a glowing review of his work, but it was less than inspired. Guess what he'll be doing after school?? Such a mean mom...I know!

Rachel and Alison said that today after school they want to clean the downstairs bathroom. And Rachel actually spoke the words, "I love cleaning bathrooms!" She is certainly not my child. But I'll keep her!

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