Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gerald Ford

I was six when Gerald Ford took over as President for Richard Nixon. I can still picture the newspaper sitting on the kitchen table that said "Nixon Out, Ford In". It had a split picture of Nixon walking away from the White House and Ford walking towards it. Obviously I wasn't a politically knowledable kid (nor am I as an adult), but for some reason, that picture stuck in my memory. I knew it was an important moment, even though I really didn't know why.

Granted, Ford was never actually elected President, but I still think despite only serving 2 years in the office, he filled a role that America needed desperately at the time. He was a good man...and an honest one.

I haven't thought much about him over my life, but I was saddened to hear of his passing recently. I'm watching now as his casket is brought into the Capitol and I have tears welling up in my eyes. In many ways, it's a pleasure to be reminded of the man who took office those many years ago. It's necessary, especially today...following the death of Saddam know that decency and honor can exist in leadership.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I've been a slacker!

I know...I haven't posted in over a month. Life got busy! It'd be impossible to sum up everything, so I'm not going to bother. But, all in all, it's been a great month. Well, there was the car accident on Dec. 2, but other than that, life's awesome. I've really been feeling like I'm in a good place lately. I'm comfortable in my own skin (despite having too much fat under that skin...LOL!) and that's a great feeling to have.

Christmas was wonderful. I decided that no matter what I wouldn't feel rushed, stressed or burned out this season. It got a little harried around Dec. 18-20 when I had to get the last of my orders out to customers for Christmas delivery, but other than that, I just felt blessed, not stressed.

The kids are home for another week, and that's good. I'm really enjoying their company during the day. Sure, there's been some fighting, but mostly it's just been nice. Check back w/ me next week though!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


We had a very nice Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go up to my parent's house near Chicago, but Rachel was sick earlier in the week and they were afraid of getting exposed to anything. So, thankfully, my in-law's wanted us! I'm sure it was a pain to add 5 to the dinner table when you'd already bought all the food, but they never flinched. Even if one of those 5 eats non-stop (that'd be Patrick...)

My parents, of course, had to dole out a healthy dose of guilt when I called later in the day. I was so confused why they were seemingly mad at me when they told us not to come. I got into it a little w/ my dad, before I realized that I don't need to try to win an argument w/ him. He never backs down and never apologizes, so there's just no point. I'm thankful that I have an understanding husband that I can vent to, however!

This coming up week is going to be very busy. Rachel is in The Nutcracker w/ our ballet company and starting today, she has practices every day except Monday, when she has 2 classes. It's all so fun, though! I volunteer on the Sewing Committee (which is hysterical, because I don't know how to use a sewing machine...but there's lots of hand sewing).

Off to pick up Ali at a friend's house, take her to Thornton at church, pick up Rachel, run to the store, then to Nutcracker practice. After that, we decorate the church for Christmas!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

You've got to be kidding me

I know that soap operas are stupid. I know the story lines are far fetched. I somehow can look past the stupidity while watching Days of Our Lives. But, they went too far. Here's the story line: Marlena (played by Deidre Hall, quite possibly the worst actress on TV) and John are flying to Canada in a small single engine plane through a heavy snow storm (the reason...well, that's far fetched too, but I don't want it to get too confusing). They start to have engine trouble (while they were making out...). Marlena decides that the only way they can land safely is if they lighten the load by her jumping out and parachuting to the ground. John says no, but Marlena tricks him into thinking she won't do it...but then she jumps out. Ok...stupid enough, right? Well, get this...she lands safely, with just a sprained ankle, and is found in the snow by a man carrying an axe. She is carried safely back to his house. She awakes to find him standing over her w/ an axe. She threatens him w/ a fireplace poker (sure...that'll work against an AXE!). He then takes off his hood and she realizes that he is....none other than....Smokey Robinson! OMgosh...I was screaming out loud at the cat about how stupid I was for watching this show.

But, yep...I'll turn it on again tomorrow.

Monday, November 13, 2006

End of an era

Rachel recently lost a tooth. She came up to me and was kind of hinting around about putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. It was obvious from the way she was talking that she was trying to tell me something. I said, "Rach, do you still believe in the tooth fairy?". She said, "I want money". She cracks me up!

We only have 1 child left who believes in the Tooth Fairy, Santa or the Easter sad am I?

15% off

In honor of Cleanse Your Soul being chosen as Indie of the Week at Wickedly Chic, all readers of their site can get 15% off on all orders through the end of November. Check out the article at: under Indie of the Week. If this website is new to you, check back often, as there are often discount codes listed from other etailers (not that you'd shop anywhere but at CYS!). Also, they have great articles and lots of other fun stuff.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Yesterday was stressful

I was sitting at the computer in our family room yesterday around 3 when I looked out the window and saw our cat. That's strange...our cat is an indoor cat. So, I got up and opened the front cat. I assumed I was imagining things, so I scoured the house for Ozzie and couldn't find him. I did, however, find a window screen in the sun room that was out. A little background info: We have "lost" approximately 6 cats in the 15 years we've been married. Cats live with us for a period of time and then decide, for whatever reason, to hit the road. We even had a cat walk 10 miles back to our old neighborhood after we had moved to Chatham. So, when I saw Ozzie outside, I freaked. I called Thornton home and we both looked for him until I had to take the girls to dance. While I was at dance Thorn called to report that not only was Ozzie out, but Mia had gotten out too! Stupid dog. Thankfully Patrick can now outrun Mia, so she was caught quicker than usual. Thornton and Patrick had to go to the Hitting Center last night, so we couldn't resume our search until about 7:30 when it was dark out. We finally saw Ozzie and chased him to under our pool/deck. Over the next 2 hours, Thornton and I would spot him, but be unable to lure him back inside. Finally, we were able to get him near the front door, Patrick opened the door and in he ran! Ozzie ran straight to the bedroom, hopped on the bed and started grooming himself like nothing had happened. Did he care that Thornton had spent an hour crouched under the deck with a flashlight or that I had been face down in the leaves searching?? No...he was too busy grooming himself. But, I love that cat!

Alison started dance yesterday. All the way there she asked me if I could watch her. So, when one of the dads stayed for "watch week", I decided to stay too. Big mistake. Apparently Alison doesn't know what she wants, because she just stood at the barre and did nothing while I was there. I left after a few minutes and then I guess she did just fine. She must've really liked it, because she asked me after class if she could come tomorrow. I had to explain to her that once a week was plenty for a 7 year old.

Check out my business profile on . I'm the "Indie of the Week" How cool is that??

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

She finally caved!

Alison loves to dance. The thing is...she has never wanted to take dance classes. She's really happy with her one gymnastics class, so I've kind of stopped asking her about dance. Of course, every time she dances at home I tell her that she's not allowed to dance unless she'll take dance class...but she just laughs at me. Well, on Saturday, Alison and Rachel auditioned for a local musical (neither got obviously the director has no taste....) and she did really well at learning the dance. I tried one more time...and just asked if she'd like to start dance and she immediately said YES! I called Rachel's studio and Alison starts dance on Thursday. She is so excited now!! It'll be interesting because Alison is so different from Rachel, but I think she'll have a blast.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Yep...saw my first 2 Christmas commercials today. Normally, I would be a little bit upset that the holiday is being rushed so much, but for some reason, I'm in the mood for Christmas early this year. It's such an amazing time of year. We really try hard to focus on the blessings of the season and see the joy it contains. Of course, the fact that Thornton was writing a new Christmas song last night on the piano might've helped put me in the mood. The song is brilliant and so pretty. My hubby is WAY talented!

Trick or Treating was fun last night. I think it was a bit too much walking for my nieces and I'm sure my SIL is sore this morning from carrying Lauren so much. But, all in all...a great time. Dinner turned out nice, too. I made a ton of chili and thought I'd have a lot of left overs. I underestimated how much Patrick would eat!! He even came home from his friend's house and ate more!

No computer table still....

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Been WAY too long...

I know, I's been forever since I've posted. Sorry about that. It all started when our computer desk (a really old wooden table) was starring in a play at church (along w/ the rest of the family). My computer has been set up on a chair, and you have to hunch over to type. Not too comfortable. Well, the play has been over now for close to 2 weeks and my table is still at church. Do you suppose Thornton will take pity on me?

Today is Halloween...woohoo! I just finished decorating the dining room. Thornton's brother and his wife are bringing their daughters (ages 3 1/2 and 2) over for dinner, then we'll go trick or treating. Alison is dressing as a cat and Rachel is going as a Deal or No Deal girl (you know...the ones that hold the silver briefcases?). Patrick is just going to hang out w/ friends, since we don't let him go Trick or Treating at his age. He's cool w/ that, especially since Rachel doesn't like chocolate and gives all of hers to him. He makes out quite well and doesn't have to do any of the walking.

Well, my back is that'll do it for today!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Thornton and I went to McDonald's today for breakfast. We had a coupon for a free breakfast sandwich. So, I told the cashier that I wanted 2 bagel meals, with one of the sandwiches being free. The manager came over and said, "We can't give you the sandwich free in the value meal, because it's already discounted." Huh? At that point, Thornton had to leave, because he was starting to laugh....and I'm sure he was ready for me to start arguing. But, I didn't (aren't you proud of me?) I was like...whatever, just figure it out however you need to so that I get 2 sandwiches and one of them is free. When I got to the table, Thornton was like, "What in the world was she talking about? Technically, if the product you get free is already discounted, then that's a better deal for McDonalds". Yes...but really, who are we to argue w/ their logic??

Friday, October 06, 2006

Feeling blessed

I'm home by myself right now. Alison is at the Lake house w/ Thornton's parents overnight. The rest of the family is at the Glenwood football game. I was going to go, but I have been having a terrible time today w/ allergies and my head is pounding. I've got Nanny 911 on right now and there's a little 8 year old girl on the show who is the most horrific little child I've seen in a while. It's unspeakable the things she says to her parents. It just makes me feel so blessed that our kids are such respectable children. Sure...they have their moments where I wanna pull my hair out, but all in all, I'm so proud of their behavior and who they are growing up to be. to enjoy my solitude!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thornton and I went to P/T conferences for the girls yesterday. Patrick had such great mid-terms, that we were probably lulled into complacency, and we decided not to meet w/ any of his teachers. Hope we don't regret that decision! Rachel has 3 teachers, since she's in Accelerated Math and Literature. Well...everybody loves Rachel! Her teachers just gushed about how wonderful she is and how well she's doing. We were a little nervous about this year for Rach, since this was the first year that she is doing the accelerated classes. I guess I can stop worrying....maybe!

Alison...well, I wish I could say we got the same glowing report. I just have a feeling that her teacher perhaps doesn't appreciate kids w/ a wee bit too much energy. I just pray for a good year for her. Alison has so much potential and I hope it can be maximized this year.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

3 times!!

It's almost embarrassing, but it was 85 degrees in our house, so we turned the air conditioning back on. Yes, it's October. Yes, the air has been off for a month or so. Yes, I love having the house open. But, come was 85 in the house and I was hot! So, Ozzie, who has been loving sleeping in the open window on the sill, had a very time figuring out that the windows were now closed. Three times in the night, the stupid cat jumped up into the closed window. 3 times!! Then he'd whine and jump onto the bed so he could get in my face and protest loudly. I tried explaining to him that today was going to be 92 degrees, but after that, I think we'll be opening the house back up, as it's going to get cooler. I'm pretty sure he didn't understand me, but at least I felt better getting the explanation out there for him.

Monday, October 02, 2006

But I really needed it!

I took a short nap yesterday afternoon. I *really* needed it, too. I mean, my eyes were shutting involuntarily...that means you NEED a nap, right? But, I paid the price last night. I could not fall asleep for anything. Oddly enough, neither could Alison. Poor little thing...she just couldn't fall asleep. It was strange, then, this morning when I went to wake her up and she was easily woken up...which is totally not the norm. I told her that I needed to hop in the shower and that I wanted her dressed before I got out. I went in the laundry room and by the time I was upstairs again, Alison was in my room naked, wanting to shower with me. Strange! Oh and last night, Thornton told Alison she needed to do her homework (why do they wait 'til Sunday night...and why does the 7 year old have homework over the weekend when the older kids don't? ) Anyway, Alison immediately hopped up, got her backpack and did her homework without whining!! Who is this child?

Rachel got to go backstage and onstage at the local production of Cats yesterday. She can not stop talking about how cool it is. She got to see the performers warming up and getting their makeup on, etc. We don't have tickets until Sunday, the last performance of the run, but neither of us can wait!

Patrick got a call last night from a friend inviting him to go bowling w/ the Beta Club. I told him that was fine and asked what the Beta club was. He said it was all the really smart kids in school. Of course, I then replied, "What are you..the token dumb boy?" Patrick and I laughed ourselves silly. I'm so glad I have a son w/ a sense of humor...because he needs it! And, for the record, he's not dumb...midterm grades were all A's and one B.

Ugh...I really need a nap!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

She's a natural

Alison loved gymnastics at her new gym! She's taken gymnastics before, but we wanted to switch gyms because her last place seemed to focus way more on cheerleading and less on gymnastics. After class, I asked the instructor (an adult...yea! the other place it was always a seemingly disinterested high school student) how she did. She said, "Wow...that kid is going to be great! Did you see how high she got on the trampoline?" On the way home Alison asked me if she got to go to gymnastics every day. Ummm...let's just stick to once a week for now, OK?

I need to find 7 slim jeans for Alison. She pretty much wears all of Rachel's hand me downs, but I guess Rachel wasn't quite as tiny around the waist as Alison is, because all of the size 7 pants I have are way too big on Ali. She's making due w/ belts right now, but it would be nice to get some pants that actually fit right.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Wife Swap

First of all, I think that is a terrible namef or the show. Sure...the wives/moms do swap houses, but it makes it sound like it's all about husband/wife issues, when it's really a family deal. Anyway, I watched the show last night. Well, I didn't really "watch" it, but it was on while I was working. They always choose families that are obviously very different from each other. Last night, the father and son in one of the families were addicted to playing video games. They never left the house, practically! The other family were athletic kids who were overscheduled and always on the go. Of course, it was hard not to see a little of our family in the overscheduled family. Although in that family, the kids each had 2-3 sports going at the same time, and we stick to just one at a time. And those kids were starting to get resistant to be "forced" to do their sports and our kids beg to do what they're doing.

So...that's my disclaimer for our lifestyle. Oh, and Alison starts back in gymnastics tonight. She's very excited. I've been trying to talk her into taking dance, because she loves to dance. But, she's very resistant to the idea, so we're heading back to gymnastics.

Rachel and Patrick have been really getting along well lately. I don't know what the deal is! I guess I should just enjoy it, because who knows how long it'll last.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Completely random

I just bought our Huskey, Mia, a pig's knuckle to chew on. It's a HUGE bone...more like a pig's kneecap or something. Anyway, she loves these bones and they're about the only bones I can get for her that she doesn't chew up in no time flat. She's upstairs with it now and she keeps dropping it on the ground. It sounds like someone is upstairs moving furniture!

The farmers are starting to cut the corn down now. It is painfully obvious to me, based on how clogged up and painful my sinuses are and how much my eyes burn. Love those allergies! Thornton and I always comment every fall how much the landscape of Central IL changes when the corn is cut down. You get so used to not being able to see around corners, etc. on the country roads, but once the corn is down, it's so wide open.

I was chatting with Rachel and a friend of hers on our way to dance the other day. Her friend is also a soldier in The Nutcracker. Rachel's friend is a not too excited about being a soldier, so I was trying to pump her up. I told her that the ladies working on costumes are hoping to have time to make new costumes for the soldiers and that I'd seen the patterns for them. I told her I couldn't remember them exactly, but they were really cool and the jackets were cut-away, but I couldn't remember if they had tails. The friend says, "WHAT?? I have to wear a tail?" Rachel about peed her pants laughing. She was like..."you know, tails like on a tuxedo, not like on a donkey!"

See....told you these were completely random thoughts!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Alison funny....

When Alison got home from school yesterday, I told her that she, Rachel and Patrick were going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, along w/ their 3 & 2 year old cousins. It was my sister in law's birthday and we were all going out to eat. I asked Alison if she thought Grandma and Grandpa would be OK handling all 5 grandkids at one time. She got very quiet, paused for a long time and then said, "well....maybe if I helped them." That child just makes me laugh! I just told my father in law that story and he said that Alison and Rachel must've decided they needed time away from their little cousins, because they snuck off to the sunroom and played board games by themselves. Patrick and Grandpa ended up watching the St. Louis Cardinal game, which left poor Grandma handling the little girls all by herself. Isn't that the way it always is??

It was nice going out to dinner w/ Thornton w/out the kids. Love the kids to death, but time away is valuable too!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Picture day

Today is picture day at school for Rachel and Alison. I used to obsess about their outfits...making sure they coordinated w/ what the others were wearing, so when the pictures are all together, they match. HA!...not this time! Patrick wore a blue shirt when he had his pictures done. Rachel has on a lilac sweater and Ali is wearing a red sweater. Besides...all of their pictures will have the same fake smile on them that they always have. I figure if they haven't learned to smile normally by now, there's very little chance of them ever learning!

Rachel got her hair cut last night. It's cute! She wanted shorter hair for a while, but I've been putting it off. It's a little shorter than her shoulders w/ a few layers cut into it. And, she can still get it up for that's good.

I went shopping for jeans for Patrick the other day. Oh my...I haven't felt so old in a long time. The styles for jeans....ugh...they're all ripped up and stained and just plain icky. It was hard finding something that Patrick would like and that I would approve of....that didn't cost more than a car payment. I finally found a pair and he liked them...but they didn't fit! Ugh...they fit in the waist, but not in the thighs. Strange...because it's not like he has thunder thighs or anything. But, if we went up a size, they'd be way too big in the waist. I did find some Hollister khakis at a resale shop, so he has those for now, plus one other pair of jeans. It's crazy trying to fit a kid that's 13, 5' 11" and 145 pounds!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Home sick was bound to happen. Patrick is home sick today. He's got a really bad cold. I almost always make them tough it out at school for at least 1/2 a day, but he is just miserable. Hopefully a day of lying around snuggled up in a comforter will help him get better. I need to go run to the store to get some chicken soup. There's just something magical about the warmth and comfort of chicken soup.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Rachel auditioned for our local ballet company's production of The Nutcracker. Last year she was an angel and we assumed she would be an angel again this year. We kind of knew she'd at least get a part, because she's a Trainee w/ the Company and they pretty much all get cast. There's a definite seniority to who gets cast in which roles. Plus, there's the issue of who fits into what costumes. It was the joke around our house all day Sunday (the day of auditions) that Rachel would either be an angel or an angel. So, we were completely surprised when we checked the website Monday afternoon and found that she was a soldier! She's the youngest soldier...but she is tall for her age, so I'm sure that makes a difference. It's definitely a bigger role than the angel....only drawback is that, well....they're they're dressed like boys. But, it's exciting that she's climbing up the ladder and getting bigger parts already!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Cat Whisperer

I need a cat interpreter that can tell me whatever it is that Ozzie is incessantly trying to tell me. Seriously...I love this cat to death, but he spends his day walking around and meowing very loudly. He's not in distress, he's just whiny. If I head down the hall to the bedroom, he runs very excitedly and jumps on the bed, as if he really wants me to lie down w/ him. But, really, I can't exactly spend my day in bed just to make the cat happy. Or can I?

So, the question do I figure out what Ozzie is trying to tell me?

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years ago today

5 years ago today started out innocently enough. Then I got a phone call from my friend who worked in the same building I did and that innocence was shattered. She told me about the planes crashing into the World Trade Center buildings. I then rushed down to her office because she had a television. We stood together and cried. Then we prayed together.

When I got back up to my office, I called Thornton. He was home with Alison, who was only 2. I hated being separated from my family, but I wasn't sure if I should go home or try to keep some sense of normalcy. I immediately emailed the Patrick and Rachel's teachers and asked them what, if anything, the kids would be told. Rachel was in kindergarten and her teacher was amazing. She assured me that they weren't going talk to them about the tragedy, feeling that the parents needed to be the ones to talk to them. Then she told me she'd give Rachel a hug in my absence.

I took off early from work so I could be home when Patrick and Rachel got home from school. Thornton and I sat them down and tried to explain what had happened. I know they didn't grasp the magnitude of it all....I'm not sure I even did. We prayed together as a family for those who lost their lives.

That night our church family gathered at church to mourn and pray and hold each other up.

In the days and weeks that followed, America was different. While we had experienced great loss, we were somehow a better people. Everyone united in tragedy, but it brought out the best in people. Flags flew, every store marquee in town was emblazoned with positive thoughts. I felt blessed, oddly, to have experienced this black spot in history. I wish that feeling remained. Now, only the negativity of the tragedy remains....and that's a shame.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Kitty wake up call

Ozzie has started coming with me in the morning when I go wake up the kids for school. It's so cute....I start in Patrick's room by opening up his door and announcing that it's time to wake up. Ozzie then jumps on Patrick's bed and gives him a head-butt while meow/whining. Ozzie has a very whiny meow that is hard to ignore. I then go into Alison's room to wake her up. Ozzie follows and hops on her bed and meows and walks on her. Last is Rachel's room and Ozzie follows me there, too and jumps on Rachel. I really appreciate the help!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dancing with the big girls

Rachel had her first level 8 dance classes yesterday. She's pretty young to be in that class, but her teacher said that she should try a couple of level 8 classes this year to stretch her abilities. did. She said the Modern class was easy enough, but the Pointe class was pretty challenging. But, I'm so proud of her, because she never once said that she doesn't want to keep trying. She said that as she goes more, she'll get better and better. What an awesome attitude! She has four level 7 classes this year, too and those will seem easy now!

Monday, August 28, 2006


On Saturday I made a meal for a family in church. I took off in the van to deliver it. I got on the highway and looked at the gas gauge only to realize that I've never seen the needle be so far past Empty. Yikes...I prayed I could make it to the gas station on Toronto Road. I then looked into my purse and realized that Thornton had taken the credit card and I had no checks in the check book. I checked the cash...I had $3! Any idea how embarrasing it is to "fill up" w/ $3?? I put in the gas and then skulked in to pay. I could hardly look the cashier in the eyes. But, at least the 1.2 gallons of gas got me back home, right?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Messing w/ his mind!

Patrick called from school yesterday to tell me that he forgot his baseball cap (he had a game after school) and asked if I could bring it to him. Now, mind you, I had asked him on the way to school if he had all of his uniform, to which he answered w/ great attitude, "Yes". So...I decided to mess w/ the boy. I told him that I had already had to run Rachel's glasses to school that morning (which was true) and that I really didn't think it was fair to expect me to make another trip just because I have forgetful kids. Then I asked him if he could just borrow someone else's hat that wasn't playing in the game. He got really quiet and said softly, "really?" HA! He's so easy to mess w/! Then I told him that we'd bring the hat to the dugout right after school got out. Of course, then, we met up w/ one of Patrick's coaches, so we told him to first give Patrick this baseball cap from 2 years ago that doesn't fit him and tell him that it's the only hat we could find. The coach laughed and agreed to play along before actually giving the correct cap to Patch. Ahhh....I love being a parent!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is my life

Yesterday I was waiting with Alison on the front stoop for her bus to arrive. Some of our neighbors, who are Asian, walked by. Alison says, "they are Chinese". I said that she was right. Then Alison said that most dark skinned people are Chinese. I said that many of the really dark skinned people are African American. And she says, "or cavemen". Huh?

Then, later, we were at Patrick's baseball game and I dropped my cell phone in the porta-potty. EWWWW!!! So...yeah, I won't be having that phone anymore.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tick Tock Tick Tock

OK...the kid's rooms are all clean (well, I haven't checked Patrick's yet...he was *supposed* to clean it....) and ready for them to be tucked in. Tomorrow is the starts! They've each already picked out their outfits for tomorrow.

I remember that for my first day of 6th grade (Middle School) I wore jeans and this longish teal blue shirt w/ squiggly patterns on it with a gold stretchy belt around the shirt. The height of fashion. On my way home from school that day I heard some friends talking about me and saying, "did you see what Judy was wearing?" I immediately became incredibly self conscious....a feeling that stayed w/ me through high school. Ugh...I wouldn't relive those years for anything. Good thing my kids are WAY more confident than I was.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Counting down the days

School starts on Monday. And I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. I mean, sure...I'm glad they're going back to school, because they really need it and they are ready to go. The bickering has definitely increased at our house this past week. But, this was my first summer at home with them, since I used to work full time, and I had such high expectations of what the summer would be like. While we didn't accomplish much...didn't get any big projects done...I think it was a great summer. I suspect I'm going to miss having the kids around during the day. They are growing into such amazing people.

I hope it doesn't rain tonight (it's supposed to...). I'm hoping to take Rachel to see The King and I out at the Muni. She was thisclose to getting cast in the show and she has a couple of friends who are in it. If not tonight, I think we can go on Sunday, but since it's not usually over 'til 11:30 or so, that might not be the best idea w/ school starting the next day. At least it's just a 1/2 day the first day of school.

Alison's little friend is home from her extended camping trip, so I know the two of them will be playing together all day.

Patrick is going on a Junior High church retreat tonight through Saturday afternoon. They're going out to my in-law's lake house about an hour from here. I hope the weather cooperates, although they'll have a great time no matter what. It's so awesome out there. They could have a blast playing in the woods in the rain.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It shouldn't be this hard...

I have always prided myself on being able to get out pretty much any stain that the kids can get on their clothes. Until now. Patrick's new baseball uniform for Junior high is beating me! The uniform is brand it came w/ no stains at all. The pants are white w/ red piping down the leg. I cannot get the dang pants to come clean! I used OxyClean, I've pre-soaked, I've let them sit, I've scrubbed....I'm about to give up. I hate the thought of turning these pants in at the end of the season and not having them be completely perfect. But, really, how realistic is it that a kid could play as hard as Patrick plays and the WHITE pants would still look brand new?

And I really need to make sure the back pocket of said baseball pants before washing. Today I washed the pants, got them out and found a ton of sunflower seeds lining the inside of my washing machine.

Stupid pants...they're the bane of my existance!

Friday, August 11, 2006

School registration

Yesterday was school registration for the kids. I'm sure once they are back in school and settled in, I'll appreciate the money I spent yesterday, but for now....I'm in a bit of a panic over how much money it costs to send them to school. And forget the supplies...that's through the roof too. Granted, in 5 years when Patrick is leaving for college, I'll have a whole new appreciation for expense of education!

Alison got a teacher for 2nd grade who I wasn't familiar with, but I've done some checking around and found out that she is an excellent teacher who I think will be a good match for Alison. What a relief! I know how important it is to get teachers that mesh with your child. I've been praying over this issue since school let out last May.

Rachel also got a great teacher for 5th grade. She's going to be in honors math and language arts, so she really will have 3 different teachers. She's been working the phones trying to find friends who are in her class and has found just a couple so far.

Patrick is going into 8th grade, so he has 9 different periods/teachers. His schedule looks good, although we were originally concerned about his 8-9th hour classes being Language arts, because he is involved in sports and when they have away games/meets, he misses last hour. But the counselor explained that having last hour Language Arts is actually preferable, since it's a 2 hour class and the last portion of it is often devoted to individual reading/work. I would've loved for his study hall to be last hour, but I guess this will work.

Patrick made the school baseball team. They are having their first practice right now and their first game is tomorrow! Yikes...I hope they all learn the signs by then.

School starts a week from Monday. They are all so ready to go...and even admit it themselves! Summer is just too long.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ready for Broadway

Last night I took Rachel to a Master class held by a native of Springfield that is now one of the choreographers and performers in The Producers on Broadway. She talked about her experiences here and then all that she's done since leaving. Following her talk and performances, she taught the people present the audition dance for The Producers. Rachel was the youngest person on stage by far, but she really held her own. I was so proud of her!!

Rachel is at a Summer Ballet Intensive right now w/ the ballet company, Patrick's baseball tryouts were cancelled for today because of rain, and Alison is at Grandma and Grandpas for a few more hours. Ahhh....quiet (except for Mia, the dog, who keeps acting like she needs to hack up a hairball).

Better do some laundry and get to work!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Vacation Bible School

Phew....last week was Vacation Bible School at our church. I was the director. We had a fabulous week, but I'm glad it's I'm sure are all the other volunteers. The kids are amazing! They soak up so much in such a short period of time. This morning they sang in church and did such a great job.

Alison's group leader told me a funny story about her: She had to decorate a cross on a page one night. She also drew a picture of what looked like someone upside down near the cross. Her leader asked her if that was Jesus and Alison said, "nope...that's me doing a headstand by the cross." That kid cracks me up!

But, obviously, because of that commitment, I am a little further behind than I wish I were. I'll work hard this week to get caught up.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Angel dancing

Rachel's dance recital was last night. She did such a good job! I was about in tears watching her in her pieces....she's so beautiful! I can't believe that such grace came from me. I was always the athletic, tom-boy kinda kid growing up, but Rachel is so much the opposite of that. She's strong, yet graceful. Sorry...I know it can be a pain to listen to a mother gush about their kid, but I can't help it. I'm just so blessed to have such amazing kids!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A clean house!

It's so hard to believe...but my house is actually really clean right now! The reason? My parents are arriving for a visit today, of course! Whenever we do a big clean the kids always ask, "are Grandma and Grandpa Ellis coming?" Gee...are we that transparent?

Rachel's dance recital is tonight. She's in 6 dances this year! I love to watch her dance, so I'll be in a great mood tonight!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm so blonde!

Sometimes I wonder how I survive in this world. We switched cars w/ a friend of ours, because one of their cars is in the shop, the husband is out of town all week, and their remaining car is stick shift, which the wife doesn't drive (are you following me?....) So we let her borrow my car and we're driving theirs. I haven't driven stick shift in about 15 years, but I thought I would remember. So, the other night I drove it just to the local gas station in town as a "test drive". Patrick came along w/ me. Well, I stalled the car twice! I also had some trouble shifting from 1st to 2nd. Patrick was laughing his head off at me. Then I drove the car yesterday to pick up Rachel from dance. I stalled the car twice again! Then, I figured out my problem....what I thought was 1st gear was really 3rd gear!! So, I was starting off in 3rd gear and shifting from 3rd to 2nd when I thought I was going from 1st to 2nd. Ugh!! Now that I've got it figured out, I've had no problems at all.

Then, this morning Dora the Explorer was on the TV while I was working on the computer. Dora says, "is this a 3 toed sloth footprint?" and there's a picture of some animal footprint on the screen. I looked at the screen and thought, "how in the world am I supposed to know if that's a 3 toed sloth footprint...I don't even know what a 3 toed sloth looks like". Well...duh...the footprint had 4 toes...

I'm far too blonde some days.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Storm Damage

I know this is my 3rd post today....but I just had to post a picture of the damage to our big tree in the backyard from the storm that blew through here a little bit ago. I loved this tree....Thornton did not. Guess he wins! Thankfully, the tree did not land in our pool or hit the fence at all when it fell. As our neighbor said, we must be living right!

Momma Bear

I wonder if I'll ever get over the feeling of being a Momma Bear wanting to lash out at people who upset my children. Alison just had a friend over and they weren't getting along very well. I came downstairs to do some work on the computer and Ali came down crying. She said that her friend had told her she had ugly teeth and was making fun of them. Alison does have a huge space between her front teeth, but they are her only adult teeth so far, so there's still time for it to close (or braces, of course). I'm telling took all I had in me not to run upstairs and ream this little girl for making my baby cry. But, I contained myself. I did suggest she go home, just wasn't working out today for a play date. And the Momma Bear needed to cuddle her cub.

Cacti everywhere

I'm in charge of VBS at our church this summer. The theme is "Fiesta", so essentially a Mexican type theme. Thornton really gets into the decorating, which is great, since I'm not terribly creative (except w/ scents....) He's been making these awesome cacti out of shredded paper and pantyhose. Seriously. They look so realistic...w/ no pricklies!

I woke up this morning w/ Ozzie, our cat, sleeping in his usual spot right by my head. I'm always so careful to slip out of bed w/out disturbing him. Then it hit me...I treat my cat nicer than I do my husband! Doesn't bother me one bit if I wake him in the morning. So...should I start treating Thornton nicer or should I treat the cat worse? A conundrum, no doubt.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Heat wave

It's been in the mid-90's for the past few days here. Patrick had baseball games on Friday and Saturday in the heat of the day. They were all over the news here saying not to put your pets outside, because it's too hot. Sure...I left my dog inside, but I had my kid playing in the sweltering heat. Something's wrong there! On Saturday, Patrick hit a 3 run homerun! He isn't a homerun hitter, so it surprised everyone. I don't know when I've seen that kid smile so big! They ended up losing their 2nd game on Saturday, so the team is done for the season. Of course, Junior High baseball starts up August 7, so there's no big break in the baseball schedule here. And, Patrick is helping w/ a baseball camp this week, so he's never far from the sport. I have baseballs everywhere. I opened one of my cupboards the other day and out fell a baseball. I give up!

Friday, July 14, 2006

9th inning, 2 outs, down by 1

Patrick's baseball team is playing in the State tournament right now. Last night his team played in a game that started at 8 p.m., but then was delayed by rain and lightning. At 10:45, Patrick's team was down by 1 run. It was the 9th inning and there were 2 outs. We got a runner on 1st when he barely beat out an infield hit. The next batter, when he was in the on deck box, said, "we're not going to lose this." (believe that point I was thinking something along the lines of "yeah, right".) This kid gets to the plate and w/ a 2-1 count, hits a screamer down the right field line. The kid on first scores easily to tie the game, and then the kid that hit the ball scored on an overthrow home. It was amazing!! So, we (I say "we" as if I was actually playing...LOL!) just had to hold the other team in the bottom of the inning and they did! Good thing, too....because the team that lost had to play again this morning at 8:00. Patrick's team plays at noon.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rain, Rainbows and Pumpkins

We've gotten quite a bit of rain over the past two days (enough to cancel Patrick's baseball game today, at least!). Why is it that our lawn doesn't seem to be greening up at all, but the weeds have gone nuts? Seriously, we grow weeds like nobody's business. Sad, but true.

On my way home from church tonight, I saw a rainbow in the sky. When I turned into our subdivision, I started noticing lots of people standing outside on their driveways or their front stairs w/ their kids watching the rainbow. It was so heartwarming!

A friend stopped by to pick up her son, who had spent some time over at our house. She asked me if we were growing pumpkins by our front door. I told her we weren't and thought she was crazy. Then I looked....we ARE growing pumpkins by our front door!! Last Halloween's pumpkin had disintigrated into mush and must've run into the dirt by our front door (it's mixed in w/ a low growing evergreen of some sort). grew! And it's now growing HUGE! We decided, as strange as it is, we're going to continue growing our pumpkin by the front door and see what happens. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen...and it's *so* the kind of thing that would happen to us.

So, it seems, we can grow pumpkins and weeds. We're so proud!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Vacation post

We got back from our vacation to North Carolina and Tennessee on Friday. It was wonderful!! We spent the first part of the week (Saturday - Tuesday) in Montreat, NC at a Presbyterians for Renewal conference. I know...sounds boring...but it was anything but! First of all, we stay here:

I'm sure you can see how beautiful it is! From our room on the 3rd floor, you can lie in bed and look out at the mountains. The kids have camp during the day and we go to hear different speakers. It was a wonderful time of spiritual growth.

Here are some pictures of the girls playing in the creek that runs through the area:
Patrick was so much more independent this year, plus he had a friend w/ him from church w/ him (a girl - friend....not a girlfriend), so we didn't see him much at all!

After leaving Montreat, we drove to Tennessee and stayed in a house my in-laws had rented just outside the entrance to the Smoky Mountain National Park. The house was on a hill overlooking the mountains. The kids picked blackberries right outside our door. We spent 2 days in the park. The kids love playing in the creek/river, so they did that for several hours one day. Rachel is way too big of a daredevil! There was one time that we caught her attempting to cross an area of the river that would've swept her right away. Yikes!! Here are pics from "rock hopping":

We spent the next afternoon tubing on the river. We had a blast!! Alison was pretty nervous at the beginning of it, because she was afraid of flipping out of her tube, but once she went over the first few rapids (w/ Thornton hooked to her tube), she was hooked and loved it. We took a ton of pictures w/ a disposable waterproof camera, but I haven't had them developed yet. After 2 runs down the river, the girls were tired and cold (the water was freezing), so Thornton stayed w/ them while Patrick and I did another run (approximately 1/2 hour per run). Somehow, I slipped off my tube on some rapids and my tube went floating downstream. I was stuck on the slippery rocks w/ no tube. It really was kind of scary. I finally got over to the shore, and Patrick caught my tube. Thankfully the rest of the run went well. At the end of the run there's a rock that overhangs the river, about 10-15 feet up. There's a big drop off, so the water is really deep there. I was amazed, but all 3 of the kids jumped! I was so proud of them. Hopefully the pictures of that turned out.

Friday, we all drove home. My in law's were with us, so there were 7 of us in the van for 10 hours. But, really, it went quite well. Minimal whining (even by me!), so that's great!

Now we're back to summer at home. Patrick's baseball team starts play in the State Tournament tomorrow. If they win, they'll move on to play in Minnesota. Our cat, Ozzie, is so in love w/ Patrick. Here's a picture of them sleeping together when we got home:

Today I had the kids all working on different chores around the house. Alison does not really like to clean ( not that any of them *like* to clean, but she's quite resistant). Finally she said, "Mommy, I'm just not a working girl". HA!....I should hope not! Needless to say, she finally, after much prodding, finished cleaning the bathroom.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy Birthday, Alison!

Today is Alison's 7th birthday! I just can't believe she's so old already. I know it seems cliche' to say this, but it really does seem like just yesterday that she was born.

We were driving back from Patrick's baseball game last night and I had a terrible sinus headache. I had snapped at the girls to be quiet because they were being a bit rowdy in the van. Then, out of nowhere, Alison says, "I want to go to France." She always knows how to make me smile! :-)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Judy vs. Jimmy Buffet

Today I received a 6 page cease and desist order from Jimmy Buffet's lawyers. Seems they are a wee bit ticked off that my itty bitty little company had a scent named "Margarita-ville", and Jimmy owns the copywrite on that name. I was demanded to change the name or face a big penalty. Seriously 6 pages of scare tactics. Good grief...I changed the big deal. They could've asked nicely. :-) It's now called Margarita Dreams. Now I'm developing a scent called "Parrot Head"....just kidding!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Summer musings

I stepped into the shower this morning and found 2 quarters lying on the floor. How did that happen? Were they stuck to someone's skin? I don't empty your pockets in the shower, right?

The other day I knocked over a whole box of Cheez-Its into my huge box of packing peanuts. Cheez-Its weigh more than packing peanuts, so they sunk down into the box. Can you imagine how hard it was trying to fish all the crackers out? So...if you get a package from me w/ a stray cheese cracker in it, now you know.

I think the kids and I are getting into a good routine finally. I still have to remind them that I *have* to work sometimes, but I also have been much better about dropping what I'm doing and watching the play or the dance they've made up or going swimming with them.

Rachel and I are going shopping later for Alison's birthday presents. She turns 7 on Sunday. It's hard to handle that my youngest child is that old. I sometimes miss having a really little one in the house. (and no, honey...if you're reading this...don't freak out....I don't want another baby!)

I've been loving watching the College World Series w/ Patrick. To me, this is pure baseball. The players are great, and they play w/ full-bore enthusiasm. They'll dive after foul balls that they have no chance of getting. It's great!

I admit....I used to watch Days of our Lives in college. Once I started working full time, I didn't watch anymore. But, now that I'm home, I often have it on while I'm working. Big mistake! Patrick was in the room the other day when the show was on. He looked quite bemused. I had no explanation as to why I was suckered into watching such a show...but yet...I can't stay away. It's a drug, I tell you!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Two chickies home now

I drove up to Bloomington to pick up Patrick from camp (a day early). His baseball team has an 11 a.m. game in St. Louis tomorrow morning, so we needed to get him a little early to have time to throw and hit today so he wouldn't pull a muscle or anything. It was amazing to see how close the kids get to each other in just a week at camp. Patrick talked the whole drive home about how amazing camp was. I love that he gets a week in the summer to be a complete kid. No pressures of baseball or anything. Just fun.

I saw Rachel while I was there, but she was very clear that she was NOT leaving w/ me (not that I was planning on taking her!). She was reveling in getting to stay at camp for the whole week this year, since she was finally old enough. So, back up to Bloomington tomorrow to pick her up. I could have someone else bring her home, but I just can't do that....I want to get her!

Then, I'll have all 3 chickies under my roof again. Well, unless Patrick's baseball team ends up seeded 2nd in the tournament and stays in a hotel in St. Louis tomorrow night (he'll have to stay w/ a teammate, since Thorn and I have to be in church on Sunday morning). But, I KNOW for sure that Sunday night I'll have all my chickies under my roof again.

Thornton has had a fever of 101 for the past 2 days. It seems like what Alison had...although he says that his whole body aches. He's feeling a little bit better now, but that might just be because the Motrin is working. I sure hope he feels better soon!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

15 years

Today is Thornton and my 15th wedding anniversary. Just having him back from camp was present enough for me. So the card and flowers were a bonus! It's amazing how over the past 15 years, though good and bad times, our love has grown. I can't wait to grow old with him.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Missin' my honey

I miss Thornton. I don't know how wives do it if they have husbands that travel a lot. Thornton and I are rarely apart and that's just the way I like it. He's only been at camp since Monday morning and he'll be home tomorrow afternoon, but it just doesn't seem right in our house w/out him here. He did manage to break away this afternoon and called Alison and me. Ali was very happy to talk to her daddy! Funny...she hasn't mentioned missing her brother and sister at all. Whatever could that mean? :-)

Alison and I took our dog Mia for a walk tonight. Unfortunately, as I was walking out the door, I dropped her leash. She took off running, dragging her leash behind her. I expected to be in for a long chase, but some neighbors just a couple of streets over caught her and held onto her 'til Alison and I got there. We then continued our walk and the neighbors that live across the pond from us had their dog out front unleashed. Their dog jumped Mia (despite being less than 1/2 the size) and got a hold of her hind quarters. Thankfully, I didn't find any broken skin.

Alison is currently making Gobstopper dispensers out of paper. You attach the tube of paper to a box of Gobstoppers and then when you put the tube to your mouth, it dispenses Gobstoppers down the tube and into your mouth. She's quite pleased w/ herself, so who am I to stop her?

One more night w/out my honey.....I can make it....

Monday, June 12, 2006

Wanna buy a railroad tie?

Apparently my cell phone number was mistakenly listed in a classified ad selling railroad ties today. I've gotten 3 phone calls asking for information. One guy was really upset, seemingly with me, that I wasn't the correct person. Yeah, like I wanted people calling me and asking me questions that I haven't a clue the answer to.

Alison is a bit better today. Her temp was down to 100.5 with a sore throat. She's been laying low today, which is nice. I had a good reminder from a friend that when a child is sick, it's OK to slow down and just spend time taking care of them. So, I did.

We sent off a care package to Patrick and Rachel at camp. Sure hope they packed their toothbrushes, because they have lots of candy to share w/ their friends! I hope Thornton calls tonight, if he gets a chance, because Alison really misses her daddy and wants to talk to him. He doesn't have his cell phone w/ him, so I don't know if he'll get to call.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Been a LONG time!

I guess I can't really call this blog "A DAY in the life..." since I haven't posted in like a week. It's been an adjustment having the kids home all day and trying to get my work done.

Patrick was at baseball camp all last week in the morning. It was kind of humorous, actually. He's a tall kid for his age (13) and this camp was supposed to be for 11-14 year olds. The first day he and I were standing waiting for the camp to start and all these little kids...must've been 11 years old...but seriously they were little...were staring at Patrick with a glazed look on their faces. He towered over them! Turns out there weren't any 14 year olds there and Patrick was taller than anyone by quite a bit. It turned out to be a good camp in the end, and I think it didn't hurt his self esteem at all to be the "Star" camper.

Rachel and Patrick are leaving tomorrow morning for Camp in Bloomington, IL. They'll be gone 'til Saturday. Thornton is going as a counselor for the "first timers camp". He'll be at the same camp, but in a different area. He'll just be gone until Wednesday. It's been pure chaos trying to get everyone ready to go today. And expensive! I have had to purchase everything times 3. 3 bug sprays, 3 flashlights (why can they never find the ones I bought last year??). Then, there's the snacks.....the camp I went to didn't allow you to bring snacks. But, at this camp, you can, as long as they're sealed in a container. I'm so glad they're excited to go. Our kids have always been really secure about leaving us...and I guess that makes me proud that we've grown them to be secure, confident kids. But, it makes me a wee bit sad that they don't need me *that* much!

Alison came home from church today and took a 4 hour nap. I should've known she wasn't feeling well....but at church she seemed OK. She woke up from her nap literally screaming bloody murder. She said her head hurt. She was burning up, too. I took her temp and it was 103.5. Tylenol has brought her back to normal, but I'm worried about when it wears off. She doesn't quite understand that although she's feeling better now, she still needs to lay low.

My in-law's got back today from Georgia. We dog and cat sat for them while they were gone. Their German Shepherd must've pooped in our house 10 times! We'd take him for a walk, he'd poop, then he'd come home and poop again. was gross.

So, Alison and I will be on our own for a few days. She and I were supposed to go up to Chicago to visit w/ my parents tomorrow and Tuesday, but that's put on hold 'til she is feeling better. Unfortunately, her best little friend is going to Germany w/ her parents (who are from there) for a month. I hear lots of whining in my future!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Busier than usual

You can tell the kids are home, because I haven't updated my blog in a few days. I keep thinking about it, but then it just doesn't get done. Our pool will finally be up and running tomorrow. The girls spent all day swimming at a friend's house, so they are extra tired tonight. Alison is snuggled down in my bed and my guess is that when I go upstairs, she'll be asleep. Poor Rachel is at dance right now and I'm sure she's dragging.

Patrick had a baseball camp this morning, then he came home and mowed the lawn. Then he hugged me.....ewwww....stinky man-boy! I told him how stinky he was and he said, "OK...I'll go put deodorant on". As if that would help!

Patrick's baseball team won their tournament this past weekend. They played so well! Patrick pitched the game they needed to win to get to the Championship game. He did really well, but I could tell he was wiped out after 4 innings. It was hot!

We're going to be dog and cat sitting for my in-law's for the rest of the week. They have a German Shepherd. That will make 2 cats, a German Shepherd and a Siberian Huskey in our house. It works out fine until they all decide to play chase in the middle of the night. It sounds like a herd of cattle are barreling through the house. Their dog loves to swim, we'll have to watch the pool.

Friday, June 02, 2006


The kids are done with school (as of Wednesday morning). Of course, it rained all Wednesday and Thursday, so that kind of stunk for them. Today has been beautiful, but our pool isn't opened yet. Thornton has been crazy busy getting ready for the grand opening of our church's new sanctuary on Sunday, so he hasn't had time to finish getting it open. He thinks he'll have time tonight.

The kid's report cards were good. Rachel has been recommended for accelerated math and language arts for next year (5th grade). These are very hard classes, but she wants to give them a try. Patrick got his first C (language arts), so he's going to be reading a ton of books this summer. And, no, I don't feel sorry for him one bit! Alison was recommended for reading intervention next year, but I honestly feel that once we get her ADHD figured out, she's going to do just great.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's cool again!

We ended up leaving town since our air conditioner couldn't get fixed until today and it was 90 in our house. My in-law's have a house on a private lake about an hour from here, so we headed over there after church on Sunday and got back today. It was wonderful! The kids swam, fished, lazed around...and I got a 2 hour nap! We got back this afternoon and our new air conditioner is now up and running.

Of course, now I'm feeling the pressure to get all these orders out, since I've gotten a bit too far behind, but I'm going to work hard on it now that it's cool. I just couldn't bear to work in my hot kitchen when I was dripping sweat.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The stupidest present ever

Two years ago on my birthday, Thornton forgot to get me a gift. Well, actually, he probably didn't forget, he probably just didn't get me one. He's not a big gift-giver (despite the fact that I love presents!). So, that night he and the kids happened to be at the grocery store and decided to get me a joke gift. I explained to them that usually a joke gift is followed by a real gift, but that was not to be the case. Anyway, they bought me a SpongeBob SquarePants ice pack. Well, let me tell you, that present has probably comforted 100 boo boos in the past 2 years. It's always in the freezer and whenever anyone gets hurt, they get to use SpongeBob. Well, last night, when I went to bed, it was 90 degrees in our house. I love my husband, but I was not sleeping next to anyone when it's that hot. So, he gladly slept downstairs. I laid in bed hot and miserable for a while. Then....a brilliant thought hit me....get SpongeBob! I grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer, climbed back in bed and put SpongeBob behind my neck. Wow...instant relief from the heat! So, SpongeBob slept with me last night....until he wasn't cool anymore and I threw him on the floor.

The air conditioning repair guy is going to "try" to make it today to fix the AC. Otherwise, it'll not be until Tuesday. And it's going to be in the 90's the next few days. Wonder where I can get more of those ice packs.....

Friday, May 26, 2006

It's always something

Recently our weather has turned much hotter, so we turned on the air conditioning for the first time this season. And, nothing. It didn't kick on. So, I called the repairman this morning. He just told me, very non-chalantly, that our compressor is shot and since the unit is so old, it wouldn't help to fix it. We have to replace it, to the tune of $1650. Ummm....yeah...sure, no problem. But, we have to do it. It's 85 degrees in the house right now.

Sometimes I hate being an adult.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Idol thoughts

Caught the finale of American Idol last night. I didn't really have any strong thoughts either way about who I wanted to win. Maybe that's because I didn't catch many of the episodes this season. In their last performance show on Tuesday, I had to cringe many times at how off key both of the singers got at times. Even Rachel (who actually has near perfect pitch) would turn around and look at me in the kitchen w/ this look on her face that said "ouch...that was a bad note".

The highlight of the show, however, was when they brought this guy onstage to sing who idolized Clay Aiken. He had auditioned for the show and was horrible. He even dressed like Clay. While he was singing (off key, of course), Clay walked out onstage singing. This guy freaked out. I mean FREAKED OUT! It was priceless. I am still chuckling over that image.

They had some famous artists on the show too. After Prince sang Rachel said to me, "so who decided this guy should be famous?" Touche.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Monday night Patrick came w/ me to pick up Rachel from dance. He had just finished a baseball game. Rachel's face lit up when she saw him sitting out in the waiting area. One of the girls asked Rachel who that was. And Rachel proudly answered, "that's my brother." The girl said, "whoa...*that's* your brother??!!" Then that little girl (OK...she's 11...but to me she's a little girl...) proceeded to come out into the waiting area 4 times in 15 minutes to blow her nose....each time staring at Patrick. It was hysterical! Rachel just rolled her eyes.

Now, if any of Patrick's friends ever start thinking Rachel is cute...then we have trouble.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Who broke the recliner?

I just looked over at the recliner in the family room and the legrest part is up and at a very strange angle....kind of hanging there...definitely broken. No one is home to grill about who did it. But, my guess is that no one will confess. Of course, this chair is the dog's favorite sleeping spot, so maybe we should just blame her.

It so quiet here. Thornton and Patrick are at Patch's baseball practice. Rachel and Alison are both over at friend's houses. I'm not used to it being quiet!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Prayers for my mom

I just got off the phone w/ my mom. She was just admitted to the hospital w/ cellulitis (a very bad skin infection) and abscess in her arm. She has bad excema and thinks she must've scratched too hard and it got infected. She saw her doctor today and he apparently freaked out and sent her immediately to the hospital to be admitted. They have done cultures and are hooking her up to IV antibiotics. She sounded in pretty good spirits. I'm going to wait and see what the infectious disease doctor says and then decide on whether I'll head up there (they live near Chicago). My dad doesn't like to drive in rush hour and they live about a half hour away from the hospital, so I'm not sure how he'll manage. Having aging parents really stinks.....

Thursday, May 18, 2006

One more week

After tomorrow, the kids only have one more week of school. I cannot believe that another school year is over. It seriously seems like it just started. Why does the year go by so quickly for my kids, but when I was a kid it dragged by so slowly? I'm going to have to get in summer mode now and motivate myself to work my usual hours even though the kids will be home now. These kids really are spoiled, because Thornton's schedule is so flexible and the church he works at is only 2 minutes from our house, so they really have both of their parents available this summer. Of course, that doesn't mean that we'll be at their beck and call, but I'm glad that if they need to be run over to a friend's house or whatever, I'll be able to do it. And then, I'll get right back to work! Promise.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My cuties!

Rise and Shine!

My alarm clocked stopped working recently. Actually, it still worked, but you couldn't reset the time the alarm was to go off. It was permanently stuck on 6:30 a.m. That's not a huge deal, since during the week we get up at 7:00, but it was getting to be a pain. So...yesterday the girls and I went shopping for a new clock. They picked out a clock for me that had various sounds that could wake you up. You can choose from: buzzer, rooster, birds, seagulls, waterfall, crickets or seashore. I thought it would be nice to wake up to the sound of waves crashing over rocks, so I bought it. When I actually stopped long enough to read the directions, I realized that the waterfall, crickets and seashore sounds were to fall asleep couldn't choose them as alarm sounds. So, I was stuck w/ either the rooster, birds or seagulls. Or the annoying buzzer and really...I don't want to start my day listening to that. So, I choose the rooster. I figured it's the sound that's been waking up farmers for generations, so it should be good enough for me. Not quite as soothing as a waterfall, but it'd have to do. But...I'll have to wait 'til tomorrow morning because Patrick woke me up this morning about 15 minutes before it was to go off to tell me that he was awake. Why does a 13 year old have to wake his sleeping mother to tell her he's awake?? Apparently I've taught him nothing in his time here on earth.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day champs!

We spent the weekend shivering at Patrick's baseball tounament. It was about 50 degrees, windy w/ periods of drizzle. I'm still not warm! But...they won the tournament!! Patrick pitched the game to get the team into the championship game and did awesome. Not that I saw it...we were still at church. We got there in time for the championship game, though. Here's a picture of the championship team. Patrick is in the front row on the left.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Sweet Wilma

I just found out that a sweet lady from our church passed away last night from a cerebral hemmorage. She was in her 80's and had recently won a battle w/ cancer. Everyone loved Wilma...she always had a hug and a smile for you. I know my kids will be sad when they get home from school and we tell them. But, thankfully, her passing was quiet and peaceful. And I know Jesus got a big hug last night at 5 p.m.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I love my mailman!

My mailman is the best! Obviously I have lots of packages going out and coming in every day. He told me that I didn't have to schedule pick up online anymore, because if I left them on the porch, he'll get them. Well, the other day, it was pouring rain, so when I saw him pull up out front I went outside to help load up his truck. He told me not to help him, because he didn't want me to get wet. How sweet is that? Then he got my mail and brought it to the door so I didn't have to go to the mail box.

I am beginning to wonder, however, if the fact that we live in a small town slows down mail delivery. Priority mail is supposed to take 2-3 days, but packages from me to customers hardly ever gets there that fast. It's frustrating, but what's a girl to do? At least I don't have to get wet!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stupid Oprah

Yesterday's Oprah was about marriage. Except, it didn't put a positive spin on marriage at all. Lance Armstrong's ex-wife was a guest, along w/ that psychologist person that she has as a guest a lot. They both talked about how so many woman lose themselves when they get married. And Oprah says, with this superior look on her face, "Exactly! That's why I've never gotten married!" Good grief...I'm sorry if she's so selfish that she isn't willing to share herself unconditionally w/ a man. But I am! And, let me tell you, I've become more of a person, not less, since getting married almost 15 years ago. I think both Thornton and I have grown because of each other. So, there, don't know everything!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Thornton turned 40 today! Hard to believe my sweet hubby is 40. I'm not sure how he's taking it, actually. He's so easy to tease about being old...actually he's easy to tease about anything. But, I kind of think maybe he really isn't all that thrilled with getting older. We didn't do too much for his birthday. He and I went out for breakfast this morning. The kids had a 1/2 day of school, so we all went out for lunch. He got his presents this afternoon....just a bunch of summer shirts. Tonight he's at the Hitting Center w/ Patrick. He refused to let me throw him a party. I can't wait for 40 years from now when he's 80 and I'm 78 and we've got the time to spend w/ each other. It's nice to know you've got a love to grow old w/!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hopscotch candy

Alison had a sucker yesterday and she told me to try it because it tasted like hopscotch. Took me the longest time to realize she meant butterscotch. 'Cause hopscotch candy would taste like chalk and rocks, right? :-)

Rachel had her first ballet company Trainee class. It wasn't a "real" class, actually, because they did a reflexology class w/ the company dancers. It sounds pretty cool...she was telling me all about where to press on your foot to relieve whatever pains you have. I just found it funny, because dancer's feet are so ugly and here they had a whole class focusing on them.

Patrick had a double header yesterday, also. He pitched 3 innings of the first game. Of course, those were the innings that I wasn't there, because I wasn't back from Rachel's ballet yet. He did really well....struck out 8 in 3 innings!!

Today is another busy afternoon and evening. Alison has gymnastics at 4-5, then we'll catch something to eat. Drop Rachel off at dance at 6, and then race across town to Patrick's baseball game, which also starts at 6. Right when his game is over, I'll have to go back and pick Rachel up. Note to self: have Alison bring homework when we leave for gymnastics or she'll never get it done!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Naptime donation

Last Sunday I was exhausted after driving back from Ohio in the night. So, after church, I took a nap. Actually fell asleep this time too! At one point one of the kids came in and told me I had a phone call. I have no idea when they'll learn that when I'm napping, I don't take phone calls, but for some reason, I picked up the phone. It was the Special Olympics looking for a donation. After my nap I said to Thornton that I thought I had donated to the Special Olympics in my sleep. Honestly, I couldn't remember what I had said to the person on the phone! I figured it was OK, since we love the Special Olympics and have volunteered our time for them in the past. Today the donation form came in the mail. Thank goodness it was only $25 that I donated. Can you imagine if I'd donated a ton of money?? I would've had to call them and tell them that I donated in my sleep and I had to reduce the amount!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day w/ a friend

I'm driving one of my very best friends to St. Louis today for a doctor's appointment. I'm thrilled that I get to spend the day w/ her. We are both busy and don't get to connect as often as we'd like, so this is going to be awesome. She's one of those people that I aspire to me more like.

I've decided that we have the neediest cat alive. He walks around the house whining until he finds us and then he'll rub up against us and head butt us until we give him an adequate amount of attention. Normally, it's cute, but every morning at 5 a.m. is getting a little old!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mean Girls

Rachel got into the van after dance on Monday and said, "Mommy, you know how you said that if I ever need to talk to you about anything, that I can?" She then told me that she thought two girls in her dance class were making fun of her. They were giggling and looking at Rach and then came over to her and told her about this "girl" that they didn't like that had big, ugly glasses, wore a necklace, always had a sparkly hair tie in her hair and played on the jungle gym. Well...all of these things are true of Rachel (except of course, her glasses are cool!). Rachel had *just* been talking to them about how she still loves to climb on the jungle gym at recess sometimes. Rachel was really upset, because these girls have been her friends, since they've been dancing together for years. I told Rachel that she should've said, "I think you're talking about me, and if that's true, that makes me sad, because I thought we were friends. And if you're talking about someone else, I really don't want to talk about it, because it's not nice". Of course, I know that's easy for me to say...but not so easy for a 10 year old girl to say.

I'm pretty sure I know the root of this incidence. Another girl in Rachel's dance class told Rachel a week ago or so that one of the girls involved in the teasing thought Rachel was really pretty, was a great dancer and loved her glasses. I explained to Rachel that some kids think the best way to make themselves feel better is to put other kids down. It's been my crusade since the girls were babies that they not involve themselves in this kind of behavior. I remember how hurtful it is.

Of course, as a mother, I wanna punch those mean little girls...but I guess I'll let my daughter handle it herself. She's much more civilized than her mother!

Monday, May 01, 2006

The weekend report

We had a great couple of days in Columbus, OH for the wedding of the son of friends of ours. Thornton did all the music and it was wonderful! We had some free time on Saturday, so I took the girls to the Columbus Zoo. This is the zoo where Jack Hanna used to work. We try to get to as many zoos as possible with the kids, so we've seen tons of zoos. But, wow...this one was really impressive. We only had 3 hours there and we probably only saw 1/3 of what was there.

The wedding was at so beautiful. We've known Ryan since he was in 8th grade, so we've seen him grow into a fine young man (he's 24 now). It was a joy to see him find his love. We had to leave the reception early since we had to drive back to Illinois in order to be in church for Sunday morning (since Thornton works there!). We left at 8 p.m. and got home at 2 a.m. Thornton had napped while the girls and I were at the zoo, so he was rested. I, however, was not...but I couldn't fall asleep in the van. All the kids did, so that was good! We got home, got everyone settled and then I tried to sleep....but I couldn't! Finally around 3:30, I fell asleep. Thornton had to get up at 6 to get ready for church, so I was up then. Ugh...I was so tired in church. Thornton and I both took naps in the afternoon yesterday.

Now, it's back at it...Monday morning! Patrick has a track meet after school, assuming it doesn't rain. Alison had gymnastics at 4 and Rachel has dance at 6. Thornton has to work at The Hitting Center, so I'll be doing all the chaufering.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Motivate me!

We are leaving at 7 a.m. to drive to Ohio for a wedding. I haven't packed a single thing for any of us and I really have no desire to do so. I have got to be my behind in gear and get going. I don't want to be up 'til the wee hours of the morning packing!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Alison funny

The other day Alison was with me in the van when I dropped Rachel off at dance. As Rachel got out of the car, Alison says, "Our little Rachel...she's going to be 11 soon. Where does the time go?" She's such a goober!

Yesterday Patrick had a track meet. Problem was only 45 degrees and very windy out! I was SO cold sitting in the stands watching the meet. Then I started looking around and realized that I was like the only stupid parent who was sitting in the stands! No one else was brave enough to sit out there and freeze. I thought the kids would probably run really fast, just so they could put their sweats back on!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

We bought a car!

After only having one car for 3 months or so, we finally bought a car to replace my dead car. We bought a 2003 Mazda6 w/ 37,000 miles on it. It's in awesome shape!! Thornton and I did tons of research and drove through every car lot in town. This was the first car we saw, but we felt like we needed to see everything that was out there in our price range. We had heard that new Hyundais were in our price range, so we headed there this morning. We test drove their Accent, which is their smallest car. Hyundai has a 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty right now, so that was pretty appealing. order to get a car in our price range, we couldn't get a car w/ air conditioning, power locks or power windows. I don't have very high standards, but one of them is not driving around all summer w/ sweat dripping off me. So, despite the salesman's valiant efforts (personally, I'd be embarrassed to try to convince someone to buy a car w/ no AC), we walked. The Mazda6 was a wee bit out of our price range, but Thornton's parents said they would chip in $50 a month so we could get it. We've worked so hard to become responsible w/ our money, and we were not going to ruin it on a car. I love his parents! (for many, many reasons, besides the money)

To trick the kids, we printed up the following pictures and told them that this was our new car:

Alison loved the lime green Chevy Caprice and was actually disappointed when we told her that we were kidding! She's such a unique child. Rachel couldn't believe that her father and I had gone through all the trouble to track down a picture like that to trick them. She should know better than that! She's known us for 10 years...LOL!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Play Ball!

Today is Patrick's first baseball game of the season. He plays on a competetive team. This is his first year w/ this team, and most of the kids on the team are 14 (Patrick is 13). It's been a great experience for him to have to prove himself to be able to play w/ the older kids. He's a very talented player and works really hard, so hopefully today's game will have a good outcome. I think he's kind of nervous, because they're playing another local team of kids that are all in the grade ahead of Patrick.

I just love baseball! I love being outside on a beautiful day like today is going to be. Thankfully the game is at our local fields, so there is a great playground nearby for Alison to play at. Rachel will miss half the game because of her dance classes, but then Grandpa is going to bring her out to the field.

The girls and I saw a local youth theater production of Alladin last night. Rachel hadn't been able to audition for it because of our vacation. It was so well done! What a fun evening.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Kitty love

Our cat, Ozzie, loves to wake me up at 5 a.m. He will shove his little furry face into my face and rub. Then he head butts me. This continues until I wake up enough to start scratching his face. Of course, then, he wants me to continue loving him, despite the fact that I want to sleep. He won't leave my face alone! About this time, the birds start tweeting. We live in a small town, but it's not like we live out in the country. But, man, are the birds loud! So, the past 3 days, I've been up at 5 and unable to fall back to sleep. Until this morning, when I fell back asleep at approximately 6:45. My alarm goes off at 7. I was deep in the middle of a very bizarre dream at the time about a camping trip. There were all these completely unrelated people, including people from my past and people I hardly know camping along w/ our family. I have no idea what it meant. Of course, I can't ever figure out what my dreams mean. Ozzie is now sleeping in the window sill. I think I'll go wake HIM up!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I'll admit it...I adore watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie. They are on here from 2-4 p.m. I always have it on in the sunroom while I'm working in the kitchen. I loved LHOTP when I was little and I've not outgrown it. I think part of it is that I always have wanted a dad like "Pa Ingalls". He is caring, gentle, fun, not afraid to cry....what a guy! My dad...well...he's no Pa Ingalls. So, I guess I will have to live vicariously through Laura, eh?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I've been thinking a lot lately about being the person I'm meant to be. I feel very comfortable w/ myself...but that's been a long process. I wasn't a confident kid. My teen years were hell. I was so insecure. I met Thornton in my 20's, but it was still a time of figuring myself out. I honestly didn't know who I was or what I was meant to be. Now I'm 38 and while I certainly don't have it all figured out, I feel like I'm getting closer to knowing what's right for me. When I worked full time in the corporate world raising money, I was good at what I did, but I never felt all that comfortable doing it. I didn't like having to spend my time pretending to care about the lives of the wealthy in town just to garner donations. I felt like, although I enjoyed my job, I was just biding my time. When I lost my job in October, it opened the door for me to continue on the journey to figuring out what I am meant to do. Being home full time has been an adjustment. Financially, it can be challenging. But, I feel like it's right. I love being able to tell people that if they ever need anything during the day, I'm available. I think maybe that's why getting older doesn't bug me....each year has been such a time of growth that I can't wait to see what will unravel next.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to school!!

Yea! The kids went back to school today after having last week and yesterday off for Spring Break. I'll admit, I've got to get this all figured out before summer, because I really didn't get nearly what I needed to get accomplished when they were around all day. They have to understand I need to work w/out tons of interruptions and I need to realize that I have to buckle down!

We cleaned out the pool on Sunday evening. We didn't get it closed up real well at the end of the season, so it had tons of leaves and gunk in it. Thornton and Patrick got it all shop vac'ed out and then the girls helped scrub it all clean. It's filling up right now. Granted, it'll be COLD water for a while, but it's nice to have that task done w/.

Patrick had a track meet yesterday. He did well in his individual races, but he was really disappointed w/ the results of his relay. They had to race against 8th grade teams (they are 3 7th graders and a 6th grader), and Patrick runs the 2nd leg. After those first 2 legs, they weren't too far behind the 8th graders, but the 6th grader running the 3rd leg really had a bad race and they ended up coming in last. Patrick was not happy. I tried explaining to him that as long as he does his best, that's all he can do.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Rubber band war

First of all, we had a very nice Easter. The services at church were amazing. Thornton did an incredible job with the music. After services, we went to my in-law's house for lunch. It was also my MIL's birthday, so that was extra special.

Right now, Thornton and the kids are in the middle of a rubber band war. They are shooting rubber bands at each other and having a grand ol' time. Personally, I can't think of much I'd dislike more than participating. It hate getting shot w/ rubber bands! The kids have even built a fort to duck behind. So nice that Thornton is the perpetual child. Maybe.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

I have always thought that Good Friday was such a misnomer. I mean...I know the end result is good, but let's face seems strange to call the day Christ died on the cross "good". Sometimes the weight of the realization of what Christ did for me is too just so overwhelming.

Thornton and I just got back from picking up 61 Easter Lily plants to decorate the sanctuary at church. Can you say allergy attack?? Those plants are so fragrant, it's sickening. And, the yellow stuff from the middle of the plant (the stamen??...Joe, is that right?) gets all over your clothes. But, at least the sanctuary will look beautiful Sunday morning. And smell.

While Thornton and I got the flowers, we left the kids at home to clean Alison's room. Thornton said that there was no way the kids could all work together to accomplish that task w/out fighting. I said that if we expect little, we get little, but if we expect they can do it, they just might. Well....of course, I was wrong. Patrick called and said he threw up and had a very upset stomach. He actually does, but it still would've been nice if he could've sucked it up and cleaned, if for no other reason that to prove my point. Then Rachel called and said that she didn't want to clean anymore, because Alison was watching TV and Patrick was lying down, and she was doing everything. So, now, Alison wants to go outside and play (in the rain), but she has to finish cleaning her room first. It's never easy.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another beautiful day!

I just can't believe our luck that the week the kids are off for Spring Break, the weather is beautiful! Usually the week is cold and rainy. Today it's supposed to be 85! Alison has already informed me that she will be spraying herself w/ a hose today.

Patrick is going to his girlfriend's house to watch movies this afternoon. I've checked and the mom will be there the whole time, along w/ other kids. Gotta check up on these kids, you know!

They have now dug the basement and poured the walls for my in-law's new house. Their house is going to be only 2 blocks from ours!! I'm so excited and can't wait for the house to be done. Having them so close will be awesome.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It's a beautiful day!

Yea! A sunny, warm day today!! That means children playing outside. I'll admit that it's been a difficult transition this week to having the kids home (spring break) while I'm trying to work. This is the first time I've been home when they are. Previously, I was slaving away in the corporate world...ick! Granted, money is tighter, but it's SO worth it. But,'s been hard for them to understand that I have to work during the day. We'll get it all worked out, I'm sure....before summer hits!

Speaking of summer, I've got to find some good day camps for Alison to go to. Patrick has his baseball stuff, plus a week long sleep-away camp. Rach has the same sleep away camp, plus a 2 week performing arts day camp. I don't have anything lined up for Alison yet. Maybe ecology camp. Patrick went to that once. It's right up Alison's alley, too.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A bit suspicious

Yesterday morning Alison was bugging me to take a bath. She loves to take baths....mostly for playtime. Actually, completely for play time. Normally, I don't mind, but we were in a hurry to get to an appointment, so we didn't have time. When we got home, she was already dressed for the day and I had to get working, so I told her she could take a bath at the end of the day. She continued to bug me to take a bath and I continued to deny her. Finally, she gave up and went to her friend Miriam's house. About a half hour later, she comes home drenched and muddy and says, "OK...I fell in the creek...NOW can I take a bath?" She won.

Ozzie came through his little surgery w/ flying colors. Although, apparently, anethesia doesn't bring out the best in him. The vet techs were sarcastically calling him "Mr. Congeniality". I felt bad, like they were criticizing my baby. He's really sweet, just maybe not when he's in pain! When we got him home it was like his hind legs were paralyzed. This led to him falling off the bed and landing flat on his back...twice. He's almost completely back to normal this morning.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Poor Ozzie

Ozzie, our cat, is being neutered today (or spade?...I can't ever remember which is for boys and which is for girls). He had to be at the vet in Springfield (20 minutes away) at 7 a.m. Normally, that wouldn't have been such a big deal, but today is the first day of Spring Break, and I could've potentially slept in. Ozzie did great on the car ride to the vet, but when I tried to get him in his cardboard carrying box (we haven't bought a real carrier yet), he flipped out. I could not get the handles closed. So, I'd pull him back onto my lap and he'd start purring....I'd try to put him back in the box, he'd flip out. And so on. Then I realized that nobody else was in the parking lot, so I probably could just carry him in.

I was talking to the vet assistant about Ozzie's embarrassing problem w/ gas and very loose, extremely stinky bowel movements. She said that they probably needed to de-worm him again. I said, "he never has been de-wormed". So, hopefully that is the problem, considering he had been living on the streets before we got him.

We get to pick him up around 3.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nap time?

I really needed a nap this afternoon. I did get one....kind of. During my nap, Rachel called to see if she could have dinner at the friend's house she was at. Then Patrick came in and asked if he could go to a friend's house. Then Alison came in and asked if she could play at the back yard neighbors house. Then Alison came in again to ask if she could go to the house a few doors down to play with the boys that live there. Then Alison came in to ask if she could go to another friend's house. Then I gave up.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Who needs TV?

We got our cat this toy. It has a mouse that squeeks on a bungee cord. I can't even tell you how much fun we have had watching Ozzie play w/ this toy! We have it hanging on the French door between the dining room and the sun room. The cat will sit on the back of the love seat and then pounce on the mouse. Seriously, I'm going to have to stock up on these toys....they're brilliant!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Prayers for a friend

Please keep the daughter of a friend of ours in your prayers. Sarah is a sophomore in college and was diagnosed today w/ lymphoma. She will be having more tests soon to find our what kind of lymphoma it is, and what the treatment will be. Her family is so scared right now, as is expected.

Ready for slopping in the creek!

Alison loves to play in one of the creeks by our house (we live in a subdivision that has a series of ponds and creeks conntecting them). I have told her that I don't mind her getting dirty because I'd rather she was having safe fun outside than sitting inside watching TV. So, today I found the perfect boots for her to wear in the creek. Won't these be great?

Now I can't wait for her to get home from school...LOL!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

New logo?

What do you think of this new logo? I can change the color...any thoughts??

She made it!!

We didn't get a letter today regarding Rachel's audition for the Ballet Company, so I kind of wondered if that wasn't bad news...but...I just checked the website and SHE MADE IT! I'm so proud of my little ballerina!

Take me out.... season has started up once again! My favorite time of year. Good thing it lasts 6 months, eh? The St. Louis Cardinals played their first game yesterday (and won!) and all seems right with the world again. Patrick's first game w/ his travelling team is April 22. His season won't be done until the end of July, then school ball starts up 2 weeks later.'s a good thing I like baseball, because I see a lot of it!!

Rachel should find out today if she made the trainee program for the ballet company. My gut reaction is that she had to have made it, but I don't want to get my (or her) hopes up.

Monday, April 03, 2006


My best laid plans of blogging while on vacation were quickly thrown out the window. Sure, I *could've* blogged, but the reality was I didn't want to!

We had a great vacation! We went to Bradenton, FL, which is south of the Tampa/St. Pete area, on the Gulf. My in-laws rent a house down there for 6 weeks. The first part of the vacation, the weather was chilly in the low 60's. The pool at the house was supposed to be heated, but it didn't seem to be. The kids didn't seem to mind the cold water, though. I got in a couple of times when it was cold and it took a LONG time to get used to it. Our last 4 days there, the weather was in the 80's and beautiful. We went to the beach at Anna Maria Island twice and had a great time. It was perfect...not a ton of people, amazing sand and perfect weather. We even saw dolphins swimming out where we had been swimming just moments earlier.

I'll post vacation pictures later. I got some great ones!!

Now, it's back to reality. The kids are back in school this week, then have next week for Spring Break. We couldn't go on vacation then because Thornton has to be here for church, since it's Easter season.

Rachel auditioned for the trainee program w/ the Springfield Ballet Company. We'll find out tomorrow, I think, if she's made it. There are only 25 spots, so I hope she did. This is the first year she's been old enough to audition, so we'll just have to see.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


School is cancelled today because we got about 6 inches of snow. It's still falling now, too. And blowing. Our huskey is in snow dog heaven!! She loves the snow!

Alison left last night for Florida w/ Thornton's brother and his family. They asked if Alison wanted to go down a few days early and she jumped at the chance. I miss her already! She would have loved this snow and would've been outside playing in it all day. Ah well...sunny Florida will be nice too, I'm sure! :-)

I guess Rachel didn't get a part in The King and I. They were supposed to call last night, but we didn't get a call. She's really cool about it. She knows she did awesome!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sit Still!!

I took Rachel and Alison to see Springfield Ballet Company's "Cinderella". It was a great performance. But...Alison can not sit still to save her life. It is so frustrating to see all these little girls who are so well behaved, while I sit there saying, "sit still...stop kicking the seat...keep your legs still" the whole dang time. And after every show I take her to I tell her that I won't be taking her to any more shows, and yet I always do. I really want her to be exposed to the arts, but it's killing really is!

At the call backs yesterday, they sang again, did a little scene w/ the King and then cut the group again down to 20 kids. Rachel made that cut! Then they lined the kids up by height and just stared at them for close to 20 minutes. It was so unnerving to have these directors just staring down these kids and then talking and whispering amongst themselves. Thornton said that at least Rach made it that far on talent. Beyond that, they are just looking for whatever "look" they want...and there's nothing you can do about that. She should hear tomorrow night if she got a part.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Rachel auditioned this morning for our local Summer outdoor theater. She did great! She got a callback for The King and I, so we go back at 2:30 for that. Thankfully she was in the first group of 50 kids to audition, because when we left at 10:30 (after getting there at 7:45), they were up to 288 kids who were wanting to audition!

Friday, March 17, 2006


Well, it's St. Patrick's Day and I don't own anything green. Actually, I have a limish green shirt, but it's in the wash and I didn't feel like doing the load just so I could wear it. Alison, however, was absolutely not going to school today unless she had green on. So, she's wearing a green t-shirt with a green sweatshirt over it and jeans w/ green stitching. Patrick, had his St. Patrick's Day shirt on from Old Navy. I really want to make a shirt for him some year that says "St. Me Day", because that's what he used to call it when he was little. Rachel didn't care about wearing green, so I'm sure she'll get pinched.

Rachel is auditioning for our local summer outdoor theater (The Muni) tomorrow. Last year she got call backs for 2 shows, but didn't end up getting one of the few parts for children. This year they are doing 2 shows that have lots of girls in them (Annie Warbucks, the sequal to Annie, and The King and I), so I hope she has a shot of getting cast. She's got an awesome singing voice and can dance, so that seems promising. Keep her in your thoughts!